Liusuwen clenches her lips, and her hands are under the table. Her knuckles are slightly white. He didn't expect that her husband would lose to liuge'er's husband, and it's still so fast. Even if she is not reconciled, she has no way.

The officials of yundingguo at the scene felt even more humiliated. They were beaten in the face again and again on their territory. Their face really hurt. On the one hand, as the monarch of Yunding Kingdom, he felt very shameless.

But on the other hand, Qin Qingyun is his son-in-law, and he feels very happy. In short, he is now in a very contradictory psychology. And the atmosphere of the scene fell into embarrassment again, no one spoke, but one of the officials who was good at observing words and expressions quickly said with a smile: "our princess Ge'er really found a good husband. Congratulations, congratulations."

Then many officials pandered: "yes, it's a perfect match for a talented man to match a beautiful woman. The emperor's son-in-law is so excellent. It's also a good thing for Yunding country."

After thinking about this, they began to comfort themselves. Anyway, they are in a state of marriage now. A state of peace is better than fighting each other. Anyway, they can't compare with others. After accepting this reality, the next engagement banquet was more pleasant.

The party ended in laughter, as if nothing had happened. At the end of the party, it was dark, and there were a few stars in the sky, which were also beautiful. Liuge'er and Qin Qingyun were free at this time.

They get close to dusk evening. Liuge'er pinches his shoulder as he walks and says, "what kind of party! I'm bored to death staying in the palace. My face is almost stiff with laughter. It's more tiring to deal with them than fighting. If I'm not the leading role, I don't want to come."

Dusk Xi just looks at her with a smile. Liuge'er is walking, and she has a flash of inspiration. She excitedly says to dusk Xi, "let's go out of the palace to play. I promised the people to set up a water table. Now the people must be very busy. Shall we go and have a look? Anyway, we won't be able to stay in yundingguo for a few days. Let's set out tomorrow. I'll stay with the people during this time. We'll be in Yingxi building and set out tomorrow. "

Dushi looked at liuge'er helplessly and said, "are you the princess of Yunding kingdom? Why do you always like to run out? Why don't you tell your father and mother when you leave? "

Liu Ge'er looked at the dusk night impatiently and said, "you can say whether you want to go or not! If you don't go, you'll stay here and tell my parents, and I won't tell them myself, so that my father won't let me go again

Dusk Xi looked at her with a smile and said, "the night is so beautiful tonight. Of course, I'll stay alone with Bai Li Fen Jin for a while. Go ahead and I'll tell your parents tomorrow. You'll wait for us in Yingxi building."

Bai Li Fen Jin, who is standing beside Mu Xi, is caught off guard by Mu Xi. His face is a little red, but under the cover of night, he can't see clearly. Liu Ge'er looks at Mu Xi vaguely, and then looks like a child to her.

Evening should be so active, love will speak out, she gave evening to do a refueling posture, pull the rest of the miscellaneous people together to welcome the Xi building, leaving only a hundred Li burning Jin and evening two people alone. The palace at night is very quiet.

Holding hands, they walked quietly to the quiet courtyard where they lived. They did not speak and did not want to break the beauty and tranquility. Time seemed to be still here, and the road seemed endless.

When the soft moonlight sprinkles on the side face of dusk night, the breeze blows, blowing her hair. On her pure and flawless face, a pair of Yingying blinking eyes look affectionately at Baili burning Jin's eyes. He can't help but say: "lady, it's really beautiful tonight. If you have a wife like this, what can you ask for?"

Dushi said with a smile: "I only have tonight. Is it really beautiful? I think you look good every day. I can't do without you any more. What can I do? "

Evening evening so straightforward words, let hundred Li burn Jin heart is a restless, he this little lady is more and more active, now is completely testing his endurance, he soft voice said: "so good."

However, this quiet atmosphere was broken by a shrill cry. Suddenly, a woman with red eyes and bloodstained face appeared in the woods of the narrator. She stabbed me with a hairpin in her hand and cried: "Qin Muxi, you have done me such a terrible harm! I won't let you have a good time! "

The evening evening hears this sound, the instant reaction comes over, this is Qu Qiaoqiao, the poison that the evening evening evening gives her is itch powder, more scratch more itch, when the skin on the body is scratched to break, it is a burst of heartache again, the bloodstain on Qu Qiaoqiao's face is all her own scratch.

After the banquet, she had nowhere to go. She wanted to go with the prime minister's carriage, but the prime minister didn't want to see her at all. He threw her out of the carriage and didn't let her go back to the prime minister's house. Just then, the itching powder on her body worked. She had to hide in the palace.

I didn't expect that Dushi and Baili Huojin also took this path. She saw that Dushi looked like a fairy in the moonlight, and then she saw that she was in a mess, with bloodstains all over her body. Immediately, she was filled with jealousy and hatred.

She pulled out a hairpin from her head and tried her best to stab Dushi. She held her heart to Dushi. Bai Li Fen Jin held Dushi tightly and quickly in front of her.

In an instant, Qu Qiaoqiao's hairpin was inserted into his arm. Dusk Xi watched the scene inconceivably, but now she had no time to think. She frowned tightly and attacked Qu Qiaoqiao with her whole body's dexterity. In an instant, Qu Qiaoqiao was like a kite with broken line.

Straight fly out, at that time in Xuanyuan University, she was not the opponent of Dushi, let alone now, she was almost killed by Dushi, Dushi felt not reconciled, she carried the fire of congenital chaos and wrapped Qu Qiaoqiao in the fire.

All the people who are burned by the congenitally mixed fire don't leave any trace after death. Even the soul will be burned completely. Twilight has never used such cruel methods to people, but Qu Qiaoqiao touches her scales this time, and she dares to hurt Bai Lifen Jin.

He is the person that evening evening evening at the moment thinks about. After solving her, evening evening evening looks at hundred Li burn Jin's wound, tears can't help immediately, she says with crying cavity: "what's the matter? How could she hurt you? You are the great hero of the temple. "

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