This time, Qin Chaoyang didn't refuse. She saw the indisputable meaning in her eyes, so she said softly, "then call me in 15 minutes."

Muxi nodded, but she didn't plan to do so. Qin Chaoyang had been busy all night. Fifteen minutes was not enough. As long as Muxi didn't call her, she could have a good rest. Then Qin Chaoyang went to the room on the second floor to have a rest.

At dusk, she began to devote herself to her work. She took a look at the long line, and could not help worrying. She and Qin Chaoyang, together with the doctors, were not too few. However, the number of poisoned people did not decrease.

This makes her think, what are Lingxiao and yunmengyi doing? These people are basically powerless, and they can't help in the war. Why extend the butcher's knife to them? It doesn't make any sense at all.

Dusk Xi shakes his head. He really has no clue. He can only start a serious free clinic. However, not long after that, some news suddenly comes from outside the door. When the party enters the pharmacy, dusk Xi quickly recognizes the first one among them.

It was mu Xiaoran who once competed with them in the secret place. At that time, she had a good relationship with mu Xiaoran. Mu Xi didn't know what his intention was, but she couldn't neglect when she met an old friend.

Dusk night hurriedly said to him with a smile: "Mu Xiaoran, what are you doing here?"

Mu Xiaoran suddenly heard the familiar voice. He could not help turning his head and looking over there. He saw dusk. He just noticed the specifications of the pharmacy, but didn't notice the people who were seeing the doctor. He thought he was just an ordinary doctor.

He blinked again. After confirming that it was not his hallucination, he quickly walked over and said to the evening with a smile, "so you are here, too."

Dushi didn't pull himself out of the clinic, but he said to him, "yes, there have been many poisoning incidents all over the country recently. I'm here to help with the free clinic." Dusk night and looked at a group of people with mu Xiaoran, as well as their waist broken bag.

Then he asked curiously, "what are you going to do?"

Mu Xiaoran sighed and said: "in fact, our purpose is the same as you, all for saving people. However, the poisoning incident did not happen in only one place, so we started from Mu's home and had a free clinic all the way, so we came here and unexpectedly met you."

Then mu Xiaoran expressed his doubts again. He asked Dushi, "why do you stay in one place? You might as well go on the road with us so that more people can be cured. "

Dusk Xi shakes her head. She doesn't admit that she is afraid of burning Jin. She has no face. So she coughs a few times and says, "even if it's just this place, I can't be busy. Besides, we also give herbs. We can't take so many herbs with us on the road, can we?"

As soon as there's a sign that it's going to be gone, Zhuqing and Zhuan immediately supplement it, so they've been maintaining this amount. When mu Xiaoran and his party saw the herbs like hills, they were surprised and speechless.

After a long time, mu Xiaoran said to Mu Xi, "only you can do such a difficult thing."

At that time, when he competed with Mu Xi, he had seen many miracles that happened to Mu Xi. Now, he has some immunity. Mu Xi said to Mu Xiaoran with a smile: "do you want to consider free clinic with us here? We are short of people here. "

When mu Xiaoran was talking, a pretty woman pointed to Mu Xi and asked, "cousin, who is she?"

Mu Xiaoran just reflected that he only talked about the past with Mu Xi, but he didn't begin to introduce each other. So he pointed to a group of people behind him and said to Mu Xi, "they are all the younger generation of my Mu family. It's their experience to come out with me for free clinic this time."

Then he said to the Mu family's children, "this is Qin Muxi, an excellent child of Xuanyuan college. They defeated our Baiyu college at that time. She also returned the things of the Qin family's ancestors to our Mu family, which is very powerful."

Mu's family all looked at Mu Xi curiously, because Mu Xi's beauty was very outstanding, like a fairy falling from the dust. It didn't look like a powerful xuanxiu. Facing their eyes, Mu Xi didn't feel uncomfortable. Instead, he joked to Mu Xiaoran: "it seems that you are very powerful now. Those of the same generation can bring them out to experience."

All the members of the family who come out to experience are led by the powerful elders. There are still a few young people like mu Xiaoran, which is enough to prove that the family attaches great importance to him. Mu Xiaoran scratched his head and said, "don't flatter me. Your strength is so strong that I can't bear what you said."

At this time, the girl who just called mu Xiaoran "cousin" frowned and said to Mu Xiaoran discontentedly, "cousin, what are you talking about? How can this woman be compared with you? You are the most powerful of our Mu family. "

As soon as she saw the girl's appearance, she knew that she must like mu Xiaoran. The love at the bottom of her eyes was clear. Now that she was married, her temper was much less than before. She didn't care about it.

However, mu Xiaoran said sternly to the woman: "rouer! Why don't you have any manners? Why don't you apologize to miss twilight

Smell speech Mu Rou son is a face don't want to stand there, stubborn like a calf, dusk night then good words say: "she is still small, you don't embarrass her."

But mu Xiaoran still looked at mu rou'er sternly, and said to dusk: "is she small? She's not young at all, and she's about your age, and she still doesn't understand anything. "

Mu Xiaoran now looks very much like the elder who teaches the children. He has done this all the way. Before, mu rouer was very obedient. However, when she saw dusk, she was a little disobedient. She was not good at all, just when mu rouer was still stubborn.

Qin Chaoyang has come down slowly from the second floor. She looks at dusk and says, "what's going on under here?"

As soon as Qin Chaoyang came down, he noticed the young people in this line. However, Dushi said, "why did you only sleep for such a short time? Go and have a rest. "

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