This scene undoubtedly makes Chu Xinyao very sad. They go out together in the morning. What does that mean? It shows that they were sleeping together last night. Bai Li Fen Jin's sentence "I'm married" has no direct effect on the lethality.

Hundred Li burn Jin see such a scene, heart is a burst of displeasure, so he impolitely asked: "what are you doing?"

Fei Jimo came forward to Bai Lifen Jin and said, "I'm here to discuss the affairs of the temple with you, and Xin Yao is here to say a few words with her sister-in-law."

Hundred Li burn Jin smell speech then direct of refuse a way: "I won't let my Niang son leave my line of sight inside, what words can't say in front of my face?"

Fei Jimo frowned slightly, and then said to Bai Li Fen Jin, "you and Xin Yao have been together for such a long time. You should know her temper. She will never be so vicious as you think, and will harm your sweetheart. She just wants to know your wife."

Hundred Li burn Jin smell speech then coldly looked at Fei Jimo one eye to say: "finished? With that, can she go away? Don't you understand the rules that no one is allowed to enter here? "

Fei Jimo looks at Bai Lifen Jin in disbelief. He never thought that Bai Lifen Jin would say such hurtful words, and in front of Chu Xinyao. In an instant, Fei Jimo looks at Mu Xi and points at her angrily, saying: "she is not an irrelevant person?"

Twilight evening aware of the side hundred Li burn Jin anger, feel he wants to hand, twilight evening quickly stand in front of him, and then raise a smile, coquetry like to say to him: "I also want to talk with this girl, can't it?"

Fei Jimo is a hero who has been cooperating with Bai Lifen Jin in the temple. Mu Xi doesn't want to let Bai Lifen Jin break up with Fei Jimo because of her. It's not good for anyone. Dusk night seems to be really magical. As soon as Bai Li Fen Jin sees her, her mood will be relieved instantly. When he sees dusk night, his heart is full of tenderness, but he still refuses with a gentle attitude: "what do you want to talk with her?"

Evening evening smell speech then pick eyebrow to smile of say: "how do I know to want to chat what?"? Of course, I didn't know until I had a chat

Bai Li Fen Jin frowned and said, "but..."

Before he finished, Dushi snatched the conversation, put on a look of grievance and said: "but what... You still listen to me this morning... Now it's like this... Did you cheat me..."

Hundred Li burn Jin is the most can't stand the evening of this pear blossom with rain appearance, see the evening of uncomfortable, he almost want to heartbreak, so he said helplessly: "OK, OK, but let the field with you."

Bai Li Fen Jin made it clear that she didn't believe Chu Xinyao, but it would only aggravate the contradiction, so she pretended to be angry and said, "how can a man be on one side when a woman talks? Although I don't have much strength now, I still have a lot of tools to protect myself. What are you worried about? "

Bai Li Fen Jin fell into a deep tangle after hearing the speech, which was against his previous personality. After hesitating for a long time, he firmly said to the evening: "if you haven't come back in half an hour, I'll go to see you, which is not negotiable."

The evening evening smell speech then smile of to hundred Li burn Jin to say: "I know, I know, you are best, we see later."

Then she left with Chu Xinyao. Because of her strength, Mu Xi has always been controlled by others here. What she can do is to ease the relationship between Bai Li Fen Jin and the major clans, so that they can help Bai Li Fen Jin resist the evil world together.

Bai Li Fen Jin looks at the back of dusk evening. He is worried. From now on, he has been counting the time in his heart. Half an hour later, he will pick up dusk evening on time. I didn't expect that when I visited the scenery here for the first time, I was with Chu Xinyao.

And the whole Chu Xinyao just walked in front of her, not paying any attention to the evening, and she didn't want to talk. Although the evening was strange, she still followed her. At last they came to a room, which was like a reception hall.

There are seven middle-aged people who don't know each other at Dushi. Seeing this atmosphere, Dushi has a bad premonition in her heart, but she still firmly steps in. After that, Chu Xinyao goes to the middle-aged man in the upper position and whispers to him, "Dad, it's her."

As soon as the voice fell, the middle-aged man exerted strong pressure on Dushi. Dushi immediately felt the five internal organs churning and the blood smelling sweetness in her throat. However, she obstinately swallowed and even had some difficulty in breathing. However, she still stood firm and didn't kneel down. The middle-aged man gave Dushi a challenge as soon as she came.

However, twilight is not like what he thought, which makes him very unhappy, because the strength of twilight is negligible for all the people present. The middle-aged man snorted and said: "the mantis arm pawns the cart."

With that, he was ready to release his authority to Dushi again. However, Dushi said to him first: "it's not respect for the old. Is it interesting that you bully a young man like this?"

It's true that Dushi's age is not a fraction of that of the people present. The temple has a long history, and the ages are recorded in tens of thousands of years. For these people, Dushi can only be regarded as a baby. After that, Dushi raised his head and stood there with pride.

She doesn't pay attention to these people. Ordinary young people will be a little scared and nervous when they see such a scene. Even Chu Xinyao is submissive and doesn't dare to be presumptuous. However, at dusk, there is a kind of arrogant atmosphere.

All of you are looking at dusk with complicated eyes. After a long time, a rough looking middle-aged man overbearing said: "Chu Tianxiang, it's not shameful to tell you. Are you ashamed to bully a little girl for your daughter's sake?"

The middle-aged man's words made the atmosphere of the scene embarrassed for a time, especially Chu Xinyao's face, which was already pale. However, she took a look at the middle-aged man at dusk, and she liked his attitude. But Chu Tianxiang slapped the table and said, "what are you talking about? I'm calling you here today just for the future of the God of war. She's a woman with no accomplishments. Why should she be the wife of the God of war

The evening evening smell speech then sneer a, she pick eyebrow to say: "I don't deserve, you deserve?"? Or is your daughter more worthy? "

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