The two daughters of the goddess are excellent, one is concerned about the country and the people, and the other is strong and resolute. This is exactly what the goddess wants to see. Mu Xiaoran is directing Daniu all the way. Dushi also takes this opportunity to practice. She knows that strength is the best weapon to protect her life.

About two hours later, mu Xiaoran pointed to a clear blue lake and said, "stop, it's here."

Dusk and Qin Chaoyang look at each other. The environment here is very secluded, surrounded by mountains. There is only a lake like this in the center. Dusk asks suspiciously, "is this where you mujialing Miao people are? It's amazing. Your ancestors of the Mu family can see Fengshui and have excellent building skills. "

Mu Xiaoran nodded his head seriously. He didn't tell Mu Xi and Qin Chaoyang that as a mu family, he would be punished if he brought outsiders into lingmiao. He still said calmly: "the Mu family was very powerful in those years, so he made friends with many talented people. He built the residence of the Mu family by himself."

Although mu Xiaoran doesn't say it, Mu Xi can understand it more or less. Most of the secluded families like this don't want to have too much contact with the outside world. Mu Xiaoran has made a big mistake, but because of this, Mu Xi can't help looking at him differently.

Although dusk evening did not say, but mu Xiaoran this feeling, she inherited, later she will definitely take mu Xiaoran as a brother, dusk evening looking at mu Xiaoran's action, he gently removed his wrist bracelet, this bracelet everyone in Mu family has.

Mu Jiufeng's bracelet was given back to the lingmiao people at dusk. Mu Xiaoran picked up the bracelet and pricked his index finger with a small needle on the side of the ring. Immediately, the blood came from the needle to the pattern of the bracelet.

When the pattern is covered on the bracelet, the bracelet is not controlled by mu Xiaoran. It flies away from mu Xiaoran's palm and flies to the sky in the middle of the lake at a very fast speed. Dusk evening and Qin Chaoyang are very curious about this scene.

Dushi also jokingly said: "the way you lingmiao people open the door is really special. You have to prick your fingers with a needle every time. I feel pain when I look at it."

As soon as the dusk evening voice fell, the lake water was stirred by the rotating bracelet. Then, a long pure white ladder appeared on the water, extending straight to the bottom. Mu Xiaoran said to the dusk evening and Qin Chaoyang, "follow my steps."

Then he took the lead to step up the stairs, followed by Mu Xi and Qin Chaoyang. Mu Xi looked at the long staircase and felt very curious. She said with emotion: "there should never be zombies in such a hidden place."

Then they continued to walk down. Daniel had been put in the jade pendant space by dusk, not to mention how happy he was inside. After walking for about half an hour, they finally came to the gate of lingmiao, but they still didn't go in.

They heard a loud noise coming from inside, and they were all familiar with the cry. Thinking of this possibility, Dushi could not help frowning and whispering: "no way..."

Then she quickly went down the stairs to see what was going on inside. As soon as she went in, she saw a group of people fighting against these extremely fierce zombies. She asked suspiciously, "how did these zombies get in?"

Looking at the scene, mu Xiaoran frowned and said, "they are all members of the Miao nationality. They should also be poisoned."

It's really commendable for mu Xiaoran to maintain his calm and steady temperament under such circumstances. As soon as they came in, the zombie noticed them and immediately opened his mouth to attack them.

Dusk night immediately to Qin Chaoyang said: "sister, you quickly back to your space to hide."

Qin Chaoyang is very sensible and knows that she will distract dusk Xi here, so she immediately goes back to her own space and disappears in front of the public. Dusk Xi summons the ice sword and little green man in the space very quickly.

They all had strong fighting power. As they rushed into the zombies, Dushi said, "let's go inside! Set up a front first

Mu Xiaoran understood the meaning of dusk in an instant. Like dusk, he broke into the place where the zombies were most concentrated. The Mu family, who were fighting to death, saw mu Xiaoran as if they saw hope, and they did not pursue the identity of the outsiders of dusk.

When Mu Xi and mu Xiaoran come, their pressure is reduced a lot. Mu Xi's strength is very strong now. It's a killing move to deal with these zombies. Mu Xiaoran on one side can't help but be frightened. He thinks that he and Mu Xi haven't been separated for a long time.

Only a few years later, the strength of Dushi has become so exquisite that it's not a little worse than him. If it wasn't for his peace of mind, he would not have been able to walk this curve. There are a lot of zombies, but Dushi has killed a bloody road at a very fast speed.

And mu Xiaoran followed her to cover. After a short time, Dushi had already arrived at the position of lingmiao people. It was almost just a human wall with a shield. For such a zombie group, there was not much defensive power at all.

Until she and mu Xiaoran stand in front of the wall, dusk night hurriedly to the wall said: "back! Back up

But Dushi was an outsider. They hesitated for a while, and mu Xiaoran said in an angry voice: "I want you to step back! Don't you hear me

In an instant, these walls retreated for a certain distance, and then Dushi suddenly launched her own fire attribute against these zombies. Her fire, like strawberries, belongs to the fire of congenital chaos, with extremely strong lethality, and these zombies are crowded together.

So it was easy to burn, but the zombies were not aware of the pain. They were on fire all over, and they rushed over like dusk. But before they took a few steps, they would all turn to ashes. Dusk took advantage of this time to build a border.

The zombies were separated from them in an instant. At this time, Dushi dared to breathe a sigh of relief. This series of actions were very fast, which surprised mu Xiaoran. Sure enough, the gap between him and Dushi was not a little bit.

At this time, there were still some unburned zombies outside, because the twilight flame just burned the zombies in the front row. She just wanted to buy some time to build the border. At this time, the zombies bared their teeth and wanted to rush in from the border, but they had nothing to do.

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