As soon as she arrived at the temple, she was faced with all kinds of departures. Although she was used to it, she would feel sad. She was afraid that if the two little guys didn't leave, she would be even more reluctant. So she took the two little guys out of the room.

She knew that when Bai Li Fen Jin and Fei Jimo were discussing things, Qian Mo was standing by the door, so she went straight to the door and said to Qian Mo, "send them three safely to the spirit beast clan. If there is any mistake, I won't let you go."

Qian Mo is the best bodyguard, but also the most trusted bodyguard of Bai Li Fen Jin, he said faintly: "I only accept the Lord's task."

Twilight night helpless, but she does not want to disturb hundred burning Jin, but she is upset, hundred burning Jin has come, he gently stroked the twilight night's hair said: "but it's too boring? What are you doing out there? "

Dushi's every move, hundred Li burn Jin are paying attention to, she had no choice but to say: "I want to let the field with strawberry they go out for a walk, but he said only listen to your order."

Bai Li Fen Jin said to Qian mo after hearing the words: "my wife's order is my order. Now I will do it according to what she said."

Although Qian Mo doubts that the two demands of Mu Xi are not the same, he doesn't worry much. He still sends them to the spirit beast clan safely according to the first order of Mu Xi, and Mu Xi obediently follows Bai Li Fen Jin back to the study.

As soon as he went in, he met Fei Jimo's displeased look. He said to Baili burning Jin half jokingly: "you are discussing things, and you suddenly leave. Is this too inefficient?"

Dushi knows that Fei Jimo's intention is not to drink. This is for her, but she doesn't say much. After all, she will leave tomorrow. She doesn't want to cause any more disputes, so she says to Bai Lifen Jin with a smile: "be serious, I won't disturb you."

With that, she sat down on the chair with her chin in her hand and gazed at Bai Li Fen Jin. It seemed that she wanted to carve his appearance deeply in her heart. Her eyes moved with him, his eyebrows, his nose, his eyes, his lips and his outline.

All this fascinates him. With such hot eyes, Bai Li Fen Jin realizes that the moment he meets his eyes, Mu Xi smiles at him. He is a little shy. He puts his hand on the tip of his nose and coughs. His wife is really more and more attractive.

Dusk Xi has been looking at him like this, he discussed how long, dusk Xi watched how long, did not feel tired at all, when they finished the discussion, it was night, hundred Li burn Jin came to her body, soft voice said: "tired? Let's go back and have a rest. "

However, Dushi smiles and bends a pair of glasses and says, "you don't feel tired at all."

Dusk Xi's smile has always been difficult to resist, but also with love words, it makes him feel the mind rippling, he took the hand of dusk Xi and went back to the room, he has always been concerned about the things of dusk Xi, so now the room has been placed in the shape of a new house.

Evening evening surprise said: "your efficiency is too fast, things are all put."

Bai Li Fen Jin also said with a smile: "as long as the lady likes it."

Evening evening smell speech then affectionately looking at hundred Li burn Jin said: "as long as it's yours, I like."

Said, evening on tiptoe, gently kiss on his lips, and continue to go deep, hundred Li burn Jin nature can't bear such temptation, hold up evening to bed is a kind of die lingering, and hundred Li burn Jin also found that today's evening is particularly warm.

Normally, he always asks too much, but today's dusk can cater to him, which makes Bai Li Fen Jin very happy and completely forgets the time. When he is satisfied, it is almost dawn, and then he goes to sleep with dusk.

Seeing his sleeping face, Dushi gently kisses him, then puts on his clothes carefully, and enters the jade pendant space in the blink of an eye. This time, it's not the divine sense, but the real body. As soon as she goes, she urges xuyao to leave quickly.

Xu Yao naturally said: "cut, don't you believe my technology?"

Then he set out at a fast speed. Muxi thought of Baili burning Jin in his sleep. He trusted Muxi very much, so Muxi could leave when he was not prepared to fall asleep. Muxi gave him a sense of security that he had never experienced before.

But it's twilight that is trying to eliminate this sense of security again and again. That's why Bai Li Fen Jin wants to stay by her side all the time. Seeing the appearance of twilight, the snow tree on one side says to her, "when we get to the place, you can write him a letter, or he will be worried."

The evening evening smell speech then curiously looking at snow tree to say: "I clearly remember you didn't like him very much before."

The snow tree coughed a few times, then frowned slightly and said, "I don't like that boy very much. The little master is so excellent that he can be worthy of a better person. But now I can't find a better person than him, and he really loves you very much. Let's just be with him first, but let's say well. In case we meet a better person, don't hesitate, Do dump him. "

Snow tree is really the evening as a daughter to raise, this is a typical parent mentality, in the eyes of parents, our children are the best, all people are not worthy of their own children, this point, do not accept refutation, evening smile at snow tree, firmly said: "there is no better person than him."

In order not to let the snow tree tangle this problem, Dushi changed the topic and asked, "where's the little medicine man? I haven't seen him since yesterday. "

Snow tree smell speech then deeply sigh a breath, say: "yesterday mention spirit beast clan of time, he alone hide to one side, his mind is more mature than those two little guys, so he can't bear to see such a scene, now in the space only he a child, estimate is where cry."

Evening smell speech gently smile, growth is always inevitable to leave, this is a necessary process, this process for the heavy love heavy righteousness, inevitably some bitter.

At sunrise, Bai Li Fen Jin slowly opens her eyes, but there is no shadow of twilight in her arms. Suddenly, Bai Li Fen Jin has a bad premonition in her heart. He puts on his clothes and thinks about the future of twilight in his head.

Only aware of two different, yesterday evening and Chu Xinyao chat, but also let the field to perform a task, he hastily attracted the field, at this time his eyes have some red, as long as the evening is not around him, his demon attribute is difficult to suppress.

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