She gently said to the unborn child: "you are my children, I hope you are beautiful, kind, brave, happy, no matter what you look like, you are my children."

The goddess knew that her remaining life was short, and she was willing to use all her strength to exchange for the safety of the two children. However, things didn't work out as she wanted. The temple had always been at odds with the demon Kingdom, and there were constant fights between the big and the small.

She couldn't be allowed to calm down to look after her two children, but at this time, Bai Li Fen Jin's father was deeply infatuated with the goddess. He volunteered to assume the role of guardian of the temple, and joined other forces in the temple to invade the hell.

It's undoubtedly selfish to be a mother's goddess. In the past, she only had Temple people in her heart, but now she only thought about her two children. She didn't have the heart to let her children be infected by the fire of war, and she didn't want to see her before her children were born and grew up.

So the goddess made an extremely selfish move for the temple people, but extremely selfless move for her two children. She sealed herself and her children together in the holy land of the temple, where there are full of flowers, which are all created by the goddess herself.

There is an excellent environment and excellent cultivation resources. Her children can get the best nourishment here, and she also keeps herself in the holy land, so as to maintain the state of suspended animation, and her life will not be reduced as before. When everything subsides, she will choose the time to wake up.

By that time, her children had been nourished enough and had received all her blessings. When the goddess woke up, she did not know how long the temple had been. She only knew that her admirer, the guardian of the temple, had passed away.

But he left a child named Bai Li Fen Jin. She only saw that child once. She was an excellent child. She also assumed the role of his father and became the guardian of the new generation of the temple. However, at the moment, her heart was only her two children.

She spent a lot of time choosing who would give birth to the child. In order to find the right person, she not only searched the temple, but also the lower world. Finally, she chose Qin Qionghua and asked Qin Qionghua to give birth to her child.

The goddess gives Qin Chaoyang a white fish jade pendant, and she gives Mu Xi a black fish jade pendant. Only when the two jade pendants are combined, can they see the goddess, their biological mother, and the holy land of the temple is hidden in the two jade pendants.

At this point in the story, Qin Chaoyang probably understood. She nodded slightly, and then said to the goddess in doubt, "so where we are now is the holy land of the temple? Where we were nourished before we were born? "

The goddess nodded and said in a soft voice, "yes, it's here, so you can be regarded as revisiting your hometown, and I accompanied you like this before you were born."

Qin Chaoyang looked up at the goddess and said with a slight frown, "but when you sealed yourself before, didn't you have thousands of years of life? But why can only accompany us for one month now? Do you have anything else to do? "

Hearing this, the goddess just shook her head helplessly, then sighed and said, "I have nothing else to do. Now you are all I have. Although I am sealed in the holy land of the temple, the time I have sealed is too long. Even in the state of feign death, my remaining life is less than 20 years, and you are born and grow up now, The time for merging the two jade plates is only one month

At this moment, Qin Chaoyang can't help feeling a burst of regret. If she and Mu Xi can meet as soon as possible and merge the two jade pendants, will they spend more time with the goddess? But now that it's settled, she can't turn back the clock.

She can only seize the remaining time to get along with the goddess. Qin Chaoyang can't help but feel sorry when he thinks of this. But now, dusk has reached the end of the path. There are several beautiful bamboo houses, revealing the taste of elegance and leisure.

Evening night see, then excited to the goddess and Qin Chaoyang called: "mother, sister! Come here quickly! There are beautiful houses here

Qin Chaoyang, who is immersed in sadness, is called out by dusk evening. She quickly converges her emotions. She is her elder sister. She can't make dusk evening sad, so she also waves to dusk evening and says with a smile: "we know. We'll come right away. You can wait a moment."

But dusk could not wait, because she had never seen such a delicate and beautiful bamboo house, and the bamboo house was not built close to the ground, it was still some distance from the ground, and there was still a trickle of water flowing under the bamboo house, and there were still fish in the water.

Muxi carefully pushes the door of the bamboo house. She is afraid that it will destroy the quiet and elegant here. The interior decoration is simple and generous. She can see the running water from the crack of the bamboo house.

Hearing the murmur of water, this is not only a paradise, but also a fairyland in the world. It's almost the most beautiful place I've ever seen. While enjoying the twilight, the goddess and Qin Chaoyang also follow.

When the goddess saw the expression of dusk evening, she could not help but gently raised her mouth and said with a smile, "Xi'er, do you like here very much? We're going to live here next. "

The evening evening hears speech and says happily: "I certainly like it! Are we really going to live here? Is that true? " But suddenly her tone changed again. Her index fingers poked each other and said in embarrassment: "are there only a few of us?"

The goddess looked at the appearance of dusk night, then asked: "what's the matter with you? Would you like someone else to come and live with us? "

Before dusk began to speak, Qin Chaoyang said: "mother, you don't know, our little sister, but I'm thinking of her little lover now. If he can't find our little sister, he will be worried."

The goddess just heard the news. She was stunned at first, and then her expression turned slightly serious. She looked at the dusk and said: "is what your sister said true? Who is he? If my mother is not with you, be careful not to be cheated. "

When I heard the words at dusk, I blushed.

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