Liu Ge'er looks up at Yu Lan, then looks at LAN Qianyuan, and then whispers: "why don't you look like that? And I'm a grandfather, still so young... "

LAN Qianyuan naturally heard the murmur of liuge'er. He couldn't help smiling on his face, and then said, "you're such an interesting girl. I like you. Yulan's appearance follows his grandmother's. It's made of powder and jade. Of course it's not like me. How can I have Yulan's good-looking grandmother? "

When LAN Qianyuan said this, the expression on his face was full of youth's joy. Even if he was standing far away, he could feel his joy. In the evening, he asked Bai Lifen Jin in a low voice: "who is Yu Lan's grandmother? It seems that the head of the Shuiling clan likes her very much. "

Bai Li Fen Jin pondered for a while, and his thoughts returned to that era. After a long time, he said, "the story of the head of the Shuiling clan and his wife is a good story in the whole temple. They are model couples in the temple. Until now, there are still people discussing their affairs in the temple. Moreover, when the head of the Shuiling clan wanted to follow you to death, his wife also followed him, But she went first. "

At dusk, the corner of his mouth gently raised a radian and whispered: "it's really enviable..."

Bai Li Fen Jin around her put her arms around her waist, then picked her eyebrows and said, "do you have me? What else do you envy? Am I not good to you? When you get to the temple, we will be able to beat them, and the title of model couple will be ours. "

Bai Li Fen Jin's series of rhetorical questions and childish words made Mu Xi smile. She said with a smile: "you can be a model husband, but I'm not a model lady. It seems that we can't get this title."

Hundred Li burn Jin to pick eyebrow to dusk Xi to say: "I say you are you."

They were talking happily, and they didn't notice LAN Qianyuan, who was walking slowly towards them. Naturally, LAN Qianyuan also heard the topic they were discussing. He interrupted coldly: "I can give you any name, but I can't give you the title of model husband and wife. This title will always belong to my wife and me."

Dusk Xi fixed his eyes on LAN Qianyuan, and then politely said: "master, I didn't notice you just now. I'm really sorry."

LAN Qianyuan also said with a smile: "it's OK. When the couple talk, there are always times when they can't take care of others. I understand. I'm also from the past. My wife and I often do the same."

However, Bai Li Fen Jin glanced at LAN Qianyuan impolitely, and then said coldly, "as it happens, I want the title of model husband and wife, and I won't give it to you. I don't care about other things, and I can give it to you, only this can't do."

Then they started a round of argument. When she looked at Bai Li's serious expression and childish remarks, she felt very funny and helpless. They were really hard to distinguish. She pinched the meat on his waist and said, "stop, you can't get out of the jade pendant room."

Unexpectedly, Bai Li Fen Jin turned her head and said to Mu Xi seriously, "it's a matter of principle. You can't let it happen. Madam, wait until I win. Wait a little longer."

She adjusted her expression, and then gently turned Bai Li Fen Jin's face, so that he could face her, blinking and showing an innocent expression. Then she said softly: "Xianggong, you always talk to him, you don't pay attention to others..."

This little woman's look is really pitiful. Bai Li Fen Jin stopped in an instant, then gently hugged Mu Xi and said, "you call me Xianggong again. How can I ignore my little lady? I've ignored you and apologized for my husband."

The so-called problem of principle is instantly changed when Wu Nong's soft language meets dusk. In front of dusk, Bai Li Fen Jin is a person who has no principle at all. She whispered, "if you don't call now, there's business to do."

LAN Qianyuan then said to Mu Xi with a smile: "let the girl laugh, but my wife and I have a deep friendship. At least we have been together for tens of thousands of years..."

Before he finished, Dushi awkwardly interrupted, and then said: "master, please hurry up and get down to business..."

Dusk Xi this words also didn't finish saying, by hundred Li burn Jin to interrupt, he looked at blue shallow yuan unconvinced say: "time is long how?"? My little lady is still so young, and she will stay with me for a long time in the future. Although our time is short, our relationship is no worse than yours. "

Dusk night again by this kind of situation to get Mongolia, sandwiched between two favorite wife crazy devil, it is a kind of suffering, Yu blue and dusk night tacit understanding of the eye, and then Yu blue immediately said aloud: "thank you for the kindness of sister dusk night, I will repay you well in the future."

Yulan's abrupt voice and words instantly interrupted a new round of argument between them. LAN Qianyuan also patted his head, and then said: "Oh, yes, yes, how can I forget my business? My wife will certainly scold me when she knows."

Then he quickly sent Yulan to Dushi, and solemnly said: "Miss Qin, I really thank you for taking care of Yulan so well, and I will trouble you in the future."

Just now, every bit of their experience was seen by LAN Qianyuan. Not only at dusk, but also Qin Qingyun, liuge'er and fengqingyue. LAN Qianyuan could see that they were all sincere to Yulan, and he was very relieved that Yulan was with them.

They are not used to Yulan, but teach him how to behave. All these are good for Yulan's growth. LAN Qianyuan's thanks come from his heart. He handed Yulan a space bag, and then solemnly sent him to Dushi's side.

Slowly said: "I have restored his memory, I believe he will be able to help you when he comes to the temple."

Dusk Xi happily looked at Yu Lan, and then quickly changed his expression, slightly lowered his eyes and asked: "have you recovered your memory? Now in your heart, I'm sure I'm not the most important. It's OK. In any case, you will inherit your family business and ignore your sister and me. "

Yu Lan Wen Yan quickly said: "no, in my heart, my sister has always been the most important!"

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