At this time, Bai Li Fen Jin also came to Mu Xi's side, stroked her hair with a smile and said, "Xi'er, don't worry. To be able to hear what you just said is my greatest strength. I also want to use this opportunity to prove myself. I can understand your mother's mentality. Like me, she doesn't want to lose you, so I will tell her with my strength and give you to me, She can rest assured that this is definitely the best choice. "

But at dusk, hearing the speech tightly, he raised his head and blinked a pair of slightly tearful eyes and said, "but I'm afraid you can't come out. Who will I marry then? And you were trapped in endless darkness before, and I know how painful you are, so I don't want you to experience it again. "

Bai Li Fen Jin gently wiped away dusk Xi's tears with her hand, patiently said to her in a soft voice: "do you believe your husband? Don't you believe in my strength? Besides, this time I entered the tower of my own free will, and I know you will give me strength outside. How can this be compared with being in the endless darkness? "

As soon as the voice fell, Bai Li Fen Jin gathered around Mu Xi's ear and said to him vaguely in a voice that only allowed them to hear: "besides, my wife and I haven't had a wedding night yet. How can I not come out of the tower and let my wife guard the empty room alone?"

After that, he quickly raised his head and mischievously looked at the shy appearance on the face of Dushi. He was just openly showing his love in front of the goddess and Qin Chaoyang. When Dushi heard the words, a rosy glow rose on his face and pursed his lips and muttered, "hooligan, I don't care about you. Go in yourself."

Then she quickly let go of Bai Li Fen Jin and stood beside the goddess. The goddess just looked at the intimate appearance of Bai Li Fen Jin and Mu Xi. There was an indescribable feeling of displeasure in her heart. Who let her be a father and a mother? She quickly waved to Bai Li Fen Jin, frowned and said, "come here! I'll take you in! "

Bai Li Fen Jin walked over unhurriedly and confidently. The goddess saw him and waved in front of him. Suddenly, a golden light came out of her sleeve, turning Bai Li Fen Jin into a ball only the size of a flower stamen, and instantly got into the small tower in the hands of the goddess.

Dushi wants to say something, but he quickly closes his mouth. He can only watch Bai Li Fen Jin enter the tower. Seeing her like this, Qin Chaoyang smiles and bends his eyes and says, "what? Angry? "

The evening evening smell speech rolled her a white eye, Du wear mouth to say: "I originally thought you are a gentle virtuous elder sister, didn't expect you also so mischievous, I really saw you wrong, ignore you."

The goddess can't help but smile when she hears the words. She looks at dusk and says, "Xi'er, are you angry with me? I just want you to have a husband

Evening evening hears this words to slant to head to go, pout a mouth to act like a coquettish to say: "hum."

Although Mu Xi agrees to let Bai Li Fen Jin go into the tower, it doesn't mean that she's angry with the goddess. What she's most angry about is the ghost system in the tower. She believes in Bai Li Fen Jin, but she's afraid of everything. If Bai Li Fen Jin really can't get out, she might go into the tower, thinking of the result, Dusk night and angry looked at the goddess.

Seeing this, the goddess put on a look of grievance, nibbled her lower lip, looked at the dusk and said, "Xi'er, you are really angry with me. I know that I have not been with you for so many years. You must be angry with me in your heart. You are also sure that he will stay with you longer than me. I understand."

The goddess's pitiful and submissive appearance made me feel sad. She quickly explained, "no, it's not for this reason. Mother, you think too much. I don't blame you. You can accompany me. I don't know how happy I am."

Seeing this, the goddess still lowered her eyes and said, "but you are still angry with me. You just ignored me."

The goddess's coquettish appearance is the first time that she meets at Dushi. It shows that the goddess has great trust in her. Ordinary people have never seen her before. After hearing this, Dushi quickly says, "no, I'm just worried about Baili burning Jin. What if he can't get out?"

The goddess immediately changed her expression and said with a smile: "as long as my Xi'er is not angry with me, as for the man, you can rest assured. Since this tower is mine, I can let him in and let him out. I said that he may not come out. This is a test to see if he has the courage to challenge. If he goes in and can't get out, it can only prove that his strength is not up to standard. At that time, I can let him out. To be honest, I will be dissatisfied with him. I also hope you can think about it. After all, I want to give you all the happiness in the world. "

Evening smell speech was moved, she understood the goddess of painstaking care, but she also believe in hundred Li burning Jin, so she looked at the goddess firmly, said: "mother, I love you, I love him, I believe him, I am willing to give the rest of my life to him."

The goddess felt an indescribable emotion in her heart. It seemed that Dushi had grown up without her company. She was very happy, but at the same time she felt a little guilty. She gently touched Dushi's head and said, "OK, mother, wait and see. I want to have a good look at his performance in the tower."

Then the goddess gently pointed to the sky with her hand. In a moment, a huge screen appeared in the sky, just like a projector. Twilight night saw the figure of Baili burning Jin from inside. It was very clear, as if he was standing beside her. Twilight night clenched his fist slightly, and his heart was quietly nervous for Baili burning Jin.

Seeing this, Qin Chaoyang gently holds the hand of dusk evening and gives her strength by gently looking at it. At this time, Bai Li Fen Jin was on the first floor of the tower. It seemed that there were all kinds of books in it. At dusk, she could not see the names of those books clearly, but she knew that these books were very thick and difficult to read.

Bai Li Fen Jin also carefully looked through these books with her hands. At this time, the goddess gently opened her lips and slowly said, "the first test is memory, or there are some elements of luck. Next, you have to finish all the books in three hours, and write down their contents. Then I will ask three questions. If you get all the answers right, You can go to the next level. "

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