At dusk, he said to him with a smile, "thank you so much, elder brother xuyao."

At this time, Chun suddenly frowned and said, "twilight, what happened to you? That's why you decided to go to the temple of the goddess to practice? "

As a daughter, Chun's intuition is very sharp. She realizes that twilight is not as happy as it seems. However, in order not to worry them, she pretends to be indifferent and says, "nothing happened. I just miss my sister."

Smell speech, toon half believe half doubt of gaze at dusk evening to say: "really?"

Although Dushi hesitated a little, he still insisted: "of course it's true."

However, the more cover up, the more representative of this is the fact. At this time, the shrunken forgetting God appeared in his real body. When he saw him at dusk, he felt that it was not good. Sure enough, he began to tell: "I was awakened when Chu Tianxiang first put pressure on you. If I didn't help you block part of it, you would be crushed by him."

"I thought it was my own strength to resist it..." he said

Smell speech, all people are anxious and worried to look at the evening, said: "unexpectedly someone dare to put pressure on you? Are you tired of living? "

Twilight still did not answer, one side of forget God had to sigh, continued to say: "in general, is a word, the seven clans in the temple unite to want to get rid of twilight, forced her to leave hundred Li burning Jin side is only the first step."

Even in this case, Dushi said justly: "that Lei Zhentian should be the head of the spirit beast clan. He didn't embarrass me."

Forget God to smell speech then pick eyebrow to say: "can he have helped you what?"

After listening to the description of forgetting God, everyone began to talk about revenge for twilight. The buzzing voice in her ear made Twilight feel a little irritable, so she said loudly: "things have passed, revenge has to wait until I have strength, so tomorrow we will leave for my mother's place, you can rest assured."

Smell speech, everyone closed his mouth, although the anger is hard to calm, but they also really feel that what Muxi said is reasonable, at this time, strawberry who has been thinking all the time scratched his head with doubts, and then muttered: "spirit beast? I seem to have heard of the name Lei Zhentian... "

Hearing this, Mu Xi's mind suddenly returned to the situation when she picked up strawberries. The roar seemed to come from Lei Zhentian. Mu Xi could not help but widen her eyes. Unexpectedly, she picked up the little prince of spirit beast.

Thanks to Lei Zhentian's help, Chun on one side is also looking at strawberry and huang'er tightly. She suddenly says, "they will get better resources and a lot of opportunities in lingmiao."

Dushi knows the meaning behind what Chun said, but now she has no Qin Qingyun and they are about to leave Baili burning Jin. If the two little guys also leave her, she really doesn't know what to do.

At this time, strawberry and huang'er heard this and said angrily: "we don't want to go to the spirit beast. We don't want any resources and opportunities! We're going to stay with our mother! "

While talking, the two little guys are rolling around at the foot of Dushi. Chun understands the tangle of Dushi's heart. She gently pats the shoulder of Dushi and says, "people always want to grow up. For you, the place where the goddess is is the best place for you to grow up, and for them, the spirit beast is."

Mu Xi lovingly looks at the two little guys, and they also look at Mu Xi pitifully. Chun is a very rational person, but her suggestions are very useful. After much consideration, Mu Xi has made a decision in her heart. Now the main purpose is how to let the two little guys accept.

Muxi squats down and gently caresses their fur. They also enjoy Muxi's caress most. After a long time, Muxi gently says: "my mother just came to the temple, she was bullied. They don't think her strength is strong enough..."

Before dusk had finished, the two little guys said indignantly: "mother, tell us! Who bullied you! We will avenge you

It seems that they didn't listen carefully to the conversation just now. After listening to one sentence or missing one sentence, they said at random, "but your strength is not enough... They are so powerful that even your father should be afraid of them."

Hearing this, the two little guys immediately became dejected from high spirited. They said angrily: "mother, we will practice well! We will take revenge for you

Hearing this, she blinked her eyes and said, "my mother thinks the same way. I've found the most suitable place for me, and I've also found the most suitable place for you. But the two places are not together, so we're going to separate. I'm reluctant to part with you..."

Dushi said and left tears, the tears are sincere, so the effect is great, strawberry and Huang Er nest in Dushi's arms, gave her a big hug, and then with a small adult like said: "just temporarily separated, not never never meet, when we are strong, we can come back to protect our mother! My mother doesn't even understand this, and she's crying like a child. "

At dusk, hearing the words, she almost burst out laughing. They comforted others, but on the surface, she said with a mournful face: "but I'm afraid that if you are strong enough, you won't remember your mother..."

Strawberry and huang'er vowed: "no! We're not like that! We're going to the orcs today! If we go to practice earlier, we can come back to find our mother earlier. "

Seeing this, she nodded, then gave them a handkerchief and said, "this is what my mother usually uses. If you miss me, take it out and have a look. You two little guys, don't forget your mother."

Strawberry and huang'er nodded solemnly. Until now, they felt the atmosphere of parting. They couldn't help but look at Dushi in tears and cry in her arms. At this time, the snow mountain snake hanging on the wrist of Dushi also said: "let me go with them. First, my strength can be enhanced, and second, I can take care of them. Although they have outstanding strength, But it's a child's nature. It's hard to avoid being bullied. "

Evening evening smell speech then ordered to nod to say: "that laborious you."

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