This made Chu Tianxiang angry. However, the middle-aged man just slapped the table with a smile, and he echoed the saying: "I just said that you should take care of the housework of the God of war. I didn't expect that you should take care of it!"

What he said was very funny, but no one at the scene dared to laugh. The Chu clan is now the most powerful clan in the temple, followed by the spirit beast clan, and the person who just spoke is Lei Zhentian, the head of the spirit beast clan.

He has always been at odds with Chu Tianxiang. That's why he helps Mu Xi speak on this occasion. However, other people dare not say a word. Chu Tianxiang clearly understands what his purpose is, so he turns his spearhead to Mu Xi in an instant.

Chu Tianxiang narrowed his eyes and threatened Dushi: "do you know who you are talking to? Do you believe I'm going to let you out in the wilderness now? You have no accomplishments. You are like a mole ant in front of me. "

The evening evening hears speech to pour don't matter of say to him: "have ability you come?"? I'll see who the last one is. "

Then Lei Zhentian impolitely said to Chu Tianxiang: "you always say that other girls have no strength. Don't forget that she is only 18 years old and has been promoted from the lower world to the temple. I think she is a good seedling. In time, maybe she will be stronger than everyone here."

Lei Zhentian is telling the truth. There are many famous people in the temple who come from the lower world. The most famous one is mu Jiufeng. In those days, only one person established the Shenmiao nationality in the temple, which is still continuing today. Now the head of Shenmiao nationality also sits here.

What's more, Mu Jiufeng was 30 years old when she arrived at the temple. She has already made such achievements, not to mention the evening when she is 18 years old now? Thinking of this, Chu Tianxiang's heart was a bit gloomy. He would not let dusk rise in the temple.

He sneered and said, "I'm doing it for the good of the temple. Even if the God of war is not happy, other people in the temple will support me! So today, you're going to die! "

Then Chu Tianxiang was about to attack Mu Xi, but Lei Zhentian stopped him first, and LAN Haoyu around him quickly pulled him to sit down. Then he said to Mu Xi in a calm voice: "girl, you have been trained to the point where you can reach the temple at the age of 18. I think you are not only gifted, but also very smart. That's why the God of war appreciates you and adores you, Since you are so smart, I think you should understand that the situation of the temple is not optimistic. The strength of the demon Kingdom has increased greatly recently, and even the God of war will have a headache. However, at this moment, your stay with the God of war will not help him, but will distract him. "

As LAN Haoyu said, he watched the expression of Moxi, but Moxi didn't reply, which means she heard it, so he continued: "I know you are gifted, but after all, your strength is nothing in the temple. For the safety of the temple and the God of war, I hope you can stay away from the God of war for a while, when your strength increases, When you can help the God of war, it's not too late for you to come back. I hope you can consider my suggestion. "

After that, he quietly gazed at the twilight, which was not so much a concern as a kind of oppression. Twilight is not afraid of other people's threat, but she can't convince her heart. Every word LAN Haoyu said, twilight has seriously considered in her heart.

Now being put on the table, the self-esteem of Dushi is really hard to pass. She doesn't want to be a burden to burn Jin, especially in this special period. Dusk Xi felt timid for the first time. She didn't want to hurt Bai Li Fen Jin for her.

When dusk was struggling, Chu Tianxiang also calmed down and said, "I think you know that although the God of war is powerful, it still needs the cooperation of our seven clans. To tell you the truth, I always treat him as my son-in-law. However, he has lost my daughter now. I'm thinking about whether to help him in the future, but... If you leave, Things may turn for the better. "

This sentence is undoubtedly the last straw that killed the camel. The psychological defense line of Dushi was completely defeated. She can't help laughing bitterly. This time, she can really make up her mind to go to Qin Chaoyang, but in front of these people, Dushi will never show her fragile side.

She still held her head high and said, "I remember today. When autumn comes and September 8 comes, I'll kill all my flowers! "

With that, she turns around and leaves, completely ignoring the so-called clan leaders. They even forget to stop Dushi, because they are shocked by Dushi's words.

Dusk Xi this words some thick murderous spirit, also can feel her arrogance, for a moment, even Chu Tianxiang is afraid of dusk Xi body's arrogance.

When dusk was far away, he could not help but make up his mind to get rid of this woman, no matter whether the God of war was happy or not.

Because he was frightened by the arrogance of an 18-year-old girl. Liang Zi had already settled the problem of his face. The only thing he could do was to get rid of her before dusk grew up.

After walking a distance, she met Bai Li Fen Jin, who came to her. She quickly improved her mood and said to him with a smile: "how did you come here? Don't you want to talk about the devil's land? "

Bai Li Fen Jin quickly hugs Mu Xi tightly in her arms and says in her ear: "half an hour has come, I'll come to you, afraid that she will bully you."

Evening evening smell speech then smile of say: "I how have so weak, I just won't let her bully me."

Dushi's acting is very good, Baili burning Jin also very trust her, so she easily deceived him, did not show a little different. She blinked her eyes and said to Bai Li Fen Jin, "I want to stay with you and discuss the affairs of the demon kingdom with you, OK?"

When Bai Li Fen Jin hears that Mu Xi wants to stay with him, he can't find the north because he usually pesters Mu Xi and asks him to be with him. Now he is very happy to hear that Mu Xi asks for such a request.

He thought that when he arrived at the temple, twilight would naturally get closer to him. Twilight followed him to his study. When Fei Jimo saw twilight, he had some doubts. Twilight knew that he was also involved in the incident, but it didn't show.

She just obediently stayed by Bai Li Fen Jin's side to read a book, and Shen Zhi had already arrived in the jade pendant space to discuss with Xu Yao, Xue Shu and Chun about going to the goddess's bedroom.

Xu Yao said boldly: "you are wrapped in me. Now you can stay in the space for an hour. I promise to send you there during this time!"

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