As soon as Qin Chaoyang heard this, he looked at the dusk and said, "you still say, I asked you to call me when I was 15 minutes old? How long has it been? "

When Qin Chaoyang and twilight appear in the same picture, the scene becomes very good-looking. Just standing, the two of them completely turn the place they are in into a heavenly palace. People can't bear to disturb the beauty.

Mu rou'er looks at another fairy like person swinging in front of Mu Xiaoran. She is very annoyed. She doesn't speak with a face full of anger, but mu Xiaoran looks at Mu Xi curiously and doubtfully and asks, "who is this?"

Compared with dusk evening, Qin Chaoyang's gentle and quiet temperament is more attractive to Mu Xiaoran, so dusk evening also sees the amazing color in his eyes. Dusk evening smiles a few times in his heart, and then pretends to be serious and says: "she's my sister Qin Chaoyang, how about it? Are you prettier than me? "

Mu Xiaoran nodded reflexively, and the dusk night laughed. Then mu Xiaoran reacted and said with a red face: "no, no, I don't mean that... No! I didn't mean that either... "

No matter how mu Xiaoran replied, he felt something wrong. He had to say helplessly: "I mean you two are good-looking."

Mu Xiaoran's words amuse Mu Xi and Qin Chaoyang again. Mu rou'er on one side instantly burns Qin Chaoyang's jealousy. Mu Xi thinks to herself: my sister must have never experienced such a battle, so it's good for her to experience it.

So she went on to see the doctor and left Qin Chaoyang to talk with them. As soon as Qin Chaoyang heard their intention, he immediately had the same idea as Dushi, and wanted to leave them here for free treatment. Qin Chaoyang gently and patiently persuaded them.

After a while, mu Xiaoran was convinced. The young men in this line also held up their hands to show their support. Only mu rouer was extremely reluctant to follow the principle of the minority obeying the majority. Naturally, her opinion was rejected.

Seeing Qin Chaoyang's speed at dusk night, she had to admire her sister's strength. The efficiency was more than several times higher than her. It seems that this kind of flexible work is more suitable for Qin Chaoyang. They started the busy free clinic work at dusk night.

However, after a while, Dushi began to frown and think about the reasons for these things. She suddenly said in a low voice: "the speed of our treatment is too slow. It can't compare with the number of poisoned people. Why can't we have an antidote to deal with all the poisons?"

However, mu Xiaoran heard it, and he said anxiously, "along the way, we've seen all kinds of poisons. The kinds of poisons are complicated, and the detoxification process is very complicated. There's no complete solution, but these poisons give me a very familiar feeling."

Hearing this, an idea suddenly came to Mu Xiaoran's mind. She said to Mu Xiaoran, "Yun Mengyi is the leader of Xueyan hall. He should be a member of your Mu family. No wonder you are familiar with him. Do you have any solutions?"

On hearing this, mu Xiaoran himself was all hoodwinked, he said in doubt: "cloud dream Yi? Blood flame hall? I only know that Xueyan hall was only a branch of lingmiao people many years ago, but at that time, some people had a bad heart and split lingmiao people. After that, they set up a vicious Xueyan hall. But I heard that Xueyan hall had been eradicated? Isn't their leader dead, too? "

At that time, the battle was still very famous. She didn't expect that it spread to many people so quickly. She could only wave her hand and said, "it's a long story. I can't tell you for a while. You just need to know that as long as he's not dead and these poisons are made by him, Maybe your Mu family will have a way to subdue him. "

Listening to the words of dusk evening, mu Xiaoran suddenly has a bold guess in her heart. If dusk evening is not a participant in this matter, why does she know that Yun Mengyi is not dead, and she is so sure? The biggest possibility is that Dushi is likely to be the one who eradicates the blood flame hall.

Although mu Xiaoran has not been in contact with Mu Xi for a long time, he knows that Mu Xi is jealous of evil, and the blood flame hall is undoubtedly a vicious organization. It's not surprising that Mu Xi can find them. However, the strength of blood flame hall, mu Xiaoran and even the whole Mu family have some fear.

Once upon a time, the strength of Xueyan hall completely crushed the lingmiao people. If Dushi can eradicate them, how much strength is she now? Think of here, mu Xiaoran helplessly shook his head, he can't help sighing.

It must be interesting to be with twilight. Even if it's dangerous, it can also bring them growth. Unlike him, after he left Baiyu college, he just stayed in lingmiao people all day long. This time, he brought his younger generation out to experience.

It was the first time he went out after he came back home. Seeing the obscure look on his face, Dushi felt a little strange, so she asked again, "do you have any ancient books in Mu family? Can I have a look? "

The voice of dusk night pulled mu Xiaoran back from his memory. However, before he spoke, mu rou'er on one side said, "how can I do that? You are not my Mu family. How can you see the ancient books that our Mu family has collected for so many years? "

Mu Xiaoran looks at mu rou'er angrily. However, Dushi says with great interest, "if you become Mu's family in the future, what can you do?"

Mu rou'er reacted for a long time before she understood what Mu Xi meant. She pointed to Mu Xi and said, "you... You are so shameless! I won't let you marry into our Mu family! "

When Dushi says this, Zhuqing and Zhuan are not happy again. They think that the palace master's wife is good everywhere, but some of them are too heartless. They dare to tell any jokes and take it as fun, if the palace master is here.

I'm sure I won't let my wife be so presumptuous, but Dushi thinks it's nothing. Qin Chaoyang says for her first: "don't worry about this girl. My sister is married and has a husband. What she just said is just a joke."

For Qin Chaoyang, his sister can only bully and teach by herself. When can it be someone else's turn? Although she is gentle and virtuous, she never gives in in this respect.

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