Although the wound caused by the hairpin is not big, it is extremely deep and difficult to heal. Moreover, being hurt by Qu Qiaoqiao will never happen to Bai Lifen Jin. Dushi quickly takes out the tools and herbs to deal with the wound from the space.

One side of tears while silently to hundred Li burn Jin to deal with the wound, she did not make a whimper sound, but tears can not stop, let people see the heartache unceasingly. Hundred Li burn Jin clumsy and careful to wipe her eyes tears, soft voice said: "good, don't cry, I'm ok."

To tell the truth, in the injury he had suffered, it was nothing at all. He didn't know why Dushi had such a big reaction. In Dushi's heart, he had always been the embodiment of a hero. He had never been hurt in front of Dushi.

Even if he was injured in the temple, she didn't see it with her own eyes, so she didn't feel very deeply before. Until today, when he was injured in front of him, she felt a heartbreaking pain. "Does it hurt?" she asked gently as she dealt with the wound? Is that ok? "

Bai Li Fen Jin said with a smile: "dear, I really don't hurt at all, but when you cry, my heart hurts."

With tears in his eyes, twilight night looked at him with a delicate and angry look, which made him half of his body crisp. He probably understood that the beauty town is the meaning of hero tomb. He was about to cuddle Twilight night, so she stopped him and said, "now don't move your arm. Tell me first, how can you be hurt by Qu Qiaoqiao? Even if you're unprepared, she can't hurt you. "

Dusk Xi stares at his eyes seriously, but his eyes are very dodgy. He doesn't dare to look at him at all. Dusk Xi breaks his face and says, "you have something to hide from me, right? If you don't want to tell me, I will use your correspondence to ask Lu Li. Anyway, he is also in the temple. He must know what happened to you. "

Bai Li Fen Jin quickly and nervously grasped Mu Xi's arm and said, "no, I don't want you to talk to him. I don't want you to talk to him."

Dushi looked him in the eye and said anxiously, "then tell me, what happened to you?"

Bai Li Fen Jin looked at Mu Xi's serious eyes, sighed a little, and then slowly said: "the temple and the lower world have their own order. I told you that even those who have never practiced in the temple are the strongest in this plane, let alone me?"

Here, he gave a wry smile, and then continued: "I'm going to resign from the temple and stay in the lower world all the year round. It's not allowed, but I promised those old people in the temple. They suppressed my strength and allowed me to survive in the lower world and not be affected by the rules of heaven. But I found that even in this way, I could not escape the suppression of the rules of heaven, I have been suppressed to become a useless person without strength now. Xi'er, do you dislike me? "

Dushi is stunned to listen to the narration of Bai Li Fen Jin. She covers her mouth in disbelief. Now her brain is completely unable to think, but her tears are more severe, and she still doesn't make a sound. Bai Li Fen Jin was at a loss to comfort Mu Xi and said: "Xi'er, darling, don't cry... I don't know what to do when you cry. I can't protect you now. Otherwise, we should separate for a while, and when my strength recovers, we can protect you. Shall we meet again? Xi'er, please don't hate me... I love you very much... I really love you... "

In the end, Bai Li Fen Jin's voice choked. This was the first time he took the initiative to separate from Mu Xi, because he felt that he could not protect Mu Xi. Now he was a burden of Mu Xi, and he was no longer a protector for her. Now he seemed to take off his armor, leaving only his soft rib fully exposed in front of Mu Xi.

The evening evening hears speech to approach him, hugs him tightly, even can feel hundred Li burn Jin to tremble slightly, either because of sadness, or because of fear, afraid that the evening will never want him again. Evening on tiptoe on his lips, gently pry open his teeth.

I haven't separated for a long time. After a long time, Dushi released him and said to him with a smile: "fool, you used to protect me, but now I protect you. I won't let you go. Do you dare to separate me? I'll break your leg. Anyway, you don't have any accomplishments now, so I can do whatever I want. "

Bai Li Fen Jin looks at the bandit's twilight, but for a moment he doesn't know what to say. He is happy and even glad that Twilight doesn't dislike him. However, he worries that he will become a burden to twilight. He says after a long time, "but I don't want to disturb you. I just need to stay in the burning palace for one year, and my strength will be restored to the highest level. We will meet again at that time, How are you

As soon as he heard this, he immediately pulled his collar, pulled it to his side, and then gave him a hard kiss. Then he raised his eyebrow and said, "didn't you hear what I just said? It seems that you really want me to break your leg... Forget it, I'm not willing. You'd better stay by my side. If you dare to run, I'll tie you up with a rope. I'll do what I say. "

Bai Li Fen Jin was a little nervous for a moment. Why did he feel that he was tied to the stronghold to be the stronghold leader's wife? Thinking of this, he quickly shook his head. Seeing him shaking his head, he frowned and said, "ah, you dare to resist, don't you listen to me? Be careful, I'll give you a break. Do you know

Bai Li Fen Jin shook her head and said, "no, I don't mean that. I will never leave you."

Dusk night this just smile of nod a way: "this just good, as long as you obey, in the future certainly let you do big room."

It's a pleasure to be a big husband in twilight. I didn't find that Bai Li Fen Jin's face was slightly green. Once upon a time, when his strength completely crushed twilight, I didn't see her side. It's just a small person's ambition.

Before, he wanted to tie him to twilight. Now he doesn't have to worry about it, because twilight is going to tie him to his side. Although he is very happy to be around her, what's the matter with his attitude? Big room? Does she want a second room? How many more houses does she want?

Thinking of this, his face turned black again, he suddenly said in a deep voice: "my Xi'er, have you forgotten that my strength will recover? When you treat me like this, are you not afraid to return it when my strength recovers? "

As soon as she heard this, she was happy. She used her index finger to stir up Bai Li's chin and said, "Oh, have you learned to threaten people? Yes, I have personality. I like it! As long as you obediently follow me, I will take you to drink spicy food

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