But this time, like last time, a bright light appeared in front of her eyes again. She could hardly open her eyes. She said to herself in her heart: no? Is it back to the white fish jade pendant space? Is this still a dead cycle? You'll never get out again?

However, when Dushi opened her eyes, she was surprised to find that this was not the way she thought. Qin Chaoyang was beside her, but there were no three little guys in her arms. She could not help worrying and yelled: "strawberry, huanger, Xiaoyao, where are you?"

But Dushi calmly said: "sister, you don't have to worry. They will never be hurt in the jade pendant space. Now we should know our own situation."

After dusk night finished, I was observing the situation here. It was pure white and empty, but it was suffused with soft light. It was not incandescent. It made people feel uncomfortable white. The white here made people feel very comfortable.

It even revealed a sense of holiness and serenity. Without waiting for them to investigate for a while, a phantom of a person suddenly appeared here. At first, it was vague, but the figure became more and more clear. Finally, when dusk saw her, she immediately stayed in the original place.

Qin Chaoyang was also curious and surprised to see the figure in front of her. The figure was dressed in a white gauze, dotted with golden auspicious clouds, and her hair was also pure white flowers. Her dress was simple but generous.

Although casual, she seems holy, and it's not her dress but her face that makes her surprised. She wants to talk, but she doesn't know what to say. The result of thinking is that she is directly stunned, and so is Qin Chaoyang.

Seeing their appearance, the man showed a kind smile and said softly, "Chaoyang, dusk, what's the matter with you? Can't you even recognize me as a mother? "

It's true that this person is the mother who is thinking about all the time, that is, the goddess of the temple. Now she is really in front of them. Hearing the words, she trots all the way and plunges into the goddess's arms.

At this moment, she finally could not help tears, choked and said: "I'm so afraid that what I just held was an illusion... An illusion without temperature..."

Seeing this, the goddess gently stroked Dusk's head, and her eyes were soft enough to drip water. She said with a smile: "silly child, how can my mother be an illusion? Isn't my mother really standing here? What are you afraid of when your mother is here? "

At this time, twilight is lying in the arms of the goddess, did not see her eyes that helpless sad, but standing on the side of Qin Chaoyang but see clearly, she is not as bold as twilight, nor as free and easy as twilight, she is mature and stable, not easy to reveal feelings, even now she has known that it is her mother.

The goddess waved to Qin Chaoyang with a smile and said, "why don't you come here? Xi'er is crying so sad in my arms. Would you like to come and comfort me? Are you complaining about me? Blame me for not being with you? "

Hearing this, Qin Chaoyang shook her head. The moment she saw the goddess, all her previous hatred disappeared. When she was a child, she was bullied in the Qin family. In the dead of night, she cried in the quilt.

At that time, Qin Chaoyang wanted to have a mother by his side, who could protect her from being bullied by others, and give her love all the time. However, after a long time, her mother never appeared, and as time goes on.

The longing for her mother naturally turns into resentment. When she is called "motherless" again and again by others, and when she is bullied again and again and can only bear it by herself, Qin Chaoyang admits that she once had this idea. However, now she can't hate it.

Such a person full of holy light, such a responsible person, unconsciously let people want to forgive, goddess see Qin Chaoyang shake his head, then patiently said: "since you don't blame me, then why don't you come over like your sister, and I coquetry?"

Hearing this, Qin Chaoyang laughed, walked to the goddess step by step, and said in a soft voice, "how old am I? I'm not as coquettish as my sister."

Rao is a mature Qin Chaoyang. She has a naughty side in front of her mother. In front of her mother, she doesn't have to bear the responsibility that doesn't belong to her. She can fight like a child, because with her mother's protection, she can be innocent.

However, when Dushi heard this, he turned his head and said to Qin Chaoyang, "who is coquettish? I just... I just like my mother and want to be close to her. What's the matter? How can it be considered coquetry? What's more, even if it's coquetry, you'll be able to do it. "

Qinchaoyang smell speech also pick eyebrow said: "I can't you this ability, so adult, also with a child like."

When the goddess saw their bickering, she was very happy. To tell you the truth, it was the first time that they met when they were so old. These two children were her heart and soul, and they were the people she wanted to protect most in her life.

She said with a smile: "well, you two don't fight any more, Chaoyang you are sister, let more sister, twilight you are sister, also respect sister, do you know?"

The evening evening hears speech then playfully how blink an eye, then say to the Goddess: "know, we are just joking, elder sister is usually good to me."

Seeing this, the goddess gently touched the back of Dusk's head with one hand, then put her other hand around Qin Chaoyang's shoulder and said to them lovingly, "it's so nice to see you love each other like this. I'm very glad to be your mother. In the next period of time, you will live with me. I will teach you all my life. You are my daughter. Naturally, you are gifted. I believe you. It's up to you to learn more and less. "

The evening evening smell speech then blink oneself big eyes, then slightly bite the lower lip to say: "Niang, do you mean next you will live with us?"? Where do we live? Will you live with us in the future? "

The goddess just nodded her head, but didn't speak. She thought she was covering up her regret and loss, but Qin Chaoyang saw her in the eye, but she didn't notice. She was still shouting: "long live!" The innocent evening thought that she would live with her mother after that.

And Qin Chaoyang even knew.

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