As soon as Qin Chaoyang heard this, his heart was filled with emotion and bitterness. Even when he was helpless, the kind-hearted people would show kindness to others. For Qin Chaoyang, this kindness is really commendable. Qin Chaoyang insisted on wiping the old woman's tears in person.

And tightly held her hand, gently said: "you are not dirty, your heart is the purest."

Dusk night to see such a scene, the heart can't help but also some moved, but she won't indulge in moving, she will start to do practical things, she led Zhuqing and Zhuan slowly into the pharmacy, unscrupulous in here and there to have a look.

Dusk night also opened the herbal medicine in the pharmacy without authorization. Even if the old man wanted to stop it, he couldn't stop it, because Zhu Qing and Zhu an had firmly held him up, and the little guy had been scared, even if no one paid attention to him.

He did not dare to act rashly, the old man blowing beard staring at the dusk night, shouting: "what are you doing?! Break into my pharmacy without authorization and take my herbal medicine now! What the hell are you doing! I tell you, I'm pissed off, and I'll make it hard for you

No matter how much the old man's threat is said, twilight does not pay attention to it. Instead, it checks and examines all kinds of herbs. From time to time, it takes them in its hands and looks at them carefully, or gently grinds them with its fingertips to smell them.

After checking all the herbs, Dushi looks at the old man and says, "where do you come from? How long has it been released? How much more have you sold? "

The old man was frightened by the questions he asked, because every question he asked got to the point. The old man couldn't be ashamed of every question, but he said on the surface: "it's none of your business! If you don't let me go, I'll give you the price you deserve! "

As soon as she heard this, she gave a cold hum. This man really didn't see the coffin and didn't shed tears. She slowly approached him, then grabbed his collar and dragged him to the cupboard where the herbs were put. Without waiting for his reaction, she bumped his head against these cupboards.

The old man saw that she was an extremely beautiful woman, and she was thin and weak, so she would not have strong strength. However, when he came into contact with her, he realized that the strength of the woman was so strong.

He didn't even have any room to resist. When he reacted, his head had already hit the cupboard, and blood was left on his forehead. However, before dusk stopped, he continued to hit the cupboard with his head.

Even his blood was left on the medicine cabinet. The old man couldn't stand it any more. He knelt down on the ground and said faintly: "please... You have a lot of... Please let me go..."

Seeing him like this, she stamped her foot on his back and almost directly prostrated his whole upper body on the ground. At this time, she frowned deeply and her eyes were full of anger. She pointed to these medicine cabinets and said, "let you go? Why don't you let those poisoned people go?! In the whole medicine cabinet, herbs are either expired or adulterated! How dare you sell it at a high price? Who gave you the courage? How dare you do it

There is no reason why Dushi is so angry. Originally, herbs are extremely dangerous things. If they are used well, they will have wonderful effects. If they are not used well, they will be life-threatening. What's more, fresh herbs are still like this. What's more, these herbs that have expired, deteriorated and adulterated?

He's not selling good medicine to cure people. He's selling poison in broad daylight! Maybe before that, someone had bought his expensive herbal medicine, which not only didn't work, but also accelerated the death. On hearing this, Qin Chaoyang ran to the medicine cabinet.

Looking at these herbs one by one, it turns out that there is something wrong with the herbs, just as Dushi said. Qin Chaoyang is very puzzled. Why is there such a big gap between people? Some people, even in poverty, release goodwill.

Some people wear gold and silver, but their hearts seem to be completely rotten. She never knew that a person could be so bad. At this time, the people outside also heard the dialogue inside. They were shocked, but there was a trace of sadness and anger.

Some people in the crowd cried: "no wonder my short-lived son died after taking the medicine... I'm not reconciled! I want you to pay for my son's life

This words, everyone's mood is ignited, they all want to squeeze into the pharmacy to find the old man, but Zhuqing and Zhuan stopped them, lest the scene chaos will cause more problems, Yulan also comforted: "don't worry, we will solve the problem!"

But at this time, no one can listen to these words. Now they just want to tear the old man to pieces. At dusk, they suddenly put their hands over the old man and released a lot of gold from the jade pendant space. The hard gold smashed on the old man's head.

For a moment, it dazzled him. It was taken by Muxi from the burning palace. Anyway, Baili burning Jin could not use the silver. Muxi simply took it out to help the poisoned residents. The old man watched the gold falling from his head.

Not only did he not feel pain, but he felt waves of excitement. He only felt the dazzling gold, as if all the gold were his. The greedy look on his face made Twilight particularly disgusted. She and Qin Chaoyang looked at this sad soul indifferently.

The gold left a lot of scars on his whole body. However, he never moved his position. Even though dusk had allowed him to move freely, he didn't even want to escape. Instead, he was immersed in money that didn't belong to him.

Until the end, he was surrounded by hills of gold, which surprised the people outside. They had never seen such a scene before. At this time, dusk was a symbol of beauty and wealth in their eyes.

As if she was an immortal in the sky, there was an impulse to kneel down in someone's heart. When the gold was smashed, the old man was dying, but he always had a greedy smile on his face. At dusk, he gave a light smile and said to him, "do you know? If you just agreed to sell the shop to us... Now all the silver is yours, but... I've changed my mind now. "

Now, no matter what Dushi says, the old man can't listen to it.

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