She looked at Qin Chaoyang angrily and raised her hand to hit her. She said, "what are you talking about? Who let you talk nonsense! Thank you for being my sister. I'll never talk to you again! "

When the goddess saw the reaction of dusk evening, she also understood seven or eight points in her heart. She slowed down her attitude and said gently to dusk evening: "your sister is worried about you. Now you tell me who that person is. Let her guard you so that others won't bully you."

At the moment, Qin Chaoyang secretly thinks, how can he get others to bully Dushi? It's good not to bully others at dusk. But at the moment, Mu Xi, who was interrogated by the goddess, was very shy and nervous. She kowtowed and said: "he... He... He is also from the temple... Maybe you know her... Her name is Bai Li Fen Jin..."

On hearing the name, the goddess was stunned. She didn't expect that she even asked an acquaintance, who was also the son of that person. Originally, the goddess's impression of Bai Li Fen Jin was quite good, but when she heard that he was engaged with Mu Xi.

The goddess's standard immediately rose. She frowned slightly and said to Dushi, "when did you get engaged to him? Is he good to you? Have you ever bullied you? Does he have any other women out there? What about his strength? "

This series of questions make Dushi's head a little dizzy. She can only smile helplessly and say, "since my mother is so curious, why don't we go out and find him, or bring him in and let her take care of me?"

At this time, Qin Chaoyang also raised his hand enthusiastically and said, "not only my mother, but also I will guard for you."

The evening evening hears speech to look at Qin Chaoyang plaintively, the mouth still murmurs to say: "you now show off prestige... Wait for you to find brother-in-law... See how I deal with you..."

But at this moment, the goddess who has been thinking for a long time seriously said to Dushi, "this is a good proposal. Then you can bring him in. I want to have a good look at the child."

As soon as she heard this, the smile on her face became more and more bright, which made the goddess on one side look very uncomfortable. She was both a father and a mother, but she had two hearts, and her care for twilight was also unusual, which could be compared with her parents.

So, the most pitiful one is Bai Li Fen Jin, who still doesn't know anything. However, when it comes to him, since dusk disappeared at the bottom of the lake, his whole body was in a panic, but he forced himself to calm down.

But although he thought so in his heart, he couldn't do it. He felt that everything he did was wrong, and the demonic attribute in his body could not be restrained. Twilight was his only antidote. As long as twilight was not around, the poison in his heart would continue to grind him.

Bai Li Fen Jin infers that the disappearance of Dushi is probably related to the space of jade pendant, so he just stays by the lake all day, and sometimes goes to the bottom of the lake to take a walk, waiting for the news of Dushi. Sure enough, one day later, he sees Dushi by the lake.

And dusk night after seeing him is also hurried trot to his side, constantly told him: "next I want to take you to see my mother, so you have to be obedient, good performance, do you know?"

Bai Li Fen Jin didn't understand what she meant. Suddenly there was a strong light in front of her eyes. He and Mu Xi went to the jade pendant space together. Almost at the same time of landing, Bai Li Fen Jin hugged Mu Xi tightly and said in her ear, "where have you gone? You left me alone again? "

Seeing this, Mu Xi patted him on the back and said in a low voice, "let me go quickly..."

Before dusk's words were finished, Bai Li Fen Jin said aloud, "I won't let you go. I won't let you go any more. I won't let you disappear in front of my eyes."

As soon as she heard Bai Li Fen Jin's words, there was a black line on her forehead. Well, her mother and sister all saw the good play. Where could she put her face? At this time, the goddess coughed twice.

Bai Li Fen Jin noticed the people here, but he didn't let go of his hand all the time. Helpless Mu Xi's face was red now. She could only poke Bai Li Fen Jin's shoulder and said, "let go of me first. I'll introduce you. My mother and sister are here..."

She dares to show her love in front of her friends, but she dares not show her love in front of her mother. At this time, Bai Li Fen Jin also sees these two women who are very similar to Mu Xi, but have their own charm.

Seeing that Bai Li Fen Jin noticed her, the goddess frowned discontentedly and said, "what? Don't want to let go of your hand now? When do you want to take advantage of my daughter? Or didn't you see me? "

Seeing this, Bai Li Fen Jin immediately analyzes the situation and releases Mu Xi. However, her hand firmly grasps Mu Xi's hand and leads her to the goddess, saying: "first, Xi'er and I are engaged, and Xi'er has promised that I will get married as soon as I go to the temple, so there is no such thing as taking advantage of it, The presence of the goddess in the temple has always been my lofty existence. I admire you very much

This answer made the goddess very satisfied, neither humble nor arrogant, and he had been holding the hand of Twilight all the time. The goddess saw his determination, but twilight was the treasure of the goddess's heart. She couldn't like it at the thought that she would be abducted by others.

So she said to Bai Li Fen Jin with a straight face: "do you respect me? Is that how you revere me? Kidnap my daughter? I'll tell you that Xier was engaged to you because she hasn't found me yet. Now that she has found me, the engagement has to be changed. We have to pay attention to the orders of our parents and the words of the matchmaker, right

Make complaints about this, and twilight and Bari burn Jin all blinked at the goddess, and in the evening, they whispered, "what is a kidnap?" this is calling me stupid.

Qinchaoyang smell speech also face to Dushi said: "we talk with him, sister you don't interrupt."

Said Qin Chaoyang also took the hand of the evening, ready to pull her to the goddess side of the camp, but Bai Li Fen Jin has not let go, Qin Chaoyang also has no way, at this time Bai Li Fen Jin still respectfully said to the Goddess: "I am like the grandfather of the evening, how can I not count the parents' order, matchmaker's words?"? Now Xi'er is my fiancee. You can't take her. "

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