Anyway, she has no strength now. It's a good choice just to watch a good play. Before Bai Li burns Jin's hand, the man looks at him provocatively and says, "do you know who I am? How dare you do it to me? I advise you that you'd better not go against me and let me have this little beauty, and I'll spare you forever. "

The evening evening smell speech to dress up to make a face curious appearance, open big eyes to blink to look at that person to say: "Wow, you so fierce?"? So who are you? Can you tell me

As soon as the man saw twilight and looked at him with "reverence", his male dignity was immediately satisfied, and his self-confidence was extremely inflated. He couldn't find North happily. He looked at twilight with a smile and said, "since little beauty wants to know, I'll tell you that I'm the heir of Nangong family. Nangong Wentian, little beauty, do you think about it, The man around you is not worthy of you at all. As long as you follow me, I will give you everything you want. "

Nangong Wentian's complacent appearance when he talks is in the eyes of Dushi. What he doesn't know is that he is the master of the burning palace. He looks at Dushi triumphantly, as if he wants to show off how powerful he is, but he doesn't know that the man around him is the one who can't be offended.

The evening evening hears speech to still blink an eye to ask a way: "South Temple family? I haven't heard of it... But when it comes to Nangong family, I think of one thing. Do you know nanyurou? She also said that she belongs to your Nangong family. "

Bai Li Fen Jin sees that dusk evening and Nangong Wentian talk in such an attitude, and the jealousy in his heart is even more surging. When he approaches dusk evening, he frowns slightly and says, "lady, you can leave the things here to me. I'll clean him up. You don't have to worry about it."

The evening evening hears speech to pour is playful to wink an eye to him, then smile of say: "I don't, very not easy to catch a amusing, you let me play for a while, you solve him again."

Dusk Xi side said also side and he coquetry, hundred Li burn Jin where suffered the attack, less than half a minute to surrender, he can only helplessly and spoil the look at dusk Xi said: "good good, after can't allow again like this."

Nangong Wentian saw their intimacy, and he quickly said to Muxi: "little beauty is right, nanyurou is really my biological sister, but she and my father have been buried in the hands of thieves... But I think you are also predestined with her, so don't be too sad. Having you, it can be said that I have a thought."

At dusk, hearing the words, he said slowly: "so... Am I predestined with Nan Yurou? It's not... Sad? I'm not... But you're not curious about how your father died. I know about this. "

At the moment, Dushi still keeps a playful attitude, which makes Nangong Wentian confused. He even thinks that Dushi is on his side. He looks at Dushi with expectation and says, "is that right? Please tell me what happened at that time? Who on earth killed my sister and father? "

At this time, Nangong asked the sky a little seriously, and even the title of Dushi changed from "little beauty" to "girl". But Dushi still pretended to be innocent, blinked his good-looking eyes and said, "this problem... I know, it's me."

Nangong asked Tian Wen Yan for a moment. He didn't seem to hear what Dushi was saying. He even said anxiously: "girl, I ask you, who are the people who killed my father and sister?"

Dushi rolled his eyes impatiently and said, "I told you, it's me. If you don't hear me clearly, I'll tell you clearly again that I'm the one who killed your father and sister."

After that, Mu Xi's eyes are fixed on Nangong to ask the sky. Although his father and sister were killed by Bai Li Fen Jin, they are the same family, regardless of you and me, so Mu Xi simply admits that it can give Nangong a big impact.

Sure enough, Nangong Wentian, who got the news, stood there stupidly. It seemed that he could not believe the fact in front of him. Baili Huojin had been waiting a little hard, so he looked at dusk and said, "lady, have you had enough fun now?"

Evening night to see the reaction of Nangong asked the sky, feel very satisfied, she nodded her head to hundred Li burning Jin said: "enough play, now it's your turn to perform."

Bai Li Fen Jin stroked the head of dusk night and said, "you are so good, now you can stay here."

Then he looked at Nangong Wentian with fierce eyes, and his temperament changed from tenderness to indifference. This momentum undoubtedly aroused Nangong Wentian's fighting spirit in an instant, and he suddenly raised the long sword around his waist.

Straight straight toward the hundred Li burn Jin and go, mouth also shouting: "I want to kill you! And that bitch! I've had enough of you! I'll sell you to the kiln! Let you ride thousands of people! I will avenge your father and sister

There was no special reaction when she heard this. On the contrary, she felt infinite sympathy for Nangong Wentian, because she knew that Baili Huojin would protect her, and even didn't need her hands. She could even imagine his tragic death on the spot.

If it's really as expected by Dushi, Bai Li Fen Jin's body is covered with a layer of black fog when she hears this, so that people can't see his expression. His fists are tightly clenched, which shows his boundless anger. Now he seems like a devil climbing out of hell.

Even Nangong asked the sky a little scared. She shrank back a few steps. Bai Li Fen Jin said coldly: "what did you say just now?"

At this time, his voice was very low, as if something was pressing his voice. It was not like his original voice at all. Nangong Wentian's whole body trembled more severely, and he trembled and said: "I... I didn't say... What..."

He was really afraid. At the beginning, he saw that Bai Li Fen Jin was so beautiful that he thought he was just a white face with no self-cultivation. But at the moment, the momentum of Bai Li Fen Jin was enough to make him feel the bitter cold.

Even so, Bai Li Fen Jin didn't intend to let him go. In an instant, Bai Li Fen Jin disappeared from the fog, and immediately appeared in front of Nangong asking the sky. The whole process didn't even see Dushi clearly, but Dushi already felt a little strange.

Because the hundred Li burn Jin's this trick, evening night has never seen.

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