When Qin Lengshuang heard the speech, she was even more excited and said, "you are the daughter of the Qin family in Fengrui general's mansion in Fengrui country of Fengyun mainland. But many years ago, you left me and left me alone in the Qin family. I don't know how I came here for so many years..."

The left Dharma protector carefully observed the expression on Qin Lengshuang's face. She said suspiciously: "if I remember correctly, the reason why you enter the blood flame hall is because of Patricide. What does it have to do with me?"

Hearing this, Qin Lengshuang replied, "you don't know what the Qin family did to me after you left. I didn't kill my biological father. All the people in the Qin family said that you were looking for my biological father. I was a child nobody wanted. The person I killed was my foster father in the Qin family. He didn't treat me as his biological daughter, When other children laugh at me and bully me, he never helps me... "

There are so many lies. Even Qin Lengshuang thinks it's true. She turns the black one into the white one, and vividly describes herself as being bullied from childhood. She completely forgets how she is domineering in the Qin family. Zuo HUFA now has eight points of faith in Qin Lengshuang's words.

Because Qin Lengshuang's face is somewhat similar to her, and Qin Lengshuang's words arouse the left Dharma protector's love for her, and he has deep guilt for her, as if Qin Lengshuang suffered all this because of her.

But there was still some doubt in her heart, so she asked in a trembling voice, "well... Do you have any evidence?"

When Qin Lengshuang heard the speech, she raised her head and hung her eyes and said to her, "evidence? When you left in a hurry, you didn't bring anything, but I can take you back to the Qin family. The Qin family still has your room, and your grandfather is still there. When you go back, we will tell you everything before. "

Qin Lengshuang's words immediately aroused Zuo HUFA's yearning for home, and when she said this, she never wanted to verify it, because since Qin Lengshuang entered the blood flame hall, she knew that this is a place where people eat and don't vomit bones.

With the powerful status of left Dharma protector, the leader of Xueyan hall will never allow her to go back to Qin's house, so Qin Lengshuang wrote a blank check to left Dharma protector. Qin Lengshuang was secretly happy, but left Dharma protector had already stood beside her and held her tightly in her arms.

The left Dharma protector hugged Qin Lengshuang for a while, Then lovingly asked: "my dear daughter, do you know what my name is?"

Hearing this, Qin Lengshuang enthusiastically replied: "Niang, your name is Qin Qionghua, and my name is Qin Lengshuang. I follow your surname!"

As soon as Qin Qionghua heard this, her tears began to flow out. She choked her voice and said, "OK, OK, my name is Qin Qionghua, and I have a good daughter. From now on, I will not live for Xueyan Hall any more, I will live for myself and my daughter!"

When Qin Lengshuang heard this, she nestled in Qin Qionghua's arms and cried with her. However, she said with a cruel smile: Qin Dushi, you have been looking for your mother for so long, and now you have become my mother. I will take everything you cherish! That's the price you pay for fighting me!

Since then, Qin Lengshuang and the left Dharma protector have been known as mother and daughter in private, but they have been known as apprentices. Qin Lengshuang has always been a obedient daughter in front of the left Dharma protector, and she also speaks ill of Dushi imperceptibly.

So when she came to Xueyan hall at dusk night, zuozhufa had a very bad impression on her. Zuozhufa always regarded her as Qin Lengshuang's enemy. How much she loved Qin Lengshuang, how much she hated dusk night. This result is undoubtedly Qin Lengshuang's favorite.

The left Dharma protector looks at Qin Lengshuang who is deeply in thought and asks anxiously: "Shuanger, what's the matter with you? What do you want to be so absorbed in? Let's see if the master is awake now. "

Qin Lengshuang was pulled out of her memory by the left Dharma protector. She raised her lips and said with a smile: "nothing, you don't have to worry. I just thought of the scene when we met. But the hall leader's side... We'd better not go. If the first person he wakes up to see is us, he will have doubts. "

Left guard smell speech then frowned and said: "but sooner or later he will wake up, the sooner we know, the better to deal with."

Qin Lengshuang saw that she couldn't resist the left Dharma protector, so she compromised and said, "OK, but we'd better be careful."

The left Dharma guard nodded and went out with Qin Lengshuang as if nothing had happened. At this time, it was late at night, and there were not many people walking in the blood flame hall, so they hid their bodies and went quietly to yunmengyi's bedroom.

If before, no one in Xueyan hall dares to enter yunmengyi's bedroom at night, but at this time they can't care so much. After all, their lives are all in yunmengyi's hands, but after a long time, they sneak into yunmengyi's bedroom.

Thanks to the strict rules in Xueyan hall, there is no one outside the palace, so Qin Lengshuang and Zuo HUFA have more courage. As soon as they enter the room, they see Yun Mengyi fainting on the ground. Zuo HUFA covers Qin Lengshuang behind them and walks over carefully.

Until he came to his side, yunmengyi didn't wake up at all. The left Dharma guard looked at yunmengyi's falling down. He didn't dare to move, and didn't even dare to breathe aloud. Qin Lengshuang muttered in a low voice: "this medicine is really good."

The left Dharma guard immediately covers Qin Lengshuang's mouth, then puts his index finger on his lips and makes a silent movement. Even if he carefully observes Yun Mengyi who faints, the left Dharma guard stands beside him without saying a word, Qin Lengshuang does not dare to take the next step.

The left Dharma protector didn't know how long he was standing here. As time went by, suddenly the left Dharma protector said calmly, "let's kill him."

Qin Lengshuang smelled that the speech was like lightning strike. She stared at the left Dharma protector and said, "are you crazy?! He's the leader of Xueyan hall. He has the strength of xuanzun's Ninth level! Did you say you could kill him? What if he wakes up after a while? We'll be here, do you know? "

But Zuo HUFA was still staring at Yun Mengyi, and then said calmly: "this is our only chance. Now he has fainted and has no ability to fight back. As long as we kill him, we can get rid of his control."

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