Later, she stayed in the space for a while, but she was a little worried when she thought about Qin Chaoyang. She suddenly thought that black and white jade pendants would attract each other, and Xu Yao, as the spirit of black fish jade pendants, might have some news.

So dusk night looking forward to Xu Yao asked: "can you find my sister's whereabouts?"

Xu Yao did not open his mouth, but the snow tree was surprised and said, "what? The little master is gone? How could that be? "

The evening smell speech chagrin of put to shake a head to say: "hundred Li burn Jin say we come to the temple of way is too special, didn't leave a trace at all, so don't know her whereabouts."

Snow tree smell speech, face immediately put on a pair of mother's face, he to Qin Chaoyang and Dushi is from the heart of love, and when the father and mother, a good handsome young Leng is to become a heart breaking woman for children.

He said "ouch, ouch" and muttered to himself: "how can my little master have such a miserable life... It took me a lot of effort to get her back next year... I didn't expect that it would be like this again in the temple... My poor little master..."

Now, dusk has been used to the old lady's look of snow tree, but xuyao has never been used to it. He looked at the snow tree with disdain and said, "as for it? Don't you think about it? I found the girl's sister at that time. What's the difficulty now? "

Dusk night and snow tree smell speech then surprise of looking at Xu Yao say: "you mean you can find her now?"

Xu Yao didn't answer, but sat down haughtily and began to search for the trace of the white fish jade pendant. After arriving at the temple, Xu Yao rose this new function. He didn't have to search for the trace of Qin Chaoyang himself, just like in the lower world.

At the moment, Xu Yao's head has a complete map of the temple, there is a place in the slightly flashing light, he knows that is where the white fish jade pendant is, after a long time, he slowly opened his eyes, very proud said: "I found it, give me a map."

Although xueshu and xuyao are not right at ordinary times, he is still willing to help at this critical moment. He graciously takes a map, and then looks at xuyao with a smile on his face. Xuyao, seeing xueshu's appearance, refuses to laugh.

Xu Yao solemnly pointed to a position on the map and confidently said: "the white fish jade pendant is here."

However, when dusk saw the location, he was confused, because on the map, it was black, and there were also dangerous words. There were many different colors on the map of the temple, representing different meanings.

Gray and black represent danger. The darker the color, the higher the degree of danger. This place is the blackest and the largest in the temple map. "How could my sister go there?" she asked anxiously? Is she going to be all right? "

However, when xueshu and Chun saw the place, they were stunned for a moment, and then they clapped hands and said, "this is the place she should go. She will be fine."

The evening evening hears this words to be more puzzled, she slightly frowns to say: "who can you explain to me?"

The snow tree said with a smile: "this is the bedroom of the goddess before. Since she fell asleep, this place has changed its former appearance, just like the black hole formed after the collapse of stars. It's very dangerous. As long as you step into this area, you can't come out again, and you can't guarantee whether the people who go in are still alive, but you are the children of the goddess, Now I can also detect the location of the little master, which shows that this place is not dangerous to you. Maybe you can recover the goddess's bedroom. "

The evening evening hears this words unavoidably some excitement, but she still curiously asks to the snow tree: "how do you know stars and black holes..."

It's ancient here. Where do you know about modern physics? This sounds incredible, especially from the snow tree's mouth... However, the snow tree is not satisfied with the answer: "sometimes the goddess said that, ah, I heard her say so many times, I can do it myself."

The evening evening hears speech and can't help admiring his mother a little bit more. At this time, the Toon on one side also looks forward to saying to the evening: "I think you can go there and have a try. Maybe this is an opportunity for your sisters."

Chun's words make Mu Xi feel reasonable. Now her strength is too weak. Maybe she will get better experience in the goddess's place. However, when she thinks of Bai Li Fen Jin, she is puzzled because she knows that Bai Li Fen Jin's duty is to resist the demon kingdom.

At this time, Bai Li Fen Jin couldn't get away from going with her. Dusk Xi could only do it again. She didn't want to leave, but she was also reluctant to give up Bai Li Fen Jin. So she hesitated for a long time and then said, "I'll think about it for a few days."

Toon smell speech and serious warning Dushi way: "you can go as soon as possible, the temple now the situation is very unstable, you don't have to worry about the problem of the road, here we are very familiar with, can take you safely to the goddess once bedchamber."

Evening smell speech is still reply: "I will consider."

Then out of the space, but Baili burning Jin has not come back, dusk night also can not go out of the room, can only vaguely fall asleep, and Baili burning Jin came back in the middle of the night, see is dusk night sleeping appearance, he chuckled, with a gentle hand inch over her face.

No matter how hard the outside world is, as long as he returns to twilight, Bai Li Fen Jin can feel peace of mind and happiness. He can't imagine how he will spend the days without twilight. If he returns to the life without Twilight before the temple, he will be crazy.

He gently looked at the evening for a long time, and then he put his arms around her to sleep. However, before dawn, Bai Li Fen Jin carefully gets up, in order not to disturb the evening sleep, but she wakes up, hugs Bai Li Fen Jin's neck and says like a kitten: "I want to go with you, too."

Bai Li Fen Jin gently kisses her, then slowly says: "you should have more rest, where did you get up so early before?"

As soon as she heard this, she blew her hair. She said with a disgruntled toot: "rest again, I'll be useless. Besides, it's necessary to train to get up early.... "

See her this appearance, hundred Li burn Jin this just helpless smile to promise a way: "good good good, what the Niang son says is what."

After they finished cleaning up, they went back to yesterday's study, where Chu Xinyao and Fei Jimo were staying.

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