Dusk evening just closed the door, suddenly was hugged from behind, she almost exclaimed, she turned her head, she found that is hundred Li burning Jin, she asked: "how do you come out?"

Bai Li Fen Jin gathered in her ear and said, "because the jade pendant space is yours and you are mine, so of course I will use it."

Twilight carefully looked outside, and then quickly took him to the bedroom, whispered: "now that LAN zhehan's people are guarding outside, you go back to the space, or they will find us, and we are finished."

Bai Li Fen Jin looked at Mu Xi unhappily, raised her chin and said, "I just don't want to go back. Tell me, have you ever used a beauty trick on him?"

Dusk night suddenly asked, quickly disguised smile: "no, of course not, how can there be ah, I have promised you, how can I still use it?"

Hundred Li burn Jin pick eyebrow way: "really? I heard that. Children can't tell lies. My little lady has learned to tell lies. " Dusk night heart thump for a while, she next time must be good and Yu blue communication, children's words can't be too much, otherwise everything to say.

However, the most important thing for her now is to explain to Bai Li Fen Jin. She whispered: "I really don't have it..." but under the scrutiny of Bai Li Fen Jin, she said in a voice like a mosquito: "I just smile at him. How can this be regarded as a beauty trick?"

Hundred Li burn Jin smell speech, a tumble to the evening and he rolled to the bedroom bed, low voice said: "how don't calculate, of course, I see you and other men stand together, jealous to death, not to mention you also smile at him."

Twilight night feel blindly explain is not the way, so she directly on the action, her hands hook up Bai Li burn Jin's neck, leg ring in his waist, slightly bit his earlobe, and then eyes such as silk, tone of enchantment to Bai Li burn Jin said: "this is a beauty trick."

Hundred Li burn Jin instant feel body a tight, a evil fire gush to the lower abdomen, looking at her beautiful cherry lips, then kiss up, for a long time refused to separate. When she let go of dusk, she saw the smile in her eyes. He asked in a hoarse voice, "what are you laughing at?"

"I think we're having an affair. There's LAN zhehan's people watching," he said, pointing to the outside

Bai Li Fen Jin bit Mu Xi's ear and said, "I'm your only husband, do you know?"

Dusk Xi quickly nods, if she dares not to admit, estimate hundred Li burn Jin won't let her go. At this time, the outside suddenly came the sound of footsteps in a hurry, dusk night immediately pushed away the pressure on his body hundred Li burn Jin, want to quickly send him to the space.

Bai Li Fen Jin refuses to leave like a prank. Instead, she kisses her lips and controls her hands and feet. Now her head is blank and belongs to the state of Moby. She doesn't know who is coming, and she can't imagine how that person will react to the scene.

In an instant, the door was pushed open, but they were in the bedroom at dusk. The man came to the bedroom in a hurry. When he saw the scene inside, he immediately settled there. His mouth was bigger than an egg. When dusk opened his eyes, he found it was Longbo.

She was relieved, and then looked at Bai Li Fen Jin, who still refused to shut up. She bit him hard, and he could stop. He touched his lips, which were obviously painful. She looked at Mu Xi with a smile and said, "lady, you are so cruel, you bite so hard."

Dusk Xi stares at him unhappily. If LAN zhehan comes in, they will be finished. She takes a slow breath and looks at Uncle long. She finds that he is also staring at dusk Xi angrily. In a moment, dusk Xi is helpless. It seems that uncle long is going to set up a crime of committing adultery on her head.

Hundred Li burn Jin light looking at long Bo said: "what's the matter with you?"

Long Bo then turned his angry eyes away from Mu Xi. When he looked at Bai Li Fen Jin, there was a little worry in his eyes. He hesitated for a while and said, "I've come to report to you that she poisoned LAN zhe Han. She doesn't listen to the order and acts without authorization. It's easy to make mistakes."

As long Bo said, he angrily pointed to the twilight, but he was more and more respectful to Bai Li Fen Jin. Even though he had no strength now, long Bo still regarded him as a leader. But after he finished, Bai Li Fen Jin had no reaction.

It wasn't until dusk stabbed him that he said, "so?"

Long Bo seemed to hit the cotton with a fist. He frowned, pointed to dusk and said, "shouldn't you punish her? She's too bold to do it, not to mention poisoning. Just now, in broad daylight, her behavior is so bold. It's just the work of evil women with cholera heart! "

Long Bo wanted to say that he was dissolute, but after thinking that Bai Li Fen Jin was also involved, he changed to be bold. Bai Li Fen Jin looked at long Bo and said: "first, Xi'er is my wife, not my subordinate. Of course, she doesn't have to listen to my orders. Second, what do we do? Why do you need your advice? This is our bedroom. How dare you break in? "

Long Bo didn't expect that dusk Xi would completely stand on the side of dusk Xi. He glared at dusk Xi fiercely, and then said to Bai Li Fen Jin: "that's her! If it wasn't for her, how could you face her like this? Beauty is a disaster, disaster! It's wrong to be a woman

At dusk night, she helped her forehead for a while. She could hear Longbo's words. She played with her hair and said, "what's the trouble? I like this word very much. If you can, why don't you try to be a disaster? I'll give you Bai Li Fen Jin, and you'll blow the pillow for him, too. "

Dusk Xi this words a, not only long Bo stares at her, this next even hundred Li burn Jin with the dim vision of gaze at her. She coughed awkwardly, and then said, "Uncle long, don't worry about this. I know you're doing it for our good, but now that it's over, what can you do to remedy it? The more nervous you are, the more exposed you are. "

Long Bo stares at dusk and says, "I just want to remind you not to make your own decisions in the future."

Dusk Xi nodded perfunctorily and said: "yes, you are the elder, OK?"

Long Bo pointed to dusk and said, "you..."

But he can't say anything. Now he thinks that twilight is a stubborn descendant, hard to discipline. He is like a headache elder. Hundred Li burn Jin light said: "believe my wife, she will give you a surprise, if you have nothing, go first."

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