Smell speech hundred Li burn Jin can only helplessly turn around to leave, God knows he has checked several times, the first thing after confirmation is to find Dushi, what is "beautiful sleep"? Without twilight, he didn't sleep well these days.

Besides, tomorrow is the wedding. How can he sleep well? Now he is already a little nervous and unbearable. Compared with him, Dushi seems very relaxed. When Bai Li Fen Jin is about to leave, Dushi still has a heart to lose.

So she opened her mouth to the door and said loudly, "tomorrow, I'll wait for you to marry me!"

Smell speech hundred Li burn Jin to turn around immediately, can't restrain the smile on his face at all, he says hastily: "good! Lady, wait for me

I can't see Twilight now, but if I can hear her voice, Bai Li Fen Jin will be very satisfied. Tomorrow, he will spend the rest of his life with twilight. Thinking of the future, he can't help laughing.

Bai Li Fen Jin has never been so impolite as he is now. He looks at the door for a long time, and will come out from here tomorrow evening. Thinking of this, he doesn't want to leave at all. At last, Qin Qingyun persuades him to go back.

And the room where dusk night is located is quiet in an instant. The goddess has a lot to say to dusk night, but she can't say anything. Just looking at each other makes her feel different tenderness. On this night, the goddess said to twilight again and again: "you must be happy in the future."

At this time, twilight evening also shows patience with the goddess. She nods to the goddess again and again. Twilight evening also knows how important she is in the goddess's heart, and she also knows how important she is in Bai Li Fen Jin's heart.

To be loved by so many people is the greatest happiness of twilight. On this night, twilight sleeps very sweet, but Baili Fen Jin is too nervous to sleep. He is afraid that when he falls asleep, he will wake up and find that it is just an illusion.

He did not dare to sleep, because excited, because nervous, because of the love of twilight, his mind over and over again recalled that he and twilight once, that is the time they passed together, thinking about him can not help laughing.

He has been thinking about the things that make him happy, and time has become very fast. Unconsciously, the morning light of the next morning shines into the room and wakes up the sleeping dusk. However, Bai Li Fen Jin is already ready in the room.

Almost overnight, the whole palace was decorated with red ribbons, filled with a lively and festive atmosphere. The little guy with the plate said, "get out of the way! Get out of the way! What I'm serving is food for the wedding banquet. If it's broken, you'll look good! "

However, at this moment, there are no idle people in the burning silence palace. All the young men and servant girls who come and go here and there are some things in their hands. They are all prepared for the wedding. Even dusk night is not idle. It's the day of the wedding ceremony.

Bai Li Fen Jin's heart became very calm. He was about to marry his bride. He couldn't behave himself. However, Dushi became very nervous. When the first sunshine came into the room, the goddess and Qin Chaoyang quickly pulled her out of bed.

Their facial expressions are even more nervous than that of Dushi, and Dushi is also beginning to be nervous. It took them a long time to put on the embroidered bridal dress for Dushi. They had tried it yesterday, but they were still a little flustered today.

Dushi takes a deep breath and wants to calm down. Liuge'er pats her on the shoulder and says, "you don't have to be nervous. The worship hall has to wait until evening, so there is still a period of time. In the morning, Baili Huojin is busy greeting people, so don't worry."

Liuge'er's optimistic attitude also makes Dushi a little relaxed. She looks at liuge'er curiously with a smile and says, "Bai Li Fen Jin greets people? How can he greet people? How can it be? I've never seen him like this

Liu Ge'er said with a smile: "there are exceptions to everything, not to mention about you. Bai Li Fen Jin is going to marry you today, so don't mention how happy he is. He can do this little thing well, so you can rest assured."

When liuge'er says this, she wants to sneak into the dining room to see what it looks like for Baili Huojin to entertain guests. However, she can't help herself now. A group of girls are in charge of her and won't let her eat. For a while, she is afraid of makeup.

For a moment, I'm afraid I'll eat too much and I can't put on my bride's clothes. Dushi can only eat a few snacks when they don't pay attention. Unfortunately, Qin Chaoyang finds out. Dushi puts her hands together and looks at her pitifully. Qin Chaoyang has no choice but to pretend not to see her.

Compared with dusk night, the dining room is really lively. Today, the subordinates of burning silence palace have changed their style. The uniform black protective clothing has been changed into fiery red, which symbolizes festivity and excitement. Today, the palace is very popular.

At ordinary times, the position of the subordinate of the burning palace who dances swords and guns has changed from guard to reception, delivering tea and wine to the guests. In the past few days, twilight has been at ease in front of rice insects, and the wedding affairs are all in the charge of Baili burning Jin, so she didn't know that Baili burning Jin invited all the people she knew from the mainland.

Including fengruixuan of Fengrui Kingdom, and five elders and Zhang Mu who had just left the burning silence palace, when they heard that Baili burning Jin was going to marry Muxi, they rushed to come. For such enthusiastic people, Baili burning Jin naturally entertained them with the highest standard.

The people of the burning palace were sent to pick up and deliver them in person. The carriage was also made of red silk with lace. Moreover, Baili burning Jin promised to give Dushi the most grand wedding, so he specially sent people and all the flying Warcraft of the burning palace to spread good herbs, pills and skills in the three continents.

Today is a day of universal celebration. The whole sky is red by the people in the burning palace. The people at the bottom are very happy, but they are also very curious. Pointing to the red people in the sky, they say, "who are they? So generous and so many good things, it's like throwing away money. "

As soon as he heard this, some people in the crowd said, "I heard from the grapevine that the palace master who burned the palace got married today. He was happy, so he broadcast the gospel in three continents."

He said this, some people in the crowd vowed: "right! Apart from the master of the burning palace, who can have such a big hand? "

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