She also won't say it, because the atmosphere at the moment is so good, and she can't bear to hurt twilight. She believes that the goddess has her own reason for doing so. Seeing that Qin Chaoyang was stunned, the goddess stood up and said, "well, you two little guys, follow me. I'll take you to a fun place."

It was a warm welcome at dusk, and Qin Chaoyang, who was quiet, was also infected with a kind of happy atmosphere. Seeing this, the goddess suddenly stopped and waved to the air in front of her. In an instant, a new scene appeared in front of her.

A tree full of white and pink flowers, Dusk's nose can even smell the fragrance of the flowers, the beautiful scene in front of me let dusk not return to God for a long time, but Qin Chaoyang is like these plants tight, she let go of the goddess's hand to touch these flowers.

Qin Chaoyang looked at the flowers carefully for a while, smelled their taste for a while, frowned slightly and asked, "what are these flowers? It looks like pear blossom and peach blossom, but its taste is very special, but it's not like these two kinds of flowers. It really baffles me. "

The goddess also walked over and stroked Qin Chaoyang's soft hair and said, "I don't know the name of the flower. Since you like plants, it's up to you to take it. It's a kind of flower created by me. You are my daughter, and you also have this ability. Especially Chaoyang, you should be very familiar with it."

Qin Chaoyang Wen Yan then slightly opened his mouth, clear said: "yes, I have forgotten this stubble, before I live there are many plants are my own creation."

While they were talking, dusk was interested in the path in the forest. She took the lead to set foot on the path, even though she didn't know the destination of the path. She walked along the path alone.

As long as you lift your hand gently, you can touch the flowers in the garden, and she is surrounded by the fragrance of the flowers, which gives her an illusion, as if the fragrance is sent out from her body, but the taste is fresh and pleasant, and does not make people feel sweet and greasy.

Very to the appetite of dusk evening, slowly Qin Chaoyang and goddess also followed up, they walked behind dusk evening, goddess looked at dusk evening one person ahead of the back, can't help but smile said: "dusk evening is such a temperament, dare to venture, dare to fight, you are sister, gentle and quiet, have you these two daughters, I think I'm really lucky."

Qin Chaoyang nestled his head on the goddess's shoulder, with a shallow smile on his mouth, said: "we are lucky to be your daughter. My sister dares to love and hate, straightforward and lovely. I like her very much. I am her sister, and I will take good care of her in the future. You can relax."

Goddess smell speech slightly shocked to see a Qin Chaoyang, then whispered: "you... You know?"

Qin Chaoyang nodded slightly, looked at the goddess in a soft voice and said, "I know... I don't know. What I know is that you won't always accompany us. What I don't know is why you don't accompany us?"

The goddess sighed softly, then stroked Qin Chaoyang and said, "you have a delicate mind, which can be seen in a moment. But your sister is happy at the moment. You'd better not tell her the news. Indeed, I won't always be around you. I've already become a past tense. If I didn't miss you two little guys, I would not be in this world, But fortunately, I am also the creator of the temple. I will do my best to wait for this meeting with you. To be honest, I will disappear forever in this world after January. The reason why I dare to tell you this is because I believe you are my sister. You are strong enough to bear the news. I will give it to you from your sister, I really can't bear to say goodbye to her, but you will always accompany her instead of me. I believe you. "

After that, the goddess gazed at Qin Chaoyang with gentle eyes. Although there was no weakness in her eyes, she had the power to shake people's hearts. Qin Chaoyang was gazed at for a long time, and her eyes could not help getting wet. She nodded heavily and choked and said, "OK, I promise you, mother, but you must tell me the whole story, otherwise my little sister will not be reconciled."

The goddess was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile: "if you want to tell it... You have to start from the beginning... It's a long story..."

The goddess has been chosen since she was born. She has a power that others can't have - to create life. Because of this special power, they also have a special mission. The goddess can create a world.

At the same time, however, the price is that their life expectancy will be shortened. After the creation of the world, the goddess can live at most ten thousand years, and this is their mission. When she was young, the goddess conceived her ideal kingdom.

She also put into action, that is, today's temple. After the creation of the temple, she created the conditions suitable for living here, including the survival system. Gradually, life multiplied here, and Bai Li Fen Jin's father was the first group of practitioners who multiplied in the temple.

Day by day, however, it is a curse for the goddess, because she knows how much life she has left, and she knows that as the creator of the temple, her life may not be as long as the life she created.

She wanted to accept her fate in this way, but although she is a goddess with the power to create life, she envies the simple family affection, love and friendship of ordinary people, which she has never owned. Even if someone wants to get close to her, she will refuse.

For nothing else, just because she was a goddess, after about five thousand years, the goddess suddenly realized that since she could create life, why could she not create her own children? Like ordinary mothers, they have the most ardent wishes and expectations for their children.

Since she had this idea, she began to observe ordinary mothers. She wanted her children very much, so she did it very seriously. She didn't start her own plan until she had made enough preparations.

She created two fetuses like eggs, namely Qin Chaoyang and Qin Muxi. It took her more than a thousand years. The goddess looked at the two children she had worked hard to cultivate and gently stroked them.

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