After a long time, she said with a bitter smile: "I don't blame my sister, I don't blame my mother. If I blame myself, I'm too stupid to find this news earlier."

Seeing the state of Twilight night, both the goddess and Qin Chaoyang feel sad. Hearing this, Qin Chaoyang walked slowly to her side, patted her on the back and said, "don't blame yourself any more. This is our problem, and you have done well enough. My mother's wish is to see your wedding with her own eyes, Now that wish has finally come true. "

Hearing this, Dushi remembers the scene where the goddess and Qin Chaoyang tried every means to persuade them to get married. Now she can't help but laugh. Dushi also says with a smile: "if you had said that earlier, I would have been married with Baili Huojin. How can we wait until now? You said earlier, I can accompany you to complete many wishes

The goddess and Qin Chaoyang are relieved to see that Dushi is like this now. Fortunately, Dushi doesn't resent them and is not angry with them. The goddess is also open-minded and joking to Dushi, saying, "even if I say it earlier, you can't satisfy my wish now."

Smell speech evening evening then pick eyebrow to say: "isn't still have five days time?"? How do you know I'm not satisfied? You said, "come and have a look."

Hearing this, the goddess looked at the dusk with a smile and said, "my wish now is to hold my grandson or granddaughter. How about that? Can you finish it in five days

As soon as she heard this, she looked at the goddess angrily. She didn't ask if she knew it was like this. Then she said to the Goddess: "do you have any other wishes that I can help you realize? I'm your daughter. Whatever you say, I'll satisfy you. "

The goddess Wen Yan gently smiles at Mu Xi, and then shakes her head and says, "my wish now is to see you get married. I have satisfied this wish, so I have no regrets any more. My wish in the future is to hope that you can grow old with Bai Li Fen Jin. I also hope Chaoyang can find someone who loves her and spoils her."

In the end, the goddess was still concerned about her two precious daughters. Qin Chaoyang said to the goddess with a smile, "this is not a prison. Mother, you have to worry. I will cheer myself on."

The goddess gently touched Qin Chaoyang's head, then looked at the dusk and said, "I just hope you find someone like Bai Li Fen Jin, who treats you unconditionally and dotes on you unconditionally. I'm relieved. In the future, you have to let your sister help you."

The goddess unconsciously praised Bai Li Fen Jin. It can be seen how satisfied she is with him. Now at dusk, there is a Bai Li Fen Jin guarding, which makes the goddess feel relieved. But what she worries about most is Qin Chaoyang.

However, Qin Chaoyang herself is not very anxious. For her, enjoying nature and feeling life are her happiest things. She doesn't need to be taken care of or accompanied by others all her life. Moreover, there is a small voice in her heart telling her.

It's better to be with the flowers she loves than to be with a man all her life. Their life is the most fascinating thing. The goddess talked a lot with Mu Xi and Qin Chaoyang, and finally she looked at Bai Li Fen Jin.

The goddess entrusted Bai Li Fen Jin one by one. She said to him gently and powerfully, "I entrust my precious daughter to you. This is my trust in you. I hope you don't betray my trust in you. You can take care of and protect my daughter forever. When I'm gone, this task will be completed by you. Don't think I'm not by her side, You can bully her. I'll tell you, I'll keep my eyes on you. "

Bai Li Fen Jin hated being threatened most in his life, but he was willing to accept such threats. He solemnly promised to the Goddess: "I promise to protect Xi'er with my life, please don't worry."

Although Bai Li Fen Jin didn't say much, it was full of responsibility. The goddess has not forgotten the oath he made. If he violates his oath, he will be punished by heaven, which makes the goddess very satisfied.

At the same time, it also gives Dushi enough sense of security. After knowing that the goddess will leave soon, Mu Xi and Bai Li Fen Jin are almost always with her these days. They feel the happiness of their own family.

However, the happy life is always very short, and the day of parting is coming soon. Muxi is trying to hold back her tears and doesn't want to let the goddess see it. Muxi hopes that the goddess will be happy when she leaves, not full of tears.

When the goddess is about to leave, she appears extremely peaceful and calm. She is just like a God, as if everything can't disturb her. The company of dusk and Qin Chaoyang in recent days has made her feel very enough.

The goddess's wish has passed, and she has no unshakable obsession. She is not sad, and she doesn't want to make Dushi and Qin Chaoyang sad. She shows a warm smile and says to them, "the black-and-white fish jade pendant is the first gift I give you. Now I want to give you another gift. When you see the gift later, you will think of me."

Then she handed Qin Chaoyang a crystal clear bracelet with excellent quality and dazzling beauty in the sun. The goddess said to Qin Chaoyang, "this is a gift I specially prepared for you. This bracelet can not only help you recover your vitality, but also help you cultivate your vitality. I know you like this one."

Then the goddess took out a pagoda and said to Mu Xi, "this pagoda is the one used to assess Bai Li Fen Jin. Now I integrate the holy land into it, and you can practice in the pagoda later. I know your goal is very big, and this pagoda can definitely help you."

Qin Chaoyang and Mu Xi are grateful when they get the gift, not because of how powerful the gift is, but because it's the goddess's heart, and it's also their thought of the goddess, which means a lot to them.

The goddess hugged Mu Xi and Qin Chaoyang and said, "it's our destiny that we can be mother and daughter in this life. I hope we will meet again in the future. I wish you happiness."

As soon as the voice fell, the goddess turned into white feathers like snow in front of dusk and Qin Chaoyang, holy and elegant, and disappeared in the wind. Even if they wanted to grasp them with their hands, they couldn't grasp them. They could only watch them fly away.

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