On a drunken night, he did something that he could never forgive himself. He had a relationship with a woman who loved him and gave birth to a son, but he never showed any concern and love for the son.

As soon as he saw their mother and son, he would realize that he had betrayed the person he loved most. He did not allow such a thing to happen, so after that, he never looked at the mother and son directly. When he heard this, he was completely sure.

In front of him, this man is Bai Li Fen Jin's father. Mu Xi frowns slightly and looks at him unhappily and says, "aren't you irresponsible? Having a baby and not raising it. "

The man took a loving look at dusk and said, "my name is bailiyie. Nice to meet you today."

In his heart, Mu Xi was his daughter, and the mother and son were just a mistake he had made in his life. However, it was this idea that made Mu Xi unable to get close to him.

Although Dushi doesn't feel malicious from him, she still holds injustice for Baili Huojin. She asks Baili ye in doubt: "aren't you curious about your son?"

Hearing this, bailiyie shakes his head and says, "I just want to stay with the goddess. I don't care about other people and things."

It has to be said that there are some similarities between Bai Li Fen Jin and his father. Both of them are stubborn and refuse to let go. However, different from him, Bai Li Fen Jin finally gets the beauty back, while Bai Li Ye can only keep a dream here.

Thinking of this, Mu Xi suddenly feels that he is very pitiful. Mu Xi believes that if she had not promised Bai Li Fen Jin to be with other people before, Bai Li Fen Jin would also be like his father, guarding an illusion of nothingness.

Because Bai Li burns Jin, Mu Xi has empathy with Bai Li Ye, and his attitude to him eases down. Then he says to him seriously, "do you know? I'm Bai Li Fen Jin's wife now. "

Hearing this, bailiyie is stunned on the spot. For a moment, all the complicated emotions rush into his heart. He doesn't know what to say. The only thing he wants in his life is his sweetheart's pity. However, he has never noticed his son.

But he got his sweetheart's pity, and even had already formed the right fruit. After a long time, he slowly asked: "is he good to you?"

The evening evening smell speech to order to nod to say: "he is very good to me, is too love tube me, go where he want to follow, I say a few words with others also not good."

Hearing this, bailiye frowned and said in a low voice, "he should have done this to you? This smelly boy, if I have a chance, I'll take care of him! "

Twilight at this time in the heart of emotion, see the hundred Li family is dead and alive will hang on the goddess of this family, whether it is hundred Li burning Jin, or hundred Li Ye, are like this, all the goddess of the family as a treasure like pet, so compared.

As expected, Muxi is his "own" daughter. At this time, Muxi blinks and says to him, "uncle, please teach me the most powerful moves. When I learn, I can deal with Baili Huojin by myself, and I won't let him bully me!"

Hearing this, bailiyie said with a smile, "what's your name, uncle? Just call me dad. Don't worry, I will teach you all that I have learned in my life."

With that, he began to teach, and twilight began to learn. This is the most gentle battle of twilight. Twilight began to talk and laugh with bailiyie. In the process, twilight gradually got to know him.

He has something to imagine with Bai Li Fen Jin, but Bai Li Fen Jin may lack a sense of security more than him. Maybe he hasn't felt his parents' love since childhood. When he grows up, he often leaves at dusk... Which makes Bai Li Fen Jin's sense of security less and less.

Dushi is learning very fast, and bailiyie is not stingy with his praise: "you are very smart and talented. If you continue to learn at this speed, you will soon finish my moves."

What Bai Liye says is not polite. He really gives all his life's learning to Mu Xi, because with the training ahead, Mu Xi's learning speed and efficiency are much higher than before. If Bai Liye says one point, Mu Xi can understand the remaining three points.

This speed makes bailiyie smack his tongue. He thumbs up and says, "don't worry. After learning, that boy will never bully you again!"

Dusk at this time solemnly said to bailiyie: "Dad, I'm about to finish your moves, I'm going to the next level, I hope you can leave with me, I have lost a mother, I don't want to lose a father."

Dushi's words are deep and righteous. Bailiyie also feels her sincerity. He is embarrassed and says, "I want to guard the goddess here. Besides, I've been here for too long... I'm used to it..."

Smell speech, evening then continue to comfort a way: "you should look forward, although my mother is no longer in, but we are still there, my mother still has a daughter, is my elder sister?"? Don't you want to see it? You don't want to know about the plants cultivated by the goddess herself and the dormitories where she lived? "

Dusk's words make bailiyie think deeply. He wants to choose between memory and reality. After a long time, he chuckles and says, "I'm willing to stay with her all my life, even if it's only memory. You don't have to persuade me. If you want me, you can bring your sister to see me. That's enough."

Smell speech, Dushi silent for a long time, and then raised a smiling face to him said: "well, I don't force you, but later, I can take hundred Li burning Jin to see you."

Twilight knows that it's no use trying to persuade him. As long as you think about Baili burning Jin, twilight thinks it's very easy to understand. Bailiyie caresses twilight's head lovingly, and then says gently, "I hope you're happy, with my share of happiness."

Evening evening smell speech solemnly nodded to him and said: "please rest assured, I will."

After that, dusk tries harder to learn Bai Liye's moves. It's not long before she has completely mastered them. It's time to leave. Neither of them speaks. At last, dusk says to him loudly, "I'll come back to see you!"

With that, she disappeared here.

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