Evening can make a group of intimate and dare to make friends. At this time, the evening suddenly thought of a problem, she looked at the hundred Li burning Jin doubt, said: "you said before to catch big fish, you have not said who the big fish is."

Bai Li Fen Jin smelled the speech and showed an enigmatic smile, then picked eyebrows to look at the dusk and said: "Yun Mengyi used so many forces hidden in the demon kingdom here, and was also killed by us. Do you think the demon kingdom will recognize this? Besides, I haven't heard that there is an excellent young man in the devil's land recently. Maybe he will come. I really want to know who he is

Dusk evening smell speech also nodded, if can catch that big fish, that is a good thing, also can let the devil land lose a capable cadre, but dusk evening or worry looking at hundred Li burn Jin said: "but your strength now can't compare with in the temple, in case you can't beat him?"

Hundred Li burn Jin smell speech show aggrieved expression, blink good-looking eyes looking at the evening, said: "lady so don't believe for husband? Do you really think I can't beat him? If you think so, I will be very sad... "

Seeing this picture of Bai Li Fen Jin, Mu Xi is very speechless. His coquetry skill is getting better and better, and now he looks like this in front of people. He doesn't care about his identity as the guardian of the temple and his usual terrible momentum.

This is an eye opener for Qin Qingyun. He never thought that Bai Li Fen Jin would be such a person. However, Liu Ge'er can see the way at a glance. She knows that it's all due to Mu Xi. She can't help but extend her thumb and silently praise Mu Xi.

It's admirable to let a person like Bai Li Fen Jin show such a big cat's appearance. Seeing other people's eyes, dusk is speechless... I can only say to Bai Li Fen Jin: "I don't worry if you are in the temple, but your strength is suppressed here. How can I not worry?"

Hundred Li burn Jin smell speech then show a bright smile to say: "originally Niang son is to worry about me, not don't believe me, that I rest assured, but Niang son also rest assured, the person of demon Kingdom comes here, strength more or less also can be suppressed, I won't be ok!"

Seeing this, Mu Xi wants to find a crack to get in. She thinks that she married a hero of the world, but she didn't expect to be a obedient and lovely little bear. It's more embarrassing than showing her love. But Bai Li Fen Jin enjoys it. The closer he gets to Mu Xi, the more loving he is.

Others can see their relationship at a glance, and they can see that twilight and he are inseparable. This not only declares the ownership of twilight, but also destroys other people's desire to get close to twilight. Why don't he do it? Dusk can only pull him away from the crowd.

Even Qin Chaoyang covered his mouth and laughed at them, but at this time, Zhu Qing and Zhu an found them. They went straight to Bai Li's side and reported: "palace master, we have got some useful news."

On hearing this, all the people quickly gathered around. They were not only curious about the devil Kingdom, but also ambitious to conquer it. Bai Li Fen Jin took a look at them and indicated that they could continue to talk. Zhu Qing reported: "this time, Yun Mengyi almost took away all the forces of the demon kingdom in the sea. This time, we have annihilated them at one stroke."

Bai Li Fen Jin Wen Yan slightly raised eyebrows and asked: "that in addition to the sea, there are no other places where they have residual power."

Zhu Qing respectfully replied: "except for the sea area, other places are under our monitoring. If there are people in the devil's land, we will find that they have no residual strength to organize."

At this time, Zhu an continued to say: "in addition to this, they also revealed a news about the outstanding young man in the demon kingdom. It is said that he is the son of the current Demon Lord. He didn't have a strong sense of existence before, but in recent years, he has gradually shown his edge, and the Demon Lord also intends to help him."

At this time, a figure suddenly appeared in Bai Li Fen Jin's mind. Bai Li Fen Jin didn't know his true identity, but he knew Bai Li Fen Jin's true identity, and he disappeared quietly. Thinking of this, Bai Li Fen Jin frowned deeply.

Seeing this, dusk Xi blinked curiously and asked, "what's the matter? Do you have a clue? Can you guess who he is? "

Bai Li Fen Jin thought for a while and said, "it's just a possibility, and you've met him before."

The evening evening hears speech and then doubtfully blinks her eyes. She recalls the past, but there is no suitable person. She can't think of who it is. Bai Li Fen Jin is very satisfied with the appearance of evening. After all, evening can't remember that person.

It shows that dusk Xi doesn't care about him, and doesn't have a big impression on him. But Baili Zhenjin knows that the man thinks that he has a good feeling for dusk Xi. Thinking of this, he is very upset. When dusk Xi sees that he can't remember, he frowns slightly and says to Baili Zhenjin, "don't play the game, just tell me who it is."

Bai Li Fen Jin didn't want to mention his name, because dusk would think of him again. However, this topic was put forward by Bai Li Fen Jin, and he couldn't refuse, so he had to say helplessly: "do you remember when you were in secret? There is a man named Lingxiao

As soon as Bai Li Fen Jin says this, Mu Xi immediately reacts. Qin Qingyun and they also look at each other and find the shock in each other's eyes. Ling Xiao doesn't speak much in the team, and the only one who has ever communicated with him is Mu Xi.

Dusk Xi blinked at Bai Li Fen Jin and said, "is Lingxiao a demon? No wonder you had something wrong with him at that time, and he also told me about you. It seems that he knows more about you. "

Bai Li Fen Jin nodded her head and said: "he is the most likely candidate. At that time, few people knew about the injury even in the temple, let alone the devil kingdom. However, he knew the news, which means that he is likely to be the top figure in the devil Kingdom, but it's just a guess, and it's not necessarily the truth."

Bai Li Fen Jin is very euphemistic, but everyone thinks that this is basically the truth, but they still have some questions. Qin Qingyun is the first to ask: "if he is the little master of the devil Kingdom, then why does he want to enter Xuanyuan college and join us in the secret world? He is really at leisure."

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