Then he took another look at LAN Qianyuan and said, "you are more important than grandfather!"

Dushi can't help but smile. LAN Qianyuan pokes Yulan's forehead with his hand, and then says, "smelly boy, I don't care if you think I'm important. I care about my wife's heart. If she hadn't told me that I would take care of you before I leave, I would have followed her. How can I wait until now? You are a debt collector. My wife and I have been away for so long that we can't get together. "

At dusk night, hearing LAN Qianyuan's words, there was a black line on his forehead. He didn't look like a grandfather to his own grandson. Then he patted his head and said, "yes, yes, my wife told me something. It's too long. I almost forget what it is..."

The blue shallow yuan is anxiously thinking, suddenly his eyes glimpsed the hundred Li burning Jin, he suddenly thought up, and then adjusted the mood, seriously to hundred Li burn Jin said: "do you remember Yu Lan's map to you?" You must put it away. It's of great use. "

Bai Li Fen Jin nodded slightly and said, "I know. I put all of them here. We have found four."

Blue shallow yuan inconceivable looking at hundred Li burn Jin to say: "four?! Have you found so many? Yes, you must take good care of it. When you get to the temple, this map will be of great use. Another thing is, if all the nine maps are found, don't rush to put them together and restore them. You need to find an absolutely safe place to merge them. Otherwise, the nine maps will burst out with great power and will definitely cause a lot of people's contention, It's going to get you into trouble. "

Twilight night solemnly nodded, hundred Li burn Jin trust her, so just give these maps to her, she absolutely want to do this thing well. After talking about this, LAN Qianyuan took a meaningful look at dusk, and then tentatively asked: "do you have any relatives in the lower world? Or do you know your life experience? "

Twilight night truthfully replied: "yes, I have a sister, as well as grandparents, parents and big brother."

Bai Li Fen Jin meets LAN Qian Yuan's eyes at this time, and then stares at him tightly and says: "don't worry, I will help my mother find her family. I'll worry about it."

Blue shallow yuan see hundred Li burn Jin's eyes, instantly understand, they both tacit, maybe now say this thing, will bring unnecessary trouble to Dushi. Just now they were watching the experience of the evening party.

LAN Qianyuan and long Bo both notice the golden spirit of Dushi and see the luminous life she condenses. LAN Qianyuan and long Bo look at each other in surprise and see the shock and incomprehension in each other's eyes. If they remember correctly

Only the founding goddess of the temple can give birth to the life body... LAN Qianyuan put this important question in his heart. He just wanted to ask Mu Xi directly, but he was blocked by Bai Lifen Jin. It seems that he has his own plan. Seeing Bai Lifen Jin, LAN Qianyuan just sighed.

Bai Li Fen Jin's father's request, but now firmly in Bai Li Fen Jin's hand, maybe this is also a kind of compensation. Thinking of this, he gently looked at the dusk, and then said: "you must be happy, believe this boy, he will give you happiness."

Evening smell speech, no little girl's coy look, but very confident and generous said: "I believe him, but I think ah, I give him happiness."

Blue shallow yuan Leng for a while, and then said with a loud smile: "you are right, that is, you give him happiness, only you can do."

After that, LAN Qianyuan excitedly urged Longbo and said, "come here quickly. I have something to tell you."

Long Bo, Qin Qingyun, Liu Ge'er and Feng Qingyue got together when they heard the words. Although they didn't know what LAN Qianyuan was going to do, they all obediently listened to the command. LAN Qianyuan cleared his throat and said, "you all sit cross legged. I'll pass my strength to you."

Long Bo quickly stopped and said: "patriarch, don't you? If you give us all your strength, won't you dissipate?"

LAN Qianyuan said: "the rest of me is my soul. Yulan called me out with the holy beads. My body has long been gone. Besides, my wife has been waiting for me for so long. I really want to see her. I miss my wife."

As soon as LAN Qianyuan moves out of his wife, long Bo stops talking. As a guard who stays by LAN Qianyuan all the year round, he knows more about LAN Qianyuan's love and dependence on his wife than anyone else. Compared with Bai Lifen Jin, he is better.

Longbo instantly understood LAN Qianyuan's mind. For him, the dissipation of life may not be a sad thing, but a happy and exciting thing, because only then can he see his wife.

Long Bo also had no choice but to smile, and then stood together with LAN Qianyuan and said, "I'll join you. I want to pass on my life strength to them."

Blue shallow yuan also comforts a way: "I am because of my wife, what are you because of?"? Besides, you still have entities. You can go back to the temple and start your own career, or you can guide Yulan. "

Hearing this, long Bo hammered LAN Qianyuan hard, and then said, "you want to crush me until you die. In my life, it's enough to be a cow and a horse for your old LAN family. You still want to call me. I can't promise you. If you didn't ask me to look at the tomb and take a holy bead to protect me, I would have died long ago."

Then he looked at them at dusk, with hope and indifference in his eyes. He said with a smile: "I have my own era, and that era has long passed. Now this era belongs to these young people, so I won't rob them."

The way of communication between Longbo and LAN Qianyuan is just like brothers. They look at each other and smile, as if they are back to their own glorious years. They cross legged at the bottom and don't say a word.

Even though they are from different times, their admiration for heroes is the same. They didn't persuade LAN Qianyuan and long Bo. That's respect for them. Everyone lives in their own time, and they are no exception.

The reason why heroes are respected by people is that they are willing to do whatever they want. They set a good example for young people like Mu Xi.

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