He just looked at the gold crazily and gave out a burst of unpleasant laughter. No matter who saw it, he would be disgusted by his greedy appearance. The evening night sees a light smile, and then give bamboo green and bamboo an make a wink, say: "take him away."

They immediately set up the old man and dragged him out of the pile of gold. Now the gold around him is as big as a hill. Rao Shizhu Qing and Zhu an have to admire the explosive power of the old man at this moment.

He dragged the gold with his life. He had a determination to be with them even when he died. But Zhu Qing had no choice but to use his spiritual power to drag him away. Until this time, the old man was a little sober.

But he could not stop shouting: "this is my gold! No one can take them away! They are all mine! It's mine

The old man's voice now is even more miserable than that of the time when Muxi hit him just now. When Muxi looked at his sad appearance, he didn't have any pity in his heart. What he suffered now is his own suffering. When he sold fake drugs, he didn't think of the despair and pain of those poisoned people.

Now dusk night will not have a little tolerance for him, even if the old man does not want to leave, but Zhu Qing still drags him hard, the old man is not reconciled, his hand is still tightly holding the gold he is not willing to release, dusk night told Zhu an: "take the gold in his hand, I will not let him take half of it."

In fact, there is no shortage of gold in twilight. Even if the old man takes all the gold away, twilight will not feel any pain. But now, twilight wants to teach the old man a lesson. He loves the gold so much that Twilight won't let him take any of it.

For those who love money, it's a real torture. It's more painful than torture. Zhu an runs to the old man to take the gold from him, but he refuses to give in.

He holds the gold in his hand, as if he was born to grow up, but he also looks at Zhu an with a grin. As soon as Zhu an's hand comes forward, he will go around it fiercely. Now his eyes are red, and he sticks to the appearance of gold, which is very like a mad dog.

When he came and went, Zhu an was also annoyed by him. In a low voice, Zhu an said to him, "if you don't let go, I'll cut off your hands! See when you can toss about! "

Unexpectedly, the old man was not threatened at all. He was still his own way. There was no sign that he was going to let go of his hand holding gold. Seeing this, Zhu an snorted coldly, and then said coldly, "I don't believe you can do this when you lose your hand!"

Zhu an really doesn't know such a person. In the old man's eyes, gold is more important than anything. Even his life, let alone his hands? When Zhuan was about to start, dusk night said: "no, just throw him out, throw him into the crowd."

Zhu an has a puzzled look at the dusk evening. He doesn't know what the intention of dusk evening is, but he still does it. He and Zhu Qing put the old man in the crowd. Next, dusk evening looks at the crowd who is already in high spirits, points to the old man and says, "Whoever grabs the gold in his hand is who owns it."

Originally, these people hated the old man very much. He not only wanted to make money when everyone was in danger, but also peddled fake herbs. This undoubtedly poked the point where everyone was angry. Originally, the people were angry enough.

After all, even the gold in the old man's hand is not a small sum. Zhuqing and Zhuan threw him into the crowd according to the instructions of dusk.

In an instant, all the people attacked. Now the old man is undoubtedly a delicious Lamb who fell into the angry wolves. In less than half a minute, the old man was overpowered by these people. Even Zhu Qing and Zhu an had to smack their tongue in such a battle.

Muxi knows human nature very well, and she has expected such a result for a long time. At this time, Zhu an understands Muxi's intention, and let the old man's money be robbed by others. This is the best way to punish him. There are a lot of people present. After a few minutes, there is no good meat on the old man.

Not only the gold in his hand was gone, but also his expensive clothes were shot away. In the end, his body was basically empty. In addition to the wounds smashed by dusk, there were a series of scratches, bite marks and so on.

In this process, the old man has long been dead. There is no need for Zhuqing and Zhuan to do it by themselves. Qin Chaoyang can't bear to see such a scene. She turns her head aside and tries not to see such a scene.

What she worries and fears is not the old man's death, but the power of the masses. She knows that Dushi is good at using the power of the masses, but Qin Chaoyang also knows that this is very cruel. The power of the masses is not necessarily just, but it must be very terrible.

When she saw her appearance, she knew her situation. She knew that her sister was kind-hearted and would not hurt anyone. However, she knew that she was different from her sister. In order to survive, she had to do such a thing.

But Dushi respects and appreciates people like Qin Chaoyang. They radiate the brilliance of human nature. Dushi smiles at Qin Chaoyang and says, "it seems that you are not suitable to come out with me. Do you think I am not like your sister?"

Qin Chaoyang Wen Yan gently shook his head and said: "no, I'm just thinking that we spent so much effort to save these people. Is it really worth it?"

Qin Chaoyang sincerely expressed her confusion. She thought these poisoned people were pitiful and helpless, but now she felt quite helpless when she saw the scene. People don't have only one side, sometimes, the one that hasn't been exposed.

It's often the most frightening and dangerous. Dushi stares into Qin Chaoyang's eyes seriously and says, "you can't judge this problem by whether it's worth it or not. You should use your own heart. If you think it's meaningful, it doesn't matter whether it's worth it or not."

Although Qin Chaoyang is twilight's sister, she has never been exposed to the cruel side of society. The world is not only black or white, but also many gray areas.

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