So magic Lingxiao heart with a little expectation and joy, and then face is quietly asked: "you say people... Is Qin Dushi?"

Cloud dream Yi tiny Leng for a while, suddenly think of him in before mention Qin dusk Xi of time, in front of this man lightly smile, difficult don't he and dusk Xi also have what origin? However, this is not what yunmengyi should think about.

He just slightly nodded, had to say, at this time magic Lingxiao heart is some lost, but he is very good to hide his heart, don't let his emotions exposed, this is what he must learn to do.

But at this time, magic Lingxiao thought of something again. He glanced at yunmengyi, then sneered and asked, "do you say Qin Muxi is your woman?"

Cloud dream Yi this person talks about lie to also don't make draft, he incomparably natural of say: "yes, in I want to marry with evening evening evening, hundred Li burn Jin to rob her, and also held into, marriage, ceremony, ceremony!"

Yun Mengyi is no doubt gnashing her teeth when she says the four words of "wedding ceremony", and this words also set off a huge wave in Mo Lingxiao's heart. Is she married? Magic Lingxiao can only comfort himself, that's good.

There is no possibility for him and Muxi. He is the little Lord of the demon Kingdom, and Muxi is a member of the temple, and he has already been together for a long time. It's better to let him stop thinking earlier, so that he won't be soft hearted when he attacks the temple.

Is it really so easy to give up a person? In particular, twilight night in his heart is also a friend's existence, she is righteous and friendly, her figure has been lingering in the heart of magic Lingxiao. Hearing the news of getting married at dusk, he was not reconciled. There was even a small voice in his heart saying to him: what's the matter with getting married? Only you can give her happiness.

Magic Lingxiao was frightened by the secret idea in his heart. He didn't dare to do such a thing, and he didn't allow himself to do such a thing. He waved to yunmengyi and said, "you go down first, I'll call you if there's something."

Yun Mengyi is discontented when he hears the words. He has never experienced the feeling of being a subordinate of others. Even when he is facing Mo Xiaodu, he has never been so servile. However, he has nothing to do. After he leaves, Mo Lingxiao rubs his slightly painful temple.

Then close your eyes tightly, as if to ease your mood. However, at the moment, in the burning palace, the interrogation work has been in full swing. Zhuqing and Zhuan have already started the interrogation work, while Baili burning Jin and Dushi begin to tell Qin Qingyun about the demon kingdom.

They didn't know anything about it, so they had a fight with the people in the demon kingdom first. Bai Li Fen Jin said slowly: "you all know that there is a temple above this plane, and I am the guardian of the temple. The reason why I have this position is that the temple has always had an opposite, that is, the demon Kingdom, and the human nature of the demon kingdom is irritable, They are eager for the resources of the temple, and often plunder the border area of the temple. Over time, there are wars between the temple and the demon kingdom

Liu Ge'er said weakly: "those people in the demon kingdom we have seen before are rough and fleshy enough. Are they more powerful in the temple?"

Bai Li Fen Jin nodded softly and explained: "that's it. Besides, those who fought with you last time can't be regarded as soldiers. That's not within the scope of discussion. As the downward branch of the temple, there should be no demons. However, in recent years, the ambition of demons has become bigger and bigger, They are sending more and more people to this place. If they kill people here, no one in the lower world will resist them. "

Hearing this, Qin Qingyun patted his head and said, "then I know. No wonder you, a temple man, want to come to the lower world to create your own power. It turns out that they are all fighting against the people of the devil kingdom. It seems that Zhuqing and Zhuan have fought against the people of the devil Kingdom many times, so they have so much experience."

Hundred Li burning Jin slightly frowned, and then said faintly: "lips are dead, teeth are cold, whether it is the temple or the lower world, as long as any one of them is broken by the demon Kingdom, we are in danger."

Yu blue suddenly serious looking at hundred Li burn Jin, then worry of ask a way: "even if is with your full strength, also still can't completely root out the devil kingdom?"

Bai Li Fen Jin pondered for a while, and then seriously said: "the temple and the demon Kingdom have always been in the same state, just in a tug of war, it is impossible to completely eradicate, each other's strength is almost the same."

Yulan nods dejectedly when he hears the words. When he knew that he was a water spirit in the temple, Yulan's head filled with a lot of memories about the temple. There are also many memories about the demon Kingdom, especially those fighting with the demon kingdom.

He lost a lot of relatives. Yulan should have a complete family and a happy childhood. However, because of the war with the devil Kingdom, he was sent to the lower world at a young age and lived alone in the secret world for so long.

If it were not for dusk, he would still be in a secret place, and he didn't know his life experience, so he had a deep hatred for the devil kingdom in his heart. Twilight also solemnly said to everyone: "the temple was founded by my mother. No matter what the reason is, I can't see it destroyed by the demon kingdom."

Qin Chaoyang Wen Yan also tightly holds the hand of Dushi. They are sisters. They have the same expectations. They are all guarding the temple together. Now the goddess has left them, and what she left behind is undoubtedly a memorial in the hearts of Dushi and Qin Chaoyang.

The temple contains the greatest efforts of the goddess. Of course, Muxi and Qin Chaoyang won't let it be destroyed. After hearing this, everyone supports Muxi. Liuge'er pats Muxi on the shoulder and says, "your business is mine. Anyway, I will always be on your side."

Lin Shuyu also said with a smile: "nothing to say, we are good friends!"

Then Feng Qingyue, Qin Qingyun and Chu Tianrun all firmly said that they would stand on the side of dusk evening. In fact, they all need not say that dusk evening knows that they attach great importance to love and righteousness. No matter right or wrong, as long as dusk evening is willing, they will not refuse.

Because Twilight also treats them with a true heart, in exchange for a true heart, this is twilight's view of life, and it is for this reason.

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