He quickly knelt on the ground and said loudly, "madam, you must not raise wild men outside. If the palace master knows, he will definitely not spare us. Please forgive us."

Dusk night this just know that the original bamboo green head is thinking of this kind of thing, she wanted to stop also can't stop, the room didn't come, the room heard the movement also came, he slightly frowned and said: "what's the movement outside?"

Dusk Xi looked at him with a smile and said: "I raised you this wild man."

When Zhu Qing saw the figure of the man inside, he said that the palace master and his wife must have made up, that is, the husband and wife quarreled at the head of the bed and at the end of the bed, but he was afraid again. He just said that the palace master was a wild man.

He quickly and respectfully said: "good Lord, I want to complete my wife's orders immediately. Goodbye, Lord."

Then he ran out at a very fast speed, leaving only a remnant shadow. Dushi looked at his figure funny, and then turned to Bai Li Fen Jin and said, "how do you usually discipline them? They are so afraid of you. It seems that you are fierce. "

Bai Li Fen Jin said, "that's because they can't meet the requirements, so I will punish them. But what did the lady tell him just now? Why don't you tell Weifu? "

This vinegar jar's Vinegar strength started again, dusk night had to mysteriously say to him: "this is my surprise to you, how can I tell you? Just wait. "

Hundred Li burn Jin see dusk Xi so happy appearance, also don't have the heart to disturb her interest, then cooperate with her don't ask anything, but just when he want to put on the coat, dusk Xi quickly stop him way: "you don't wear, wait a moment to wear."

As soon as Bai Li Fen Jin heard this, she stopped and said to the evening with ambiguous eyes: "is it hard for the lady to lie on the bed with me for a while? I'm sure I won't refuse. "

Twilight night looking at him a pair of want to receive a guest of facial expression, then lightly scolded a: "hooligan!"

Bai Li Fen Jin laughingly looked at her and said, "if I were really a hooligan, I would have you long ago. How can I wait until the wedding night, my bride xiaoxi'er? Do you think so?"

Dushi looks at him in amazement. Is this really the mysterious, aloof and decisive master of the burning palace and guardian of the temple? He is a young and coquettish rascal in front of dusk.

Twilight winked and asked, "why do you always like to wear this kind of black and gold robe?"

Hundred Li burn Jin to embrace to pass dusk Xi to say: "used to."

He held him in his arms, so he could not see the gloomy and painful expression on his face. His eyes flashed strange red. Only holding him could he suppress this mood. He wore black all the time because he was in the abyss.

He has been used to the darkness. There may be many dangers in the darkness, but for him, the darkness is the safest, because he is very comfortable in the dark, and he can make others feel dangerous. Dushi felt his arms around her more and more tightly.

Naturally, she also noticed something strange, but she didn't open her mouth. She didn't want to touch the sad memory of Bai Li Fen Jin. She buried her head in his arms and said, "well, I just went to order Zhu Qing to buy clothes for you. If you don't want it, forget it."

Bai Li Fen Jin rubbed Mu Xi's head and said, "of course I would. As long as you choose for me, I like it."

Dusk Xi raised his head and said with a smile: "that's great, we can wear lovers' clothes."

Bai Li Fen Jin thinks that the appearance of Dushi is especially lovely. He couldn't help but bow his head and kiss her. He didn't want to let her go until dusk was almost out of breath. Just then, there was a knock outside the door.

Muxi jumps out of his arms and opens the door in a hurry. Zhuqing gives Muxi a space bag. He wraps up almost all the clothes in the best clothing store in Linhai City. In fact, Zhuqing has his own selfishness.

He also wanted to see what the palace master looked like when he didn't wear black clothes, so he chose a lot of clothes of various colors and styles. He had to use space bags to fit them. He respectfully said: "madam, I've bought it. I'll leave first. I wish you and the palace master love each other and have a noble son early."

At the end of the sentence, he specially raised the volume to make Bai Li Fen Jin in the room hear it. After that, he ran away quickly, leaving only Dushi standing there with a red face. She is still a big yellow girl. How can she have a noble son early?

She opened the space bag and saw all kinds of clothes inside. She laughed with satisfaction. She trotted all the way to Bai Li Fen Jin's side, then took out a piece of clothes and said, "it's decided to be this one!"

Bai Li Fen Jin sees a sky blue robe in Mu Xi's hand. He has to say that he still has to do some psychological construction. However, seeing the smiling face of Mu Xi's expectation, he still answers. He picks his eyebrows and looks at Mu Xi and says, "then help me change it."

The evening evening evening generous smile way: "good say, good say, maidservant this come to serve you."

Then she put the robe on Bai Li Fen Jin. It was the first time that she dressed Bai Li Fen Jin. Now she had a feeling of being a woman. Thinking of this, her face slowly rose red.

Hundred Li burn Jin see her coy dress for him appearance, with index finger to stir up her chin way: "how? What does Xi'er think of? Why is your face so red? "

Twilight night quickly opened his fingers, curled his mouth and said: "who blushed, you put on your clothes, I will not wear men's clothes."

Hundred Li burn Jin gently tut a say: "this can't, after we get married, my clothes can all have you to help me wear, if you can't, how can you do?"

Dusk night's face held his collar fiercely and said, "if I can't wear it, you can wear it yourself. If you dare to accept concubines or find maidservants to warm your bed and let them serve you... You'll be responsible for the consequences! I'll poison you first and then they! What's more, our family is based on wives. You have to wait on me. "

In the end, Mu Xi gives Bai Li Fen Jin a proud little look. Bai Li Fen Jin is very cute because of the straightforward appearance of Mu Xi. He wanted to laugh, but on this occasion, if he smiles, Mu Xi will be angry.

So he said softly: "yes, my lady, I will never look for a woman in an outsider. There is such a beautiful lady in my family that I can't love her. How can I find other people? Not only I can't, but also the lady can't. do you remember that we made a blood oath, as long as any of us changed our mind, We're not going to live. "

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