Mu Xiaoran seriously looked at the evening and said, "I want to join your team."

After hearing his answer, Mu Xi was stunned for a moment, then blinked and said, "what did you say? You want to join our team? What about your Mu family? First of all, you can join us if you want, but I won't take them with me. "

Mu Xiaoran clenched the palm of his hand tightly when he heard the speech, and then solemnly said to the evening: "I think well, I want to join your team alone."

Mu Xiaoran has been excellent in lingmiao since he was a child, so his parents have great expectations for him and are determined to train him to be the next head of the Mu family. At a young age, he took the young children of the Mu family to go out for training, which is enough to prove that the family attaches great importance to him.

However, mu Xiaoran doesn't want to be like this in his heart. His wish lies in the vast world, not in the small lingmiao people. If he stays in lingmiao people all the time, his future will be foreseeable. He will become a clan leader, get married and cultivate young people.

This is not what mu Xiaoran wants, but with twilight, he will have a different life. Even if it is dangerous, he will lead a meaningful life. Dusk see his face looking forward to and firm expression, he said with a smile: "well, welcome to join our team."

As they were saying this, most of the zombies were wiped out, and the rest could be completely wiped out with the fire attribute of strawberry. Qin Qingyun and others came back to the wall with a smiling face, and then sighed and said, "I never thought it would be so tiring to sprinkle a medicine juice."

Lin Shuyu also shook his tired arm and said: "that is, fortunately, it's just spilling medicine juice. If we fight with them one by one, we'll have to cut the year and month."

Dusk night falls is indifferent shrug a shoulder to say: "blame me?"? You're going yourself. "

At this time, everyone also noticed mu Xiaoran on one side. A familiar person like Qin Qingyun directly put on his shoulder and asked, "how long has it been since we met? Why are you here? "

Before mu Xiaoran had time to answer, Dushi explained to them, "he is from the lingmiao people. The antidote to the zombies was found from them this time."

In this case, everyone's attitude towards mu Xiaoran is very warm and friendly. Mu Xiaoran is also very clear about Mu Xi's intention. Since he wants to join the team, he has to get along with everyone and at least leave a good impression on everyone.

When the danger was relieved, everyone was very relaxed. They talked and laughed, and didn't notice that the colors of the seven color resurrection flower were slowly gathering together, like floating away in the sky. When they reached the mid air, liuge'er pointed to these lights in surprise and said, "what is this? How beautiful

Hearing her voice, everyone looked in that direction. The scene in front of us was so beautiful that we were all speechless. These lights were shining like colorful elves, and slowly gathered in the sky, forming a huge rainbow.

Gazing at the rainbow, everyone seems to be calm. And dusk suddenly finds that the power of attributes and the sea of spirit in her body are beginning to boil and constantly improve. She can't help but feel a burst of excitement. She didn't expect that the seven color resurrection flower has such a use.

At dusk, they sit cross legged and absorb the blessing of the rainbow. When others see this, they also sit down and practice. The scene is very quiet and beautiful. Even in the burning palace, you can see the rainbow.

The two teams fighting in the burning Palace also stop fighting and look at the sudden appearance of the rainbow. Lingxiao is at a disadvantage at this time. He is not the opponent of Baili burning Jin at all. While Baili burning Jin stares at the rainbow.

He waved to the few remaining demons and said, "withdraw."

Then they turned into a black fog and disappeared in front of everyone's eyes. However, Bai Li Fen Jin didn't mean to chase after them, because he firmly believed that it must be dusk, so he rushed to the place where the rainbow appeared.

He recognized at a glance is cross legged breathing twilight, he gently walked to the twilight side, silently guarding her side, at the moment, the twilight did not notice the changes around, she just felt as if she was flying in the sky.

It was a very comfortable and natural state. Bai Li Fen Jin looked at her quietly with a slight smile on the corner of her mouth. Even if he sat in silence like this, he could stay with dusk for a long time. How long did this state last? No one knew.

When the rainbow completely disappeared in the sky, all the people slowly opened their eyes. However, only twilight and Qin Chaoyang were still immersed in this state. All the people stood beside them and watched their situation anxiously.

In this case, everyone's strength has increased a lot, but Dushi and Qin Chaoyang haven't come to life, and they haven't had time to be happy. Hundred Li burn Jin has been paying attention to the situation of evening, after a long time, he suddenly surprised said: "Xi'er's strength has been able to go to the temple."

At that moment, everyone present was shocked, especially mu Xiaoran. He had just joined the team. He didn't expect that Dushi would leave so soon. Liuge Er couldn't help but shed tears when she heard this. Then she sobbed and said, "I'm so stupid that I can't go to the temple with Dushi..."

However, Qin Qingyun, as the eldest brother of Dushi, had been ready for a long time. He took liuge'er in his arms and comforted him in a soft voice: "you forget that Dushi told us to defend the lower world for her? If you don't keep it well, you'll go to the temple at that time. I'll see how you can explain to her. Maybe she won't talk to you. "

Liu Ge'er stops crying when she hears the speech, then claps her chest seriously and says: "I will help her keep the lower world! I won't let her look down on me. If I go to the temple and she ignores me, I'll beat her

On hearing this, Feng Qingyue, Lin Shuyu and Chu Tianrun all said tacit: "don't worry, we will help you beat her!"

Bai Li Fen Jin sympathizes with their mood, does not compete with them, but silently pays attention to the trend of dusk. Sure enough, after a long time, dusk suddenly blooms incomparably beautiful flowers, sending out bursts of aura.

At the same time, Qin Chaoyang's body is white and pure flowers, each has its own characteristics, but also very eye-catching, in this flower after flower.

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