Dushi stands up and tries to fight Qin Chaoyang. She says, "who wants to have a baby? I'm still a child. "

The next dinner time was spent in the sound of laughter, which made Dushi feel unprecedented warmth and warmth, with lovers, relatives and friends around. Such a day is very comfortable, if you ignore it, it is fleeting.

Almost at night, the goddess looked at dusk for a long time. Then she gently stroked her head and said goodbye to her in a soft voice. There was a strong reluctant look in her eyes. Dusk said with a smile: "my mother is so reluctant to leave me? The big deal is that my mother will come back tomorrow, or I will go to see her. "

Seeing the obedient appearance of Dushi, the goddess nodded and said, "well, I won't be separated from my two treasures."

Then they left the room together. When they were all far away, they planned to practice in the jade pendant space. However, Bai Li Fen Jin looked at the room and said with a smile: "what are you going to do, lady?"

As soon as she saw the smile on Bai Li Fen Jin's face, she immediately shuddered. She coughed twice. She kept away from Bai Li Fen Jin and said: "I... I'm going to practice..."

Bai Li Fen Jin approached her step by step and said with a charming smile, "do you go to practice by yourself? It's so boring. Why don't we double train? "

With that, without waiting for the evening to refuse, Bai Li Fen Jin took her to Shuangxiu. Although the way of double cultivation is a little special... But the growth of strength is really very online. This kind of work that can be very close to twilight and improve strength is Bai Li's favorite.

Dushi was not willing to, but seeing that her strength was growing so fast, she gave it a second thought. After the goddess returned to the room, Qin Chaoyang also followed her. She looked at the goddess seriously and said, "mother, I hate you to go. I believe my sister thinks the same way. But now your time is coming, I think we should tell her about it, otherwise it's unfair to her."

The goddess Wen Yan was silent for a long time. She lowered her eyes, but her face was soft. She sighed and said, "but Xi'er is just married now. She is just happy. How can I have the heart to tell her the news?"

Qin Chaoyang Wen Yan slightly frowned and said: "do we want to let my sister know the news at the last moment? It's not fair to her. At that time, she will be more sad than she is now. Maybe she will blame us for not telling her the news earlier. Now, it's not too late. "

Goddess smell speech deeply wrinkled his brow, she did not want to let evening night pain? This is her favorite daughter. How can she be willing to make her sad? The goddess looked at Qin Chaoyang seriously and said, "if you were Xi'er, what would you think?"

Qin Chaoyang said without thinking: "if I am a sister, I will not only feel sad, but also feel distrusted when I know that my mother and sister are hiding such important information from me."

The goddess sighed deeply, then thought for a long time and said, "OK, I know. I'll tell her the news with you tomorrow."

If these two decisions will make Twilight sad, the goddess will definitely choose the minor one. The next morning, the goddess and Qin Chaoyang came to the room of Dushi. She said softly to Dushi, "today I want to tell you a piece of news."

Dusk Xi didn't like it, but after she saw the dignified expression on the goddess and Qin Chaoyang's face, she felt something wrong. She asked suspiciously, "what's the matter? What's so important? Come and tell me early in the morning? "

The goddess smelled speech to see a hundred Li burn Jin in the room, and the hundred Li burn Jin who knew the eye color lightly said: "need I avoid?"

Seeing that Bai Li Fen Jin was so sensible, the goddess showed a satisfied smile, and then said softly, "you are Xi Er's husband, that is, our relatives. Of course, you don't need to avoid it, and the next thing has something to do with you."

The more the goddess said that, the more she felt something was wrong. Seeing this, Bai Li Fen Jin held her hand tightly and wanted to give her some necessary strength. The goddess was silent for a while, then she showed a smile and said to the evening, "Xi'er, let me tell you a story. Every founder of the plane has special abilities, and those who have special abilities will always have some costs - their life is limited, and they can't even survive ordinary practitioners."

The goddess tried her best to state the matter in a relaxed tone. She didn't want to see the sad appearance of evening. Evening heard that she was silent for a long time. With her intelligence, she might be able to guess some main points, but she didn't dare to admit it, but said she didn't want to admit it.

She also pretended to be OK and said: "but what does this have to do with mother? You have lived to the present, which means that you are not like this... "

Before dusk finished, the goddess interrupted her and said, "I only have five days left in my life."

After hearing this news, Mu Xi was stunned for a long time. She didn't have any reaction, but after a long time, her tears began to stay, which made Bai Li Fen Jin feel very sad. He quickly wiped the tears for Mu Xi.

Also side of gentle comfort: "lady, don't cry, you cry I will be distressed."

The goddess sees her and then bursts of pain, but she has no further action, she does not comfort the evening, just quietly looking at her, the goddess knows that she can not accompany the evening in the future, but the hundred Li burning Jin can.

At the moment, the comfort of Bai Li Fen Jin is equivalent to her comfort. Bai Li Fen Jin can't help comforting Mu Xi. He has never had so much patience with others. However, in the face of Mu Xi, he is so gentle. After a while, twilight finally stopped crying.

She said to the goddess in a slightly choked voice, "why didn't you tell me earlier? What about my sister? Did she know that for a long time? Then why are you hiding it from me? "

This series of rhetorical questions hit the goddess's heart like a fist. She quickly explained: "because I don't want to make you sad, we just met. I don't want you to know this news. Your sister found it by herself, and I told her not to tell you. If you want to blame, blame me, don't blame her."

The evening evening smell speech just lightly smile, she don't know oneself should say what.

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