Long Bo respectfully salutes Bai Li Fen Jin, and then indicates the evening with threatening eyes. The meaning in his eyes is very obvious: let the evening stop seducing Bai Li Fen Jin in the daytime. But dusk night is not good stubble, she provocative see long Bo one eye.

Then a head into the arms of a hundred miles burning Jin, and then soft said to him: "Xianggong, I'm sleepy, we just sleep."

Hundred Li burn Jin nature is obedient looking at her, said: "good, all listen to the lady."

Then he looked at Longbo and motioned him to go quickly. Long Bo looks at Mu Xi with hatred again. He stomps his feet angrily, flicks his sleeve, turns around and goes away. Mu Xi laughs in the back again. Anyway, every time long Bo quarrels with her, it's no good. But he still wants to quarrel with Mu Xi every time.

When long Bo went away, Bai Li Fen Jin said to Mu Xi with a smile, "lady, let's go to bed."

As soon as he heard this, he immediately stood up from his arms and looked at him unhappily and said, "your behavior just now is very dangerous, do you know? You don't have the strength now. How dare you be so arrogant? In case that LAN zhehan finds out and the tomb is destroyed, what will he do to hurt you? "

Hundred Li burn Jin pick eyebrow, hook up lips Cape, looking at evening way: "you worry about me?"

Twilight night gently tut a, and then dissatisfied to him said: "now is not the problem, if you do this again, you simply don't come out, in the space to cultivate well, until the strength recovered and then come out, so as not to cause trouble outside."

When Bai Li Fen Jin saw that Mu Xi was really unhappy, he stood up and carefully came to Mu Xi's side. Then he gently hugged her and said, "don't be angry, it's my fault. I shouldn't worry about her like this, but I guess long Bo will come..."

As soon as he heard this, he broke away from his arms, raised his eyebrows around his chest, looked at him and said, "so you know that uncle long will come... Then you're trying to make me worry. You're more and more courageous now."

Bai Li Fen Jin hurriedly pulled through the twilight. She looked at her pitifully and said, "I'm wrong. I won't be like this any more. Why don't you punish me until you're angry. I don't know what to do when you're angry."

Bai Li Fen Jin's coquetry tone makes Mu Xi feel a little funny. Now he is like a kid who is trembling and apologizing, but she still holds her face tightly and says to him, "OK, I'll punish you to stay in the space, and don't come out without my permission."

Bai Li Fen Jin shook her head in an instant, and then said in a low voice: "this can't work... If I don't see my wife for a long time, I will miss you. I can't sleep if I miss you..."

Twilight night did not reply, just a look will let hundred Li burn Jin shut his mouth, he wronged curled his mouth, and then weakly said: "well, I promise you, I will definitely in the space of obedient cultivation, but said well, when the Niangzi gas disappear, you have to let me out."

Dusk Xi nodded, and then he obediently entered the space. At this time, dusk Xi couldn't help laughing. She had never seen this side of Bai Li Fen Jin before. It made her feel so cute, just like a little child.

But before she smiles for a while, she is interrupted by the knock on the door outside. She thought it was LAN zhehan, but she didn't expect it was Qin Qingyun. As soon as Yu Lan saw her, she would like to go into her arms. It has to be said that he is still very attached to Mu Xi.

Dusk night squats down and gently hugs Yu Lan, then asks with a smile: "Why are you so excited here?"

Yulan also replied with a smile: "I don't know. I feel very comfortable here."

Liuge'er rushed to dusk night excitedly, and then said mysteriously, "let's go out for a walk. Last time we didn't have a good look at Hailing kingdom. This place is quite novel. We've never seen it before. Anyway, it's boring in the palace. It's better to go out."

As she said this, she blinked at her eyes. She understood her meaning in a moment. She wanted to take this opportunity to find the location of the mausoleum outside. She had seen it in the Imperial Palace, and found nothing suspicious. It seemed that it was very likely that it was outside the palace.

So she hastily replied, "well, it's still early now. We can have a little more time."

They were just about to go out when the servant girls stopped them and said politely, "gentlemen and girls, you are wearing the clothes of the outside world. You are too conspicuous in the street. It's better to change into the clothes of Hailing kingdom. It's more convenient."

Twilight nodded, this request she can accept, as long as it is not to let her go out, they were in the guidance of the maid, put on their own clothes, even Yulan has his own clothes, this service is really perfect.

Like liuge'er, dusk night puts on the gorgeous clothes of Hailing kingdom. The material of Hailing Kingdom's clothes is very special. It's made of yarn, light and breathable. It's cool to wear, and the color is also very bright. Liuge'er likes it very much. She keeps circling and appreciating her appearance.

Dusk night funny white her one eye, say: "as for? So happy. "

Liu Ge'er immediately replied, "of course! I think the clothes here are more beautiful than those outside. They are made of good materials and show their figure. I'm sure I can charm a large number of people when I go out later. Most importantly, I want to charm your elder brother! Let him only see me ~ "

Dusk night help forehead helpless smile, this is really only Liuge son can say, ah, suddenly Liuge son raised his head, looked at her side of the dusk night, and looked at himself, although all are hailing country clothes, but why does she still feel better in dusk night?

She looked at Dusk's face, and then sighed. She was not reconciled to take out some beautiful headgear from dusk's head. She glanced at dusk and said, "what are you doing when you're so beautiful, young?"?! Such a beautiful thing should be given to my sister-in-law. Do you understand the rules? "

Dushi reluctantly looked at liuge'er, and then said, "OK, OK, these headdresses should be my filial piety to my sister-in-law, OK? Are you satisfied? May I go out? "

Liuge'er continued to look at dusk evening, and found that even without headdress decoration, dusk evening still has a kind of charming beauty. She gave up in an instant, but she still stood a little far away from dusk evening, and said: "stay away from me, let my beauty last longer. Compared with you, I'm just like a sparrow."

The dusk night puffed Chi a smile to come out, originally she is because of this reason.

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