The goddess just said faintly: "she is my youngest daughter, how much I love her, you know, I always have to find a good husband for my daughter. I don't know if you can't pass the test. If you can't pass the test, I still have a little prestige."

Bai Li Fen Jin nodded her head gently, with an air of self-confidence. However, her tone was very serious and she said, "I will prove to you that I am the most suitable person for you. I have to marry at dusk. I have such confidence and determination."

Goddess Wen Yan gently smile, slightly raised her head and said: "you put your horse over."

Dusk Xi wanted to say a few words, but Qin Chaoyang whispered in her ear: "don't get involved in this matter. If you have a mother to guard for you, you can rest assured. Is she going to embarrass you? What's more, that hundred Li burning Jin, I think it's very good, worthy of you, you don't have to worry about it. "

At dusk, she wanted to talk, but the goddess and Qin Chaoyang didn't give her the chance at all, and the goddess looked at Bai Li Fen Jin and said, "first of all, my son-in-law must have a good appearance. You can do that, but with a good skin, it's hard to avoid that many women will give you hospitality. If you dare to have an affair with other women, Not only can I destroy your Temple Guardian position, I can also destroy your future, so you have to weigh it up for yourself. Secondly, my son-in-law has to have extraordinary strength. Without strong cultivation, how can you protect my daughter? Third, I don't ask you to be nice to us. I just want you to be nice to Mu Xi. She is the only one in this life. I just want to do these three things. "

After that, the goddess looked at Bai Li Fen Jin with her scanning eyes. With a faint smile on his face, he said confidently: "I can do all three points. I have to take the position of my husband in dusk."

Hearing this, the goddess raised her lips and laughed. Instead of talking to Bai Li Fen Jin, she said to Mu Xi, who was confused and confused: "my Xi'er is so excellent that there must be many admirers. The competition of only one candidate is not called competition. So Xi'er, you call all the people who like you and let your mother give you a good choice, It's always a good thing to have more choices. "

After the goddess said that, she thought about it seriously. Feng Qingyue seemed to have shown her a little meaning before, but she already had a hundred Li Zhenjin around her. He strongly strangled all the peach blossoms in the cradle, even Feng Qingyue who had been following her all the time, They were forced into friendship by him, so now the result is that there is no other admirer around Dushi!

At this thought, even Dushi herself was a little scared. She was also a beautiful yellow flower girl, but there was only Bai Li Fen Jin around her. She gave up the whole forest for a tree. Bai Li Fen Jin looks at Mu Xi. The dissatisfaction in his eyes is very obvious. He knows what is going on in Mu Xi's heart. But as long as he is around, he doesn't even have a strange opposite sex. How can he allow other admirers?

Treat evening things, he has always been selfish and domineering, hundred Li burning Jin will clasp her hands behind her back, posture like Jin Song general tall and straight, slightly raised her head, a king posture, leisurely said: "there is no other admirer around evening, so only I am a candidate, how do you want to assess, just come."

Mu Xi looks at Bai Li Fen Jin speechlessly. He wants to have an equal election. To tell you the truth, he hasn't seen this side of Bai Li Fen Jin yet. Mu Xi has seen his domineering appearance in the city and his childish and boring appearance. Only he hasn't seen him now so neither humble nor arrogant. For Mu Xi's mother, he doesn't flatter him too much, nor is he impolite, On the contrary, it is showing its own advantages and charm. It is like a peacock in the open screen. Dusk can only resist a smile.

But to put it bluntly, all this is for her, but in front of the goddess, Dushi also dare not openly toward hundred Li burn Jin, can only let the goddess arrange. Seeing the appearance of Bai Li Fen Jin, the goddess raised her eyebrows and said to him, "hmm? No admirers? It's impossible. I believe in my daughter's charm. It seems that you solved them, right? I don't blame you for that. After all, you can deal with them and count your strength. "

But the goddess was still in a dilemma and frowned. Her fingers touched the table in turn and said, "if I am still in the temple now, I will be able to choose the best man for my Xi'er. But forget it now. I can assess you alone."

Bai Li Fen Jin gently smiles and confidently looks at the goddess and says, "even if you are in the temple now, I am still the best man in the temple. I never express my credit, because the temple has its own people who will respect me. From the moment I take over the position of the guardian of my father's temple, I am the best man in the temple, none of them."

Bai Li Fen Jin's self-confidence is not unreasonable. The goddess knows that not everyone can be the guardian of the temple. She also knows Bai Li Fen Jin's father, so she knows the excellence of Bai Li Fen Jin. But she just doesn't want to admit it, because her daughter, who has spent so much time raising, is engaged to someone else just when she meets him. She really can't swallow it, At least she had to vent her feelings.

So the goddess coughed a few times, and out of thin air she produced a small pagoda from her hand. Then she said to Bai Li Fen Jin, "now I'll give you a chance. As long as you enter this pagoda, there will be a way to assess you. But I said that if you don't have enough courage and strength, you may be trapped in this pagoda forever and never come out again, Do you want to go in? "

Hundred Li burn Jin haven't too big reaction, dusk night then hurriedly anxiously say: "Niang! I like him, I love him, I am willing to marry him, no matter what his strength, I am willing to be with him, so there is no need for these tests, you don't have to assess him any more. "

Bai Li Fen Jin looks at the dusk evening with tenderness. It seems that she can drip water in her eyes. In this life, she is accompanied by dusk evening. What can her husband ask for. But the goddess said firmly: "Xi'er, you are willing to give him together, this is your choice, as your mother, I have the obligation to audit him for you, and whether to accept this audit, is his own choice, you do not interfere."

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