The burden of resistance on Bai Li Fen Jin is not something that ordinary people can bear. It's not an easy job either physically or mentally. However, now, these elders have been crushed in their hearts, and they have lost the fighting spirit of young people.

It was like a group of frail old people who were forced to go to the front line of the battlefield. The news that the temple had been occupied soon spread to everyone. At this time, everyone felt an unprecedented sense of crisis. In the past, they didn't have to bear all this.

After being at ease in the temple for a long time, they completely forget that the territory of the demon kingdom is only one step away from them. Until now, they clearly realize how close the danger is to them. At this time, some people are optimistic, others are pessimistic.

And more people are sighing: "if the God of war in the temple is still there, where will it be reduced to this point? God of war, come back quickly and save these helpless people... "

Almost everyone in the temple is praying, hoping that Baili Fenjin can show up and help the temple through this crisis. However, Baili Fenjin is still lying quietly in the spirit orcs, sleeping quietly. His wound is in the spirit orcs, and has been cured.

However, he still didn't wake up. Lei Zhentian also asked the snow mountain snake anxiously: "why doesn't the God of war wake up? The temple can't do without him. Didn't he hear everyone's call? "

Smell speech, snow mountain dark snake just light sigh one breath, then helplessly say: "the wound on the body is easy to cure, but the wound on the heart is difficult, he just don't want to wake up, the safety of the temple, your name, all don't deserve him to wake up."

The only one who can make him wake up is Dushi. However, at the moment, no one can find the trace of Dushi. Xueshanming snake knows Bai Lifen Jin's idea very well. He is afraid to wake up and not see Dushi.

So he simply did not wake up, this is his unconscious reaction in the process of sleeping. At the moment, the cultivation of dusk night has reached a higher level. She no longer has to face those hordes of spirit beasts, but one after another.

Although the number is very small, the strength of these people is several levels higher than those of the spirit beasts before. These are all kinds of capable people and strange people who have appeared in the temple since ancient times. They all have their own unique skills and strength.

The task of Muxi is to defeat them one by one. Only in this way can Muxi be promoted to the next level of training. However, the process is not so simple. Muxi can't remember that she has died several times in the process.

The more she fails, the more she can arouse her fighting spirit until she defeats the person in front of her. The progress of twilight is imperceptible.

Almost every failure or success, will let her strength have a qualitative leap, but she did not notice this, she is too focused, there is a kind of indomitable momentum, and for twilight.

What she is most happy about is when she beats someone, because there will be another person with stronger strength. They all have their own abilities. The process of fighting with them is a process of continuous learning, and when Twilight beats this person.

It shows that Dushi has fully grasped these skills. This kind of cultivation method makes Dushi have a constant sense of freshness, and will not be as boring as before. In fact, all this is regular, and it is also a painstaking effort of the goddess.

The first stage of meditation is to make Muxi familiar with the theory and prepare for it. The second stage is to kill the spirit beast, but it is a process of accumulating quantity to exercise Muxi's physical strength and reaction. The third stage is one-on-one against the master.

This is a process from quantitative change to qualitative change. At this stage, twilight's strength will be improved by leaps and bounds. However, none of these three stages is indispensable. Only by taking the first step, can we have the next two and three steps.

The third stage also has a hidden function. These people will communicate with twilight and report their own names. They are all the top figures in the temple, and each of them is a legend in the history of the temple.

When they are defeated by twilight, they will say the last paragraph, which is exactly what everyone said before he died. Some people say that people are good when they are dying. From these words, twilight realizes that philosophy is like the road of the world.

It is only before death that one can feel it. However, only by this cultivation method, twilight can experience the world road described by these people and find their common ground, which must be the truth of the world.

And dusk night in here, unexpectedly also found that she once knew of people, in front of a emaciated, proud man, he coldly said to dusk night: "in the water cold, you take it!"

Although his attitude is very cold, Dushi is very excited, because she has heard the name of shuihan before. In this case, it's very pleasant. There is a feeling of meeting a fellow in a foreign land, which makes Dushi feel great.

She quickly called out the ice sword. Sure enough, she felt the smell of water cold. The ice sword was also excited. It kept playing around the water cold. This scene was very funny, because water cold also realized that there was his breath in the sword.

He felt very strange, but Twilight didn't give him this opportunity, and attacked him straight... The result was very obvious... Twilight failed again, but she was not discouraged. After she was revived, she began to fight again

Dushi doesn't care how long it's been outside, because she's playing now, and she thinks it's very interesting. At this time, the temple was in deep water, because the battle started again, and Fei Jimo and Lu Li, who were breathing, also heard the news.

They can't think of anything else, so they have to rush to the battlefield. This is their home. Even if they are angry, they have to protect it well. However, things are not as simple as they think. By the time they arrive, the soldiers of the temple have been forced to retreat.

Even the place where Bai Li burned Jin had become the territory of the devil Kingdom, and the soldiers' momentum was very low, and they had no fighting spirit. Fei Jimo and Lu Li also fought against magic Tianling and magic Lingxiao. Unlike the temple, the soldiers in the devil kingdom were very excited.

They have a lot of fighting spirit.

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