Tossed most of the night, the day just dawned, hundred Li burning Jin just understanding to dusk, finally let her go. Dushi almost fell asleep at the moment. Bai Li Fen Jin calls her servant girl to send her bath bucket. Then she takes Mu Xi into the bath bucket. What she sees is the red mark on her body.

His eyes can't help but deep up again, thinking that it's still early, so holding on to the waist of dusk night began to spoil up... Dusk night has no way to take him, she has no strength for a long time. When the water is about to cool, Bai Li Fen Jin just holds up the dusk and puts it on the bed, bullying her body, which makes her linger again.

Dushi wanted to kick him out, but she didn't have any strength. She felt the gap of strength. Bai Li Fen Jin really had a taste of marrow. He really didn't want to get up. At the end of the day, the maid was called to change the bath water. After a while, everyone in the burning silence palace knew that the relationship between the palace master and his wife was excellent. It was so good that he couldn't give up the bed.

Dusk night see like pulling quilt, a face vigilant looking at hundred Li burning Jin, he smile wantonly and open way: "and let you go first, at night."

Twilight evening put on good clothes, this want to wash, just a moment to feel a soft leg, hundred Li burning Jin see this quickly hold up Twilight evening, his smile on the face of joy way: "too weak, you this body must be a good tonic, otherwise for husband can not eat enough."

Dusk Xi stares at him impolitely, but in Bai Li Fen Jin's eyes, he thinks it's charming. He thinks of the scenes just now, and can't help but get to dusk Xi's ear and say in a hoarse voice: "darling, or I will take you now."

Then he took her to wash and put her back on the bed. Dusk night immediately obedient up, she is now hungry and sleepy. Hundred Li burn Jin call people to bring lunch, those servant girls finally saw evening in, although still in bed. Hundred Li burn Jin block their line of sight, this strange possessive let dusk night is speechless.

But she just tasted a mouthful and stopped eating. She looked at Bai Li Fen Jin and said, "I want to eat what you make. I can't get used to it. I'll sleep for a while. Don't disturb me."

Say dusk evening ignore him, Wu from get into bed, hundred Li burn Jin in the heart is thinking, wait for dusk evening to get up, almost in the afternoon, after dinner is night, time just good, well, very cost-effective. However, things are not as he expected.

In the afternoon, twilight really got up, and Bai Li Fen Jin also brought delicious food. However, the goddess came with Qin Chaoyang and Liu Ge'er. Twilight quickly put on her clothes and got out of bed pretending to be lively.

Although Bai Li Fen Jin was slightly dissatisfied, he didn't want to disobey it. He put his meal in front of Mu Xi and tried to feed her. Qin Chaoyang frowned and said, "are you eating now?"

The dusk evening hears speech is to cast a glance at hundred Li to burn Jin at first, but this kind of look in the eyes for hundred Li to burn Jin, can't play the role of a little threat, let him see mind ripple instead. Dusk night can only clear the throat, said: "I'm not very hungry, I just want to eat his cooking."

The goddess Wen Yan looked at Mu Xi with a gentle smile, then touched her head and said, "my Xi'er is really lucky. It's really charming to let the guardian of the God of war wash your hands and make soup for you."

Dusk evening has not yet had time to answer, hundred Li burn Jin will light said: "can take care of Xi'er, is my blessing."

Liuge'er is also very happy to see their happy appearance. However, she stares at Dushi for a long time and suddenly finds red marks on her neck. She asks curiously and doubtfully, "what's on your neck, Dushi? Red, did a mosquito bite you yesterday? "

As soon as she heard this, she quickly covered her neck with her hand, and then glared at Bai Li Fen Jin. She seemed to blame why he didn't tell her. However, Bai Li Fen Jin laughed and blinked innocently to show that he didn't know.

Liuge'er wants to reach out to touch the red marks when she doesn't answer. She wants to ask if it hurts. She has no choice but to reply, "yes, I was bitten by a big mosquito last night. I don't think he will succeed tonight."

Simple liuge'er really thinks it's true, but the goddess and Qin Chaoyang are smiling vaguely. They are a little embarrassed and blush like apples. The more Dushi is like this, the more happy Bai Li Fen Jin is.

After all, it's all because of him. She frowned and said, "what are you doing here?"

After hearing the words, the goddess picked her eyebrows and said to the evening, "why don't I come here? I'm your mother. I want to see if you are OK? Ah... On your first day of marriage, you don't want your mother... She's really sad... "

Although the goddess is joking, she is also sincere. She does meet at dusk night. There is little time left for her and her two daughters to be together. She wants to spend every minute with dusk night and Qin Chaoyang.

Although Dushi knows that the goddess is pretending, Dushi still explains: "how can I have it? My mother is always the most important in my heart. " Dusk night side said, but also holding the goddess coquetry, straight tease goddess giggle, dusk night and then slip his eyes said: "otherwise, I still like before with mother and sister sleep, this is OK?"

On hearing this, Bai Li Fen Jin's face immediately became a little ugly. He looked at Mu Xi with a faint threat and some sorrow in his eyes. However, Mu Xi just rolled his eyes and ignored his feelings.

But the goddess said, "what are you talking about? You and Bai Li Fen Jin just got married, and you just want to sleep with me. Isn't that unfair to him? Besides, you are married. How can you still feel like a child? "

Mu Xi wanted to accuse Bai Li of burning Jin's "atrocity". However, due to her shame and indignation, she didn't say anything. She could only show her protest with her lips. Qin Chaoyang also mischievous said: "you sleep with us, then how to have a baby?"? I'm still waiting to hold my niece and nephew. "

The goddess and Qin Chaoyang are all facing Bai Li to burn Jin on this matter, which makes him very satisfied. His eyes are full of love and a little complacency. However, Mu Xi is not in such a good mood as him.

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