Liu Ge'er also frowned and said: "after we came out of the secret place, he had no news, but we didn't pay attention to him, so he was very mysterious."

Evening evening also agreed to nod, she with Lingxiao get along with, just think he is cold, words are few, and there is a new person don't enter momentum, he has never occupied much position in the memory of evening evening.

After thinking for a while, Bai Li Fen Jin said: "Zhu an said that Lingxiao had never been in the devil's land before. According to the time, it seems that he did not take action until he went back from the secret place. It may be a coincidence or a premeditation that he came here. He wants to know the situation in case of a rainy day."

Feng Qingyue frowned slightly and asked himself: "what's the motive for him to have a foothold in the devil's land and have his own power? And his face and figure are very similar to the people here, but not like the people in the devil's land. "

Feng Qingyue's "motive" can't help but make Bai Lifen Jin think deeply. He really can't think of any reason except dusk. No matter whether Ling Xiao intends or not, Bai Lifen Jin will strangle his mind in the cradle.

Bai Li Fen Jin sighed and said, "he is really conspicuous among the people in the demon Kingdom, but he is not surprising here. This may be the reason why he has been able to lurk here all the time. Don't take him lightly."

Dusk night clearly nodded, Qin Chaoyang saw this doubt to them and asked: "said that the devil's land little Lord before with you also calculate some friendship, at least also team competition together, and you did not find anything different, that he is still very powerful."

The evening evening hears speech to also look at hundred Li burn Jin to ask a way: "since he can now have his own place in the devil's land, this shows that his strength is also pretty good, at that time you didn't discover?"

Bai Li Fen Jin shook her head helplessly and said, "no, there are many treasures that can hide cultivation. What's more, there are very few opportunities for him to make a real move, so I didn't find them."

"Now we should think about what kind of methods he will use to deal with us. Since he is the little master of the devil Kingdom, the people he can bring will definitely be more professional than yunmengyi's. it seems that a big war can't be avoided."

Hundred Li burn Jin also slightly nodded and said: "then we have to do this preparation first."

In the following days, they pay more attention to the cultivation, because this battle may happen at any time. During this period, the strength of Muxi is very close to xuanzun level 9, and it's only one step away from her to reach the level of the temple.

However, the news immediately made them even more desperate. It seems that they really can't keep up with the pace of dusk. Dusk saw that they were depressed. This time, instead of joking, he encouraged them to say, "you will arrive at the temple one day, but now it's not your task to arrive at the temple."

Then she pointed to all the people and said, "you are one by one. Don't forget that you promised me to protect the temple for me. Now our place is a part of the temple. When I'm away, you should help me to protect it. Now the power of the demon kingdom is more and more powerful. If it's not for Yun Mengyi, It is estimated that we are still in the dark now, so your task is to guard here well. Even if you can't go to the temple now, you can still help me resist the demon kingdom. Besides, although you can't go to the temple now, you are also the strong here. You can't be bullied. "

The words of Muxi make Qin Qingyun get a great sense of identity and pride. They are also very happy to help Muxi. All the time, they are more or less a drag on Baili Huojin and Muxi, but without them, Muxi's life is not wonderful enough.

It was in these troubles that they formed such a deep friendship. Liu Ge'er patted Mu Xi on the shoulder and said, "then you have to wait for me in the temple. Don't worry, I will keep here for you!"

When Lin Shuyu saw this, he raised his eyebrows, put a smile on the corner of his mouth, looked at them and said, "how about you two? Now dusk night is still here. Why is it like parting? It's just that I can't get used to you. I can't be hypocritical. "

Liu Ge'er made a face at him when he heard the speech and said to him with his tongue sticking out: "slightly, slightly, we are just hypocritical. What's wrong with you? If you don't like to see it, you can't see it. We didn't force you. "

When Lin Shuyu saw her like this, he shook his head and said, "as the ancients said, it's difficult to raise villains and women."

On hearing this, dusk night turned a white eye and said, "I didn't let you raise it again. Did you eat your meal?"

A group of them were talking and laughing like this, and there was no sense of tension that the war was coming. This optimistic and confident attitude is undoubtedly a good thing for them. After all, what practitioners need most is the courage to challenge everything.

Without this courage, just blindly timid words, one day, either defeated by others, or defeated by themselves. Just as they were waiting for the news of the demon Kingdom, they didn't expect that the three continents were in trouble first. Zhu Qing and Zhu an rushed to report to Bai Lifen Jin.

And dusk night also listen to one side, bamboo green fire said: "palace master, I don't know why, three continents at the same time appeared a lot of different toxins, many people are poisoned, subordinates suspect, this matter and the devil can't get rid of."

Smell speech, hundred Li burn Jin and Dushi's eyebrows are tightly wrinkled up, did not expect Lingxiao and cloud dream Yi will come up with such despicable means, not in the face of them, but to the innocent people.

Bai Li Fen Jin said seriously: "how many people are poisoned at present? And are these toxins known that they can get antidotes quickly? "

Wen yanzhuqing just shook his head helplessly, and then said: "roughly speaking, one third of the people in every continent are poisoned, and we have not recorded these toxins, so there is no other way."

Evening evening smell speech obligatory say: "I want to see personally."

But Bai Li Fen Jin quickly stopped her and said, "the situation is very obvious now. Yunmengyi and Lingxiao have cooperated. The situation is dangerous. I can't let you go."

The evening evening smell speech is serious looking at hundred Li burn Jin said: "you said the situation is dangerous, and I know the cloud dream Yi poison art best, I don't go who go?"

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