As soon as he said this, the snow tree on one side was not happy. He began to discuss with xuyaoli with his hands akimbo: "what's the matter with that boy? Before that, my little master was poisoned and lost his accomplishments. I can't even get into the jade pendant space. It makes me miss my little master. Do you still think he is good? What kind of heart do you want to make it difficult for us, don't you? "

Snow tree's character is known to everyone in the space, including those at dusk. Seeing this, Chun quickly comforted him and said, "now it's not about this. There's one more person in the space. Don't you see that?"

As soon as the words came out, all the people put their eyes on Qin Chaoyang. For a moment, she was at a loss. When she saw this, she comforted her quickly: "sister, don't be afraid. They are all good people and won't hurt you."

Qin Chaoyang Wen Yan gently waved his head to Dushi, and then said with a smile: "I'm not afraid, but the people here make me feel inexplicably familiar."

At this time, Chun also slowly approached Qin Chaoyang, and kept a friendly smile in the process. She bowed slightly to Qin Chaoyang and said, "you have a taste I like very much, even similar to that of the goddess."

Xiaoyao also lay on Qin Chaoyang and said, "yes, I like the taste of this elder sister."

Next strawberry and huang'er also made the same remarks. After hearing the words in the evening, she said with doubts and curiosity: "taste? Why didn't I smell it? And you've been with me for so long, and she's my own sister. Don't I have that smell? "

Snow tree pondered for a while, and then said thoughtfully: "well... I think I know a little bit, but I don't know. Only the goddess knows it. It seems that you all have different powers."

Twilight nodded clearly. It must be that Qin Chaoyang's power has something to do with the spirit beast and the spirit grass. Twilight looked at the small medicine which is mixed with Qin Chaoyang, and said anxiously, "didn't you lose a few petals before, so you should have a good rest in the space? Have you recovered so soon? "

The tip of Xiaoyao's nose rubbed against Qin Chaoyang's body, and then he said in a loud voice: "yes, I thought it would take a long time before, but since my mother's poisoning, there have been earth shaking changes in the space of the jade pendant. The intensity of Lingqi is more than before, and the number and types of lingcao are more than before, And I also have the care of the Muling people, especially the little green people. That's why I recuperate so fast. I have a hunch that if I stay with my sister all the time, my spiritual power will grow faster. "

The evening smell speech is a black line, thanks to she is also worried about small drug this little guy, he said such a long cross talk, the purpose is very obvious, he just want to stay with Qin Chaoyang Bai, but the evening also have no opinion, after all, small drug is really need to recuperate.

However, at this time, Muxi has no accomplishments, so she doesn't feel it at all. At this time, Xiaoyao's accomplishments are much better than before, but he still has to pester Qin Chaoyang with his skin and skin... If Muxi knows, it's estimated that the attack in her heart will be heavier

Snow tree quickly went to Qin Chaoyang's side, completely did not care about holding her hand, generous said: "you think we are familiar with it, say, I can be regarded as the most familiar with you, did not expect, so many years, the two little masters are reunited."

Snow tree said while wiping tears, such a big man, holding a small handkerchief on his face is simply disobedient, fortunately he is still pretty, otherwise this picture is really people dare not see, Xu Yao see it, then constantly rolling his eyes at snow tree.

They can be said to be models of love and killing each other. Seeing this, they looked at the snow tree with a smile and said, "I haven't told my sister about our life experience. I know you are the best. You can make it clear! This glorious and arduous task is up to you. "

Like an old lady, snow tree looks at Dushi like "hate iron but not steel", and seems to blame her: you can't do such a simple thing, but Dushi is very familiar with it. She has seen it for a long time, and she has the cheek to give snow tree a smile.

Xueshu has no choice but to tell Qin Chaoyang a story from the beginning to the end. However, Dushi is looking here and there in this renovated jade pendant space, hoping to find the baby. She doesn't know how long it took. In short, xueshu's story is over.

However, Qin Chaoyang did not recover from the shock. She frowned slightly and said to Dushi, "is what he said true?"

Dushi nodded his head seriously, and then said: "it's true, I'm the evidence. I know you can't bear it now, but later you will believe it. You don't believe everything. You should believe me. I'm your own sister."

Wen Yan Qin Chaoyang gently stroked her head and said to her gently, "yes, I believe you. I will always take care of you instead of my mother."

This is no doubt about her heart. What she wanted most from childhood was her mother's warmth, Qin Qionghua's mother in the atypical sense. However, Qin Chaoyang, the elder sister, gave her mother's general care, which moved her most.

However, she was not moved for long. All the people present came to comfort Qin Chaoyang and told her not to worry. One day, she would accept her life experience. When she saw her in front of Qin Chaoyang at dusk, she really didn't have a sense of existence, so she wanted to find Bai Li Fen Jin.

She said to Qin Chaoyang with a smile, "sister, let's try to go out now. It's just a jade pendant space, which is equivalent to the paradise you lived in before. There are differences between the outside world and the inside world, so we'd better try to go out."

Hearing this, Qin Chaoyang nodded, but she looked at Dushi innocently with a pair of watery eyes and said, "but can I take these three little guys out too... I want to play with them..."

Without waiting for dusk to speak, the three little guys said with one voice: "of course, my mother used to let us go out to play before, so we don't have to worry about this."

Well, there's no need for Mu Xi to speak. The three little guys all have their own ideas. Mu Xi can only reluctantly agree to their request. As soon as she turns her mind, she will take them out of the jade pendant space.

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