However, the eerie and terrible atmosphere is felt by dusk. She can't help but worry about Baili Huojin. But now she can't disturb Baili Huojin, so she can only watch anxiously. Baili Huojin moves to Nangong to ask the sky, and then reaches for her hand to hold his neck.

And little by little, from Nangong Wentian's twisted facial features, we can see how painful he was. Baili Fenjin was still hidden in a fog, and slowly said: "do you feel this kind of pain? Do you want to feel it slowly and feel the air between your throat disappear? Do you feel the strength of my fingertips? I want you to die so slowly. "

Nangong Wentian felt creepy when he heard this, because his body was feeling everything that Bai Lifen Jin said, and his body and spirit were suffering from double torment, even the dusk evening standing on one side also noticed something wrong.

Bai Li Fen Jin's appearance makes her feel very strange. He seems to be the messenger Shura in hell now. She only hopes that Bai Li Fen Jin can finish as soon as possible, so that she can see what happened to him.

The strength of Bai Li Fen Jin's hand is more and more heavy, and he almost wants to lift Nangong Wentian up. He has changed from the initial struggle to the present powerless resistance. Only a few inaudible sobs between his throat and his face from red to green reveal his despair and helplessness.

Even dusk could not bear to see such a scene and turned his head to one side silently. The whole process was actually very fast, but it was extremely long for Nangong Wentian. He felt the approaching of death bit by bit.

Until finally, he was strangled to death by Bai Li Fen Jin. Then Bai Li Fen Jin let go, and he fell to the ground like a pool of mud, without any vitality. For practitioners, this kind of death is undoubtedly a shame.

Bai Li Fen Jin didn't even use his spiritual power. He killed Nangong Wentian just by his own body. This is not only a physical torture, but also a spiritual insult to him. After all this is over, Dushi hurriedly runs to Bai Li Fen Jin's side.

She put her hand directly into the fog and stroked the face of Bai Li Fen Jin. When she felt the familiar touch, she felt relieved. She called softly: "Bai Li Fen Jin? How are you doing? Is there anything wrong? "

After dusk Xi finished, she didn't respond for a long time. She couldn't help but be afraid and said softly, "Bai Li Fen Jin, I'm dusk Xi. Don't you know me?"

When she said this, there was some crying in her voice, because she was afraid that Bai Li Fen Jin would suddenly not know her, just like she had never met or loved her. However, Bai Li Fen Jin did not disappoint her. After a while, Bai Li Fen Jin attached Mu Xi's hand with her hand.

In an instant, she hugged her tightly in her arms, which almost made her breathless. She had to gasp and say, "Bai Li Fen Jin, you have a little strength. You hold me too tightly. I can't breathe any more."

Smell speech hundred Li burn Jin still did not let go of strength, it seems that only in this way can he really feel the existence of dusk, he put his head together in Dusk's ear, breathing eagerly said: "I will not let anyone bully you, I also can't bear to let you shed tears."

At this time, both of them are shrouded in the fog. In front of Dusk's eyes, it's only dark, but the temperature of Bai Li Fen Jin makes her feel very warm. Dusk can't help thinking, fortunately, Bai Li Fen Jin still remembers her, fortunately, his arms are still so familiar.

As long as Bai Li Fen Jin still remembers her, it's easy to say. Mu Xi patted him on the back with his hand and comforted him gently: "you should be good. After you let me go, we'll find my sister's trace, so that I can find a way to practice."

But Baili burning Jin is still domineering around the evening, don't let her move, he said stubbornly: "I don't want to, I want you to stay by my side, I don't want that how people's eyes are focused on you, you can only be me."

Twilight night had no choice but to laugh and cry: "well, well, I'm your own, so we don't have to make trouble all the way. We can go back to Qin's house by flying Warcraft, so no one will disturb us, right?"

Twilight now tone and attitude are like patient comfort the child's mother, indeed, hundred Li burn Jin this look like a coquetry child, after a long time, hundred Li burn Jin will head buried in the twilight of the neck nest, Weng Sheng Weng said: "well, I promise you, but along the way you want to be good."

Evening evening smell speech had no choice but to nod, at this time hundred Li burn Jin side of the black fog has disappeared almost. In fact, she decided to fly back to Qin's house by flying Warcraft. She was afraid that Bai Li Fen Jin would become the same as before if he had another conflict with others along the way.

That's the last thing Mu Xi wants to see, so she and Bai Li Fen Jin quickly get on the flying Warcraft and decide to fly all the way back to Qin's home. On the back of flying Warcraft, Mu Xi feels the wind blowing her face in the air, which makes her body and mind very relaxed.

When Bai Li Fen Jin saw the appearance of dusk evening, he couldn't help thinking about it. For a long time, he didn't relax like now. Being with dusk evening was the happiest time in his life. He felt very satisfied when he thought that he would spend time with dusk evening from now on.

Breeze blowing, sending wisps of fragrance, dusk Xi want to grow a pair of wings, freely flying in the blue sky, feeling the speed of the wind, feeling the temperature of the wind, such a comfortable time is always very fast.

Ten days later, they arrived at the Qin family of Fengrui state. The plaque of the general's house was as neat and bright as before, as if the people inside had never left. Fengruixuan is now the emperor of Fengrui state, and the reason why he became the emperor has something to do with the power of the general's house.

Therefore, after the Qin Ying family, including Muxi, leaves, fengruixuan will send people to clean the general's house regularly to express their gratitude. Fortunately, fengruixuan is a person who knows how to repay their kindness. Otherwise, the situation of their family in Fengrui would not be like this.

It's not only Feng Ruixuan who comes to clean the general's house regularly, but also the people who come here voluntarily. They all remember Qin Ying's contribution to the country.

Looking at this scene at dusk, she could not help feeling. She gently pushed the door into the door of the Qin family. There was no one inside, but all the decorations had not been changed.

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