Going to the next level, maybe for bailiyie, staying in memory is his best choice. After saying goodbye to him, dusk evening tidied up her mood to face the challenge of the next level. She faintly felt that this level might not be as good as the previous one.

Sure enough, the scene in front of her surprised Mu Xi. She rubbed her eyes and blinked twice. Then she was sure that the person in front of her was Bai Li Fen Jin. Unconsciously, her strength was approaching Bai Li Fen Jin.

What does that mean? She will be able to go out and fight side by side with Bai Lifen Jin right away. At this time, she is surprised that Bai Lifen Jin's strength is higher than Bai Liye's. If Bai Liye knows, he doesn't know what he will think.

It seems that all the tricks he taught just now can't be counted. The person in front of her is Bai Li Fen Jin. She can't calm down. She asked with expectation: "Bai Li Fen Jin, do you remember me?"

However, after a long time, he didn't respond. Dusk knew that the hundred Li burning Jin was just a shadow without consciousness. It seemed that she really had to fight with him. She really didn't fight with hundred Li burning Jin.

Think about some small excitement, she also impolitely picked up forget God began to attack, but hundred Li burning Jin is easy to flash, but also from behind the trend to her arms, defuse her attack, softly asked: "who are you?"

Hear him to ask actively, dusk evening quickly turns a head to ask a way: "are you real person?"

However, Bai Li Fen Jin shook her head and said, "it's just shadow."

But before dusk evening, I have never seen remnant shadow ask questions. It seems that Bai Li Fen Jin is very human, but it seems that he really doesn't remember dusk evening. Even so, she can't relax. She continues to attack Bai Li Fen Jin.

However, he dodged one by one, and he didn't launch an attack on Mu Xi, which made Mu Xi feel that a punch was on the cotton. According to his way of playing, when can she go out, so she stopped and said impatiently to the hundred Li burning Jin: "what are you going to do?"?! Do you want to fight or not? "

Smell speech, the remnant shadow of hundred Li burn Jin slanted a slant head, then ask a way: "why want to fight with you?"? I can't bear it. "

Dusk evening a listen to this words, is a burst of helpless help forehead, this in the end is residual shadow ah, or hundred Li burn Jin ah? How is it all a virtue? In the aspect of molesting twilight, Baili Huojin has always been a strong point, even when they just met.

Dusk Xi remembers that when they just met, Bai Li Fen Jin also talks about love words with such an indifferent face. In the end, she is a coquetry with no skin and no face. Dusk Xi has experienced this process. Looking at Bai Li Fen Jin like this.

Twilight has some helplessness, but it's more sweet. Baili Zhenjin falls in love with twilight at first sight. No matter when she meets her, she will find that she is different. She likes twilight at the first sight, which is not difficult for Baili Zhenjin.

The evening evening night awkwardly light cough a, then say: "that you see like this, you will all move to me, how?"

Bai Li Fen Jin picked her eyebrows and looked at her with great interest and said, "you want me to teach you my moves for no reason? Is there such a good thing in the world? If you will marry me, maybe I will think about it

When she heard him say this, she hesitated and said, "I want to marry you too... But I'm already married... Let's have a fight. Let me go out as soon as possible."

Bai Li Fen Jin narrowed her eyes slightly when she heard the speech, and then said coldly, "who did you marry? Are you in such a hurry to get out just to find him? I'm not as good as you want. Just stay here with me. You can't see him here. You will marry me willingly one day. "

Bai Li Fen Jin's eyes are firm. He is determined. He doesn't fight with Mu Xi or teach her moves, so he consumes them. However, Mu Xi's heart is very anxious, and she doesn't understand the situation in the temple. What's more, it's just a remnant of Bai Li Fen Jin, and her real body is still outside.

Twilight night saw him like this, but also very helpless, she blinked her eyes and asked: "you do not want to know who I married?"

Hundred Li burn Jin just light said: "before you marry who, I don't care, but the next day, you have to be with me, until you are willing to marry me that day."

The evening evening listens to this words, in the heart is a burst of sweetness, but she can't forget her duty, so she slowly walks to the side of hundred Li burn Jin, then takes his hand, gently caresses his forehead, soft voice says: "you see, whose breath is there above?"

Since hard can't, then come to soft, hundred Li burn Jin but is taken by the evening of death, her attitude a gentle, hundred Li burn Jin also consciously follow her words to feel, sure enough, in the evening of the forehead above found his own breath.

He looked at dusk in surprise. He never remembered that he had met dusk before, but the breath above was undoubtedly his, which was his most precious thing. Seeing this, dusk picked his eyebrows and said to him, "did you guess? I married you. It's just your real body, not your shadow. "

Hearing this, Bai Li Fen Jin couldn't get back to God for a long time. After a long time, he slowly began to laugh. He didn't expect that the person he liked had become his wife. At the moment, he felt that he was the happiest person in the world. However, in the second half of the evening, he said, "so, please teach me your moves now, so that I can go out and find you."

When Bai Li Fen Jin heard this, she shook her head, looked at the evening and said, "but I want to be with you."

Dusk evening smell speech is a burst of speechless, now hundred Li burn Jin should not be eating their own vinegar? However, the evening thought of his previous temperament, really feel that only he will do such a thing, evening according to the understanding of hundred Li burning Jin.

The more jealous he was, the softer he was, so she put on a pathetic look and said, "I want to stay with you, too... But look, there's nothing here... You can't go out with me. Are you willing to let your mother suffer in this place?"

Hundred Li burn Jin see dusk Xi this appearance, immediately heart hurt a few points, but he still continued to say: "stay with me, I won't let you suffer."

However, this time Dushi was looking at him with tears in his eyes.

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