They can only stay outside the border. Seeing such a scene, the crowd behind silently poked out their heads. When they were sure that the environment was very safe, they quickly threw their shields aside, hugged each other and began to cry.

Seeing such a scene, although Dushi couldn't bear it, he still said, "just now, the front wall, stand up."

Although they were puzzled, they did it obediently, because the appearance of Dushi just now was deeply engraved in their minds. After seeing this neat line, Dushi looked them in the eyes and asked: "someone who was bitten or scratched by a zombie just now came out, OK?"

Mu Xiaoran understood the meaning of twilight in an instant. It's a threat to leave people who have been in contact with zombies here, but they haven't shown signs of zombies yet. It would be cruel to drive them out.

But this is the evening must do things, she waited for a long time, there are two or three people trembling stand out, evening evening helpless and gentle looking at them, said: "you are heroes."

These people also know that once they are bitten or scratched by zombies, they will not escape the fate of becoming zombies. But when they choose to be a human wall, they have been psychologically prepared. Even if they die, they have to protect the lingmiao people.

No doubt they are worthy of admiration, especially the two people who took the initiative to stand up. Dushi once again said to the rest, "is there anyone else?"

Twilight's voice is not big, but there is a force of oppression. But this time, no one stands up again. Twilight nods gently. No matter whether these people lie or not, twilight has absolute confidence to deal with them, so she will not pursue them.

Turning to the two brave men, he said, "the time to become a zombie is just an individual, so I can't help it. Now I have to tie you up."

Say dusk, let the little green people with thick vines fixed them in a strong tree trunk of lingmiao, their faces are very calm, there is no resistance, they said to dusk: "protecting lingmiao people is our duty, we also thank you."

Although Muxi is an outsider, they feel that his heart is connected with them. Then he turns to the survivors and says, "who are their relatives? While they're still conscious at the moment, talk to them more. "

After that, the crowd was stunned for a moment, and then several old people who were desperate and crying rushed out and talked with them sincerely in this situation. They could not see such a scene at dusk and went to a place where there were many people.

She had not forgotten the purpose of her trip. As soon as she got close to the crowd, a middle-aged man with a soft face gratefully said to her, "thank you for saving the life of our lingmiao people."

Mu Xiaoran just gave him a smile to show his politeness. At this time, mu Xiaoran stood up and said to the middle-aged man, "Dad, this is my friend Qin Muxi. She is also the one who found the tomb of her ancestors, and she has returned the relics of our ancestors to us."

As soon as the middle-aged man heard this, he was more grateful to Mu Xi. Then mu Xiaoran said to Mu Xi, "this is my father Mu Changgong."

Hearing the speech, dusk evening respectfully said to Mu Changgong: "Hello, uncle, I'm here for these zombies. I hope you can let me have a look at the library of lingmiao nationality. I'll be very grateful."

On hearing this, everyone in Mu's family was stunned, including mu Xiaoran. He didn't expect that Dushi would be so direct. He said his purpose straight to the point. If other people were involved, Dushi would be deceived and abducted by all means.

However, it is because she has some friendship with mu Xiaoran that she doesn't want to cheat others. Mu Changgong is frightened by Mu Xi's direct sincerity, but he has a lot of experience. He knows that sincerity is the most valuable thing in the world.

However, before Mu Changgong could speak, a woman said, "you are an outsider. It's unreasonable for you to visit the library of lingmiao people? Besides, why don't you send those two men out of the border? You put them in it. It's dangerous. Do you know? "

The woman's acrimony made Muxi very unhappy. She didn't understand that an outsider of hers had compassion for the two young people just now. They were of the same race, and they wanted to push them into the fire pit. Besides, Muxi had bound them up.

She can't hurt anyone at all. When she looks at her face, she looks a little like mu rouer, especially in the same tone and attitude. So she dares to conclude that she must be mu rouer's mother.

So dusk night also impolite face seriously said to her: "if you talk again, I will throw you outside the border."

Mu rouer's mother had never been insulted like this, but she didn't dare to say much. She believed that Dushi would really do it, so she could only whisper to Mu Changgong: "brother, look at her..."

Mu Changgong was annoyed by his own sister at ordinary times, and now he is even more annoyed. He first gave a gift to Dushi, and then said with embarrassment, "I'll apologize for her. I'll take you to the library now."

Mu Changgong didn't hesitate. The main reason is that he believes in his own child mu Xiaoran, and he carefully cultivates mu Xiaoran. So as long as he trusts people, Mu Changgong will unconditionally trust him. Dusk followed them to the library.

Suddenly, Bai Li Fen Jin's appearance flashed in her mind, so she was embarrassed and said, "can I take these books away... I'll return them right away..."

When Mu Xi said this request, she even felt a little shameless. However, she was still a little scared when she thought of Bai Li Fen Jin, so she boldly put forward such a sentence. However, Mu Changgong also showed his embarrassment and said: "this is really not good... Miss Qin, it's really wrong."

It's inevitable to be rejected, and Dushi can also accept it, so she scratched her head with a smile and said, "it's OK, then I'll finish it as soon as possible."

With that, mu Xiaoran immediately followed her to search for the information in the book. Mu Changgong wanted to talk to Mu Xiaoran, but seeing such a scene, he could only shake his head helplessly.

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