This is very right for the taste of magic Tianling, he looked at Lu Li with a smile and said: "good! It's a real man! Then let's have a good fight! "

The temple and the demon Kingdom started a new round of war. Although magic Tianling appreciated them, his decisive attitude would not change. The temple had lost a lot of generals in the previous battles, plus a few rebellious generals.

The number of high-level people in the temple has been greatly reduced, so that hundreds of soldiers can match a clan leader, no matter what other clan leaders are. At this time, the only remaining clan leaders in the Temple Camp are the spirit beast clan and the red fire clan, and the war situation suddenly becomes very difficult.

Mor Tianling and mor Lingxiao didn't even have to be too serious to repel the soldiers in the temple, but the rest of them never gave up their resistance. As they said, even if they died, they would die in the battlefield!

The land occupied by the demon Kingdom has approached half from the original quarter. If it continues to develop in this way, the temple will be occupied by the soldiers of the demon kingdom in less than half a month. Only at this time can the temple feel a kind of deep despair.

Fei Jimo hates himself to the bone. If they didn't force Dushi away at the beginning and lead Bai Li to burn Jin to be possessed, how could the temple be like this? Those who are most able to protect the temple cannot protect their own women.

Even he would not accept such a thing. The spirit of the temple was low. Even Lu Li was ready to explode at any time. He could not do such a thing. At this time, in the spirit beast clan, Lei Zhentian frowned and stood beside the comatose Bai Lifen Jin.

He said again and again: "God of war, you really don't want to get up? The temple will soon become the place of the devil's land... Do you have the heart to see the people of the temple become prisoners and be slaughtered? "

However, no matter what he said, Bai Li Fen Jin didn't respond, but Xue Shan Ming snake firmly believes that even if the temple has lost half of its land now, as long as there are Dushi and Qin Chaoyang, the daughters of the two goddesses.

It's still time for all this. He believes that dusk evening and Qin Chaoyang will surely come by the clouds and fog to save the temple people from the abyss. But now the situation of dusk night can be said to be in dire straits, the temple has always been a strange person is too fierce.

Sometimes, she even has to resurrect more than ten times to defeat the people in front of her. She doesn't know how long she spent in this. She only knows that only by defeating all these people can she go out. In this process, she has no idea.

She also met a lot of acquaintances, Mu Jiufeng, LAN Qianyuan... All of them. It's not a happy thing that these enemies suddenly want to fight, because their strength is too strong to fight at dusk.

However, at this time, Mu Xi suddenly found a problem. Here, because of the continuous fighting, she can't feel the passage of time. Similarly, she can't feel the change of her strength, because sometimes she may have to be promoted many times in a row.

Even she could hardly count on herself. No one could have such a good talent, such a good opportunity, such a way of training, which was the most suitable for her. When she met Mu Jiufeng.

She knew instantly that her strength had reached this level. Mu Jiufeng was the one who created the Shenmiao nationality. How could her strength be poor? Now that I can meet her, it means that the strength of Dushi now is almost catching up with her.

It's just around the corner to go out, so Dushi seems to have beaten chicken blood again and rekindles her fighting spirit. After fighting Mu Jiufeng, Dushi finds out that her unique skill is to combine poison and spiritual power, so she should be very careful when fighting with her.

She should be careful of poison as well as her spiritual power, but she likes this way very much. So far, Mu Jiufeng's move is the most suitable one for her, so this time she not only wants to defeat Mu Jiufeng.

There is also the idea of learning from her. It took Mu Jiufeng nine cattle and two tigers to defeat Mu Jiufeng. However, this is also a trick of cheating. After all, in actual combat, she must be beaten to pieces... But who let her be the daughter of the goddess?

Even if there is such an opportunity, other people can't envy it. As time goes on, Dushi has met more than 50 people. Among them, all kinds of strange moves are absorbed and resolved by Dushi with the opportunity of resurrection.

She is like a greedy sparrow, constantly absorbing the nutrition of others, until she becomes a Phoenix. The next opponent makes Mu Xi feel very familiar, always feel where I have seen him, but this face is really not seen.

She looked at the person in front of her suspiciously, but he said first, "are you the daughter of the goddess?"

Smell speech, dusk night then surprised blink eyes to look at him, because most of the people in here have no own consciousness, unless dusk night asked, they will answer, but like now, dusk night has not opened his mouth, he asked the question first, this is the first one.

Seeing Dusk's expression, the man chuckled and said, "I'm different from them. I'm a real person, not a shadow. I stay here voluntarily."

Twilight night seemed to understand what he said, and then carefully said: "you are a real person... Then I fight with you, it's not very bad... In case I can't revive, what should I do?"

The man looked at twilight, and there was love and tenderness in his eyes that she could not understand. He had never seen Twilight before. However, like knowing twilight, he did not choose to fight with her, but told her a story. He told the story of the goddess.

He said that the goddess was noble and elegant. A man fell in love with her from the first time he saw her. However, the goddess did not pay attention to him. She had only the temple in her heart. Maybe now she had only her two daughters. Every move of the goddess attracted him.

However, he could not but use his own strength to guard the place the goddess loved most, so he volunteered to become the guardian of the temple. Hearing this, dusk night suddenly thought, in front of this person looks a bit like a hundred Li burn Jin.

Isn't he Bai Li Fen Jin's father? Thinking of this, Dushi couldn't help looking at him more, but didn't interrupt him. So he went on saying that he loved the goddess for a long time, but the goddess suddenly disappeared.

He is suffering, sad, lonely, lonely, difficult to get rid of his emotions.

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