If there is a gap in mentality, there will be a big difference in the result. Even if Fei Jimo and Lu Li come, they can't turn the tide back. What's more, the devil Kingdom comes here with a winning mentality, so when magic Tianling and magic Lingxiao see Fei Jimo and Lu Li.

Not only no fear, but also more happy, because it means that Bai Li Fen Jin really won't come over, so they will send these two young generals to fight against them, and devil Tianling said to them arrogantly: "just you two, also want to stop our attack? Why don't you go home and have your milk

When Bai Li Fen Jin was in the lower world, they often fought. Mo Tianling found that there was a big gap between them. However, even if Bai Li Fen Jin was not there, he was also their behind the scenes strategist. It was not easy for Mo Tianling to deal with them.

Now, however, as the situation changed, magic Tianling felt that his chance had come. He said to them with a disdainful expression: "without Bai Li Fen Jin, you are nothing."

He felt that he was also one of the perpetrators of this situation. He really felt that he could not do anything without Bai Li Fen Jin.

In his heart, he also felt guilty for Baili burning Jin. Although Lu Li didn't have such a mentality, his days with Baili burning Jin were not long, and he didn't have enough talent, so he didn't have much experience and still couldn't change the situation.

Seeing such a situation, magic Lingxiao could not suppress his inner excitement. He seemed to be able to foresee the scene of the temple being captured, followed by the situation of twilight in his arms. Thinking of these, he had a strong sense of war.

He excitedly said to the soldiers in the demon Kingdom: "go! The temple is yours! "

All of a sudden, the morale of the soldiers in the demon kingdom was aroused. This momentum has the effect of subduing the soldiers without fighting. The only remaining elders and the heads of the seven clans also have to go to the battlefield, because no one can resist the twelve King Kong in the demon Kingdom except them.

They can be said to be the assassin's mace of the demon kingdom. They are extremely powerful. Even the elders and clan leaders of the temple can't resist their attack. The demon Kingdom seems to be an irresistible arrow, but the temple is at the end of the crossbow.

The temple people have been at ease for a long time. When Bai Li Fen Jin supports them, they can't feel the existence of danger at all. Unlike the people in the demon Kingdom, they are warlike and combative. Even when there is no war, they don't give up training.

Therefore, the demon Kingdom has created a situation in which all the people are fighting. However, the temple has formed a situation in which the upper part is strong and the lower part is weak. Once Bai Li burns Jin and the head of the temple pyramid disappears, the disadvantages are very obvious and the defeat is certain.

The soldiers of the demon Kingdom retreated from the temple without giving them a chance to breathe. What's more, magic Tianling and magic Lingxiao hoped for a quick fight, so they occupied a quarter of the land of the temple in less than half a month, and the morale of the whole demon kingdom was high.

The fighting became more and more fierce. On the other hand, the number of soldiers in the temple decreased sharply, and there was no fighting spirit. Even there were only eight elders left, but now there are only five left. The others died in the battle. Several elders hurt the twelve King Kong in the demon Kingdom by self explosion.

This is a last resort. Seeing such a situation, everyone can't say a word. Fei Jimo once went to Qian Mo, who burned the temple, hoping that he could help the temple through this difficulty. However, Qian Mo had a great hatred for the management of these temples at this time.

In particular, the patriarchs of the seven clans, including Fei Jimo and Chu Xinyao, disgusted Qian Mo for a while. No matter the Lord or his wife, they didn't know where they were forced by the people in front of them. Deep in Qian Mo's heart, they would rather die than help them.

Fei Jimo said anxiously: "the temple is the place where we live together. Even if you don't like to see me, at this special time, we should get rid of the past and drive away the soldiers and horses in the devil's land first, then we can count our own account, OK?"

Qian Mo Wen Yan just said to him coldly, "staying with you in the same place makes me feel sick. Besides, the Lord has become a devil, and I don't mind becoming a devil. I don't want to do such high sounding things to hurt others with you."

For Qian Mo, these Temple people seem to be righteous, kind and upright, but they don't know how vicious and evil they are. As long as they violate their interests, they will tear off the mask of hypocrisy in an instant, even to their friends, they can raise the butcher's knife.

Compared with these fake gentlemen and real villains, Qian Mo appreciates those people in the devil's land more. No matter what they like or dislike, they put it on their faces. They love and hate the truth. When they get along with such people, they don't feel tired at all.

Qian Mo's words made Fei Jimo feel sad. He couldn't deny it, because he did. Without Qian Mo's help, he didn't know how to face the next situation. They were like spoiled children.

Apart from seeking help from others, they have no courage to face such a desperate situation. At this time, the temple has become a pot of porridge, all kinds of views have appeared, saying that the temple will soon die, and the goddess's efforts will be destroyed.

In the heart of everyone in the temple, the goddess is always in a noble and holy position. They all know that they exist because it is the gift of the goddess. At this time, someone began to pray for the goddess to appear.

In a word, he didn't place his hope on himself, but in the temporary camp, he began to have different ideas. After thinking about it again and again, the four elders of the Chu family carefully said to the people, "why don't we give some places to the temple... We can solve it peacefully?"

Hearing this, all the people at the scene fell into silence for a while. After a long time, Lu Li, who was always gentle, suddenly came to the four elders of the Chu family and punched him hard. Then he said angrily, "you don't want to be shameless anymore?"?? Peaceful settlement? You can say that! It's just cutting the land to beg for mercy! Why do you say that with such high sounding? "

Because of this conflict, people present suddenly formed two camps, one demanding peace and the other fighting. After being beaten by a younger generation, the fourth elder of Chu family couldn't get over it. He blushed and said, "it's better to cut the land than to be completely defeated! If you keep green hills, you are not afraid of no firewood! "

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