Then he said in a low voice, "this morning, I saw the people of the burning palace carrying a carriage to take the Chinese people to the wedding banquet. The carriage is full of red silk. Don't talk about it outside."

The burning palace has always been the strongest existence in the three continents, so people dare not speak up even if they are talking about it, for fear that they might get into trouble if they are not careful. However, the more we cover it up, the more curious the crowd will be.

Someone quietly blocked his mouth and asked, "do you know which girl the master of burning silence palace married? I really don't know how she has such a good fortune to marry such a good family. It's estimated that she won't have to worry about it for the rest of her life. Besides, the influence of their mother's family is also estimated to be great in the future. It's such a big hand to send them casually, not to mention that they are still in laws. "

The more people said, the more curious they were. After a long time, someone said quietly, "it's said that the bride is a girl from the Qin family of Fengrui country. Today, many people in Fengrui country see that the emperor has been taken away by the people who burned the palace. It seems that he has some friendship with the palace master's wife."

Their words are true and false, and there are rumors and facts, but the only thing that can be confirmed is that the master of the burning silence palace and his wife must be very kind, otherwise it is impossible to hold such a grand wedding, and almost everyone in the three continents will know about it.

At this time, in the distant sea area, there was also a man who received the news from his subordinates. At the moment of hearing the news, a burst of boundless anger rose from his heart and constantly gathered into a big storm. He looked at the vast sea area and said: "hundred Li burn Jin! Qin dusk night! You wait! I want revenge! I'm going to tear you to pieces! "

After he roared with all his strength, huge waves were set off on the sea, and even bursts of explosions came from the bottom of the sea. The bodies of dead fish immediately floated on the sea, turning this place into a place of death. However, the distant dusk and the hundred mile burning Jin did not know this.

At the moment, in the dining room of the burning palace, all the guests bring their own gifts, including Qin Qingyun and others who have been staying with them all evening. The banquet in the morning is to make these guests have a good time, and these hundred Li burning Jin don't have to worry about it.

As long as he doesn't keep a straight face and silently throws cold arrows at everyone, everyone can stay here at ease. However, he seems to be in a very good mood today. He even maintains a mild attitude towards these people, and no longer refuses people thousands of miles away as before.

Qin Qingyun was also very happy. He had drunk a lot of wine just before the banquet started. With the strength of wine, he was the first to stand up, stagger to Bai Lifen Jin, pat him on the shoulder, and said: "Twilight... Is my little sister, today... She is going to marry you... Although I can't beat you... But! As long as you dare to bully her... I will not let you go! Do you hear me

Qin Qingyun said these words intermittently, even slightly choked in his tone. Although he didn't spend as much time with Muxi as Qin Chaoyang, his feelings with Muxi were not inferior to Qin Chaoyang. They practiced together, experienced together, and hurt together.

They have gone through all kinds of hurdles together. It's a life-long friendship. What's more, they still have a layer of kinship. Qin Qingyun said so, and Bai Lifen Jin was not upset. He understood why Qin Qingyun was so impolite today, because they all love Twilight deeply.

Although it's different kinds of love, some things are still interlinked, so Bai Li Fen Jin rarely smiles at Qin Qingyun, then politely bows to him and says, "brother, don't worry, I will try my best to protect Dushi, be loyal and love her forever."

Seeing this, Qin Qingyun also gave a silly smile. Then he took out a bracelet from his arms and said, "I... I have nothing to give you... You and Dushi usually give us things... This bracelet is the only thing my mother left me before she died... It is also the treasure of our Qin family... Today, I will give it to you! I wish you happiness forever

Bai Li Fen Jin is about to refuse, but as soon as Qin Qingyun opens the door, all the people stand up and squeeze in front of him. They all raise their gifts. For a moment, so many gifts are sent to Bai Li Fen Jin.

Even Yulan holds his wedding gift with his little hand. He can't refuse it, so he has to accept it one by one. Only some of them have special meaning. He secretly notes that he will find a special time to send them back, especially Qin Qingyun's bracelet.

The process of giving gifts lasted for a long time, and Bai Li Fen Jin listened to them patiently. Today is the best day for Bai Li Fen Jin to treat them, but it can't compare with Bai Li Fen Jin's appearance in front of dusk.

At the end of the gift giving time, Lin Shuyu holds a wine glass from the table and says with a smile to Bai Lifen Jin: "today you are the bridegroom, but you can't avoid drinking. We have to have a good time, and you have to have a good time too. Today we are all drunk!"

Then he raised his glass and went to Baili burning Jin. On weekdays, Baili burning Jin didn't like drinking, and he would try his best to avoid drinking, because drinking would make him unconscious, and drinking would cause trouble. As the guardian of the temple, he could not touch a drop of wine.

But today is a special day. For his wedding ceremony with Dushi, he has to drink the wine, and he has to drink it happily. Thinking about it, he picked up the glass in Lin Shuyu's hand and drank it in one gulp, without any affectation. His appearance also made everyone present very happy.

Everyone picked up their glasses to drink with him, but now Qin Ying, as his grandfather, had to help him block the wine. With a smile, Qin Ying said to everyone, "Bai Li, you'll have to pay homage later. It's not good to drink so much now. You'll have to wait for him to have a good time with you! How about this? "

At this time, Qin Ying had already drunk a lot of wine, and even his nose turned red. As soon as his voice fell, he heard Lin Shuyu pick his eyebrows and say with a smile, "how can the bridegroom drink with us after paying homage to the hall? I can't wait to find the bride. "

As soon as Lin Shuyu said this, the whole audience began to laugh. It had to be said that they really knew about Bai Li Fen Jin, and they knew all about this. At this time, Chu Tianrun also continued to say, "I'll make a reservation with you first. When you and your baby are born, I'll be his godfather!"

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