Twilight night looked at Yulan doubtfully, and Yulan began to explain seriously: "since he is very interested in his sister, the first thing he wakes up is to find the trace of his sister. We just take this opportunity to spread some news about his sister everywhere. Once he comes, he will not mention his sister's mother, and then wait until our wings are full, We'll settle with him again. "

The evening evening hears speech to think seriously for a while, open mouth way: "that is good, now also only this method."

Hundred Li burn Jin also quickly to bamboo green command way: "just now of words you all hear clearly?"? It's up to you to do it. If you don't do it well... Punish yourself and get it. "

When Zhu Qing heard the speech, he made a serious salute to Bai Li Fen Jin. For them, the affairs of the palace master's wife are much more important than those of the palace master. Liuge'er said with Yulan's Pink carved face: "you are not bad. You are a man's version of xiaomuxi. You are all the same chicken thieves."

Yu blue smell speech immediately don't adapt to the hand of flow song son push open a way: "always grow so big than you, brain still can't good."

As soon as liuge'er listens to this, she seems to be a child and wants to talk about Yulan's theory. But now Dushi doesn't have time to play with them. She quickly takes Baili Huojin to the closed room. Anyway, now Dushi's hope lies in Baili Huojin.

As long as his strength is restored, twilight night has absolute strength to save her mother. If they are lucky, maybe they can catch all the blood flame hall. Thinking of this, twilight night will soon put into cultivation.

Bai Li Fen Jin is also supposed to practice with her. After all, Mu Xi's mother is also his mother. When they are practicing hard, they say that Yun Mengyi is about to wake up in Xueyan hall. It has to be said that the effect of Chun refining is really extraordinary.

Even when it comes to Yun Mengyi's strength, it takes her two days to wake up. However, in just two days, a lot of things have happened. After Qin Lengshuang handed the note to Dushi, she hurried to make peace with the left Dharma protector.

Along the way, her heart has been thinking about the expression when she read the letter, what kind of regret it should be, and what kind of heartache it should be. Thinking of these, Qin Lengshuang was overjoyed. Now she only hates her for not seeing the expression of regret on the spot.

When she came to the left Dharma's room, the smile on her face had never been broken. Seeing this, the left Dharma also gently said to her, "shuang'er, what makes you laugh so happily?"

Qinlengshuang smell speech then restrained some expression, soft said: "nothing, just think of after no one with me for Saint's position."

When Zuo HUFA heard this, he put his index finger close to his mouth and said, "I dare not talk in Xueyan hall. Especially now we have taken away the woman that the leader likes best. If he wakes up, he will not let us go."

Qin Lengshuang looks at the left Dharma protector's face and worries about her expression. Her mind is immediately pulled back to the scene when she first arrived at the Xueyan hall. At that time, she didn't know anything. Inexplicably, she was taken to the Xueyan hall and met yunmengyi.

I've also seen the left and right Dharma protectors in the blood flame hall. Qin Lengshuang had seen the appearance of mother Mu Xi when she was young, so when she saw the left Dharma protectors for the first time, she was as if she had been struck by lightning.

She also knew that she had left the Qin family since her mother was pregnant. Looking at her familiar face, she was not sure whether it was her mother, so she had to hide her inner thoughts.

But when Qin Lengshuang is in Xueyan hall, she always pays attention to the movement of left Dharma protector. Until one day, Qin Lengshuang secretly hides outside the left Dharma protector's room. She hears the left Dharma protector in the dark murmuring in a helpless voice: "who am I?"

Since then, Qin Lengshuang has been more sure of her inner thoughts. She even went to ask the older generation of people in Xueyan hall, and confirmed that Zuo HUFA didn't stay in Xueyan hall from the beginning, but was brought back by Yun Mengyi more than 20 years ago.

What's more, it's strange that when Zuo HUFA was brought to the Xueyan hall, she didn't know anything about the past. She didn't even have her own name. She was always called Zuo HUFA in the Xueyan hall. Hearing this, Qin Lengshuang was more sure.

The so-called left Dharma protector in the blood flame hall is actually Qin Qionghua, the daughter of the Qin family who has been separated for many years. Analysis to here, Qin Lengshuang will have a plan, from she left the Qin family, she will take twilight as her most hated enemy in this life.

Now there is such a good opportunity in her hands, how can she not make good use of it? So that night she alone, secretly found the left Dharma's room, see her first eye, left Dharma said to her impolitely: "who are you? Why did you break into my house? "

Qin Lengshuang immediately put on an aggrieved look and said, "who am I? Don't you remember who I am? I've been looking for you for so many years. I didn't expect that you didn't remember me... In order to find you, I was caught in the blood flame hall. "

The sudden burst of crying confused Zuo HUFA, but she also had some strange feelings in her heart. She frowned slightly and asked, "who are you? Do you know who I am? "

At this time, the left Dharma protector was troubled by her identity and worked for the Xueyan hall for so many years, but she didn't know who she was or where she came from. To tell the truth, she didn't like Xueyan hall at all.

She didn't want to stay here, but she didn't know her identity. Even if she escaped, where could she go? At this time, Qin Lengshuang was just like a life-saving straw, as if she could grasp the straw and climb out of the turbulent river.

Qin Lengshuang saw the left Dharma's reaction and knew that she had made a big success, so she began to sob and slowly said: "I... I'm your own daughter! Since you left the Qin family more than 20 years ago, you abandoned me and never came back... Unexpectedly, our mother and daughter met for the first time in many years, and it was in such a place... "

The left Dharma guard frowned deeply when she heard the speech. She was not sure whether it was true or not at present, so she just said coldly to Qin Lengshuang, "go on."

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