Qin Chaoyang and mu Xiaoran were also surprised to see the scene in front of them. They asked curiously, "where do you come from?"

The dusk night smile curved a pair of eyes to say to them: "keep secret for the moment, wait to get on carriage, I tell you again."

Then she started the mode of killing zombies quickly. After all, there are only a few zombies in the lingmiao nationality, and dusk also separated them with a border, so the number of infected people is very small, and soon all the zombies will be wiped out.

Because of the small number of zombies, dusk did not notice that there was a light rainbow in the sky, and it was sending out a blessing, which was of great benefit to the future lingmiao people. Then, they did not say hello to Mu Shaoyu.

He quickly got on the carriage and went to the burning palace. Now, Qin Chaoyang continued to pick his eyebrows and look at the dusk and said, "now you can say it? Where do these seven color reviving flowers and holy water come from? "

At dusk, he coughed two times, then looked at mu Xiaoran with a guilty heart, turned his eyes and said, "the seven color reviving flower and holy water are all in my jade pendant space. Holy water is the heavenly spirit water in my space. The seven color reviving flower is found in Mu Jiufeng's tomb."

With these words, the tomb did not dare to look at mu Xiaoran's eyes, how to say that she secretly swallowed the things of other people's lingmiao people, even if it is reasonable, it can not be said. And Dushi continued to be "unreasonable" and said to Mu Xiaoran, "at that time, I didn't know you very well, so I didn't give it to you... But even now we are familiar, I won't give it to you."

Muxi now looks like a rogue to the extreme. Mu Xiaoran has nothing to do with her. He was stunned for a long time and said with a smile: "you can take it. Even if it's put in lingmiao, we can't keep it alive. Instead of wasting the seeds, we'd better let you take it. Besides, if it's not for you, we lingmiao can't get through this."

If Mu Xiaoran had a stronger attitude, Mu Xi would be more upright and strong. However, now he is so modest, which makes Mu Xi feel a little embarrassed. She coughed twice and then said, "although I will not return Mu Jiufeng's things to you, if you want other things, I will certainly satisfy you."

Mu Xiaoran chuckled, and then gently said to the evening, "well, you owe me a wish, and I'll tell you when I think about it."

Dushi is an acute person. Although he wants him to mention it now, it's her fault first, and she can't force her any more. She has to put it aside in advance and grind the medicine juice of the seven color resurrection flower with ease. Qin Chaoyang and mu Xiaoran also help her.

After all, the number of zombies on the land is no more than that of the lingmiao people, so we need to prepare more for a rainy day. Daniel drove the carriage to the burning Palace at the fastest speed, and in order to keep it fast, Dushi specially gave it some water.

The effect was very remarkable. They arrived at the city next to the burning palace in less than an hour, and saw groups of zombies desperately climbing towards the city wall, and some of them were about to enter the city wall. As soon as they saw the white dragon in the sky, they knew that Qin Qingyun and them were here.

She couldn't help but worry. She flew out of the carriage directly and poured the medicine juice on the zombie below just like a lady in heaven. At this time, she was dressed in a pure white dress with red Chimonanthus embellished on it, which symbolized the indomitable vitality.

At this moment, the figure of dusk night is really like a fairy. Where she passes, zombies are turned into a pool of pure water shining with seven colors. The killing power is undoubtedly huge. Liuge'er on the wall suddenly finds the figure of dusk night in the sky.

She couldn't help shouting excitedly: "dusk is back! She came back to save us

For a moment, Qin Qingyun, Feng Qingyue, Lin Shuyu and Chu Tianrun all saw the twilight, as if they saw the Savior. The number of these zombies was too much. They had to fight with these monsters. They were about to enter the city.

Twilight came and brought antidotes. They could finally breathe a sigh of relief. Twilight soon stood on the top of the wall. She didn't need to do anything. She just needed to sprinkle medicine juice down, and the zombies would immediately turn into a pool of water.

When liuge'er saw such a scene, he cried to dusk like a child: "I want to play too! I want to play, too

Dusk night helpless, can only pass her some medicine juice, and then pick eyebrow to say to her: "save a little use, no more I don't have."

Liu Ge'er waved his hand impatiently and said, "I know!"

Then he put aside the words of dusk evening and rushed to the zombie group for a while. I really don't know how old her sister-in-law is. Seeing liuge'er playing so happily, other people also asked dusk evening for a little bit and scattered them around to deal with the zombies.

On the contrary, at dusk, she started to guard the city from the top of the wall, but now it's none of her business. Other people are very happy to deal with zombies. After a while, Qin Chaoyang and mu Xiaoran were brought by Daniel.

Seeing such a scene, their lofty heart has been lowered. At the moment, mu Xiaoran looks at Qin Qingyun and others in the air. He can't help but wonder that he can't see their strength. There's only one reason.

Their strength is higher than that of Mu Xiaoran. What is most difficult for him to accept is that he can't even see the strength of liuge'er. He can't help but ask Mu Xi carefully: "what's the strength of liuge'er now..."

"I don't know the specific situation, but at least it's xuanzun. Her strength really worries me, and I don't make any progress. Up to now, she is still the worst one in our team, even the one who entered later is better than her."

Mu Xiaoran's words are like needles. When he was competing with them, Qin Qingyun's strength was similar to theirs. Liuge'er's strength was the worst. However, now, even liuge'er's strength is better than his.

Mu Xiaoran now thinks that what Mu Xi dislikes is not liuge'er, but him. At this time, mu Xiaoran makes a decision in his heart. He says to Mu Xi with righteous words: "I want to know what my wish is."

The evening evening smell speech then smile of say to him: "that is too good, as long as you say, I will certainly help you."

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