No reserve, no gentleness, no consideration, no dusk. If you know what he is thinking, you must cut his head. But he must like the temperament of sister Chaoyang. The military life gave Dushi good communication skills, and she soon became familiar with it and got a lot of information.

For example, Bai Li Fen Jin is in the burning palace. What's his plan recently? Before that, there was a woman pretending to be his wife. Dusk evening asks a way: "you have not seen that woman again, why call her madam?" All the people in the burning silence Palace said seriously: "the Lord has seriously announced that he will call that woman his wife in the future."

Another said: "I really don't know what kind of woman can get the favor of the Lord. No one in the world is worthy of the Lord. " Twilight night asked: "since your Lord is so powerful, he should have been married long ago? How can I find my wife again? "

Zhu xiudao: "the Lord has no in laws, but there are many people who love him. The first beauty in the temple loves him."

Another person replied, "if you want to say her words, you can barely be worthy of the Lord."

"Nonsense, the woman in the picture is more beautiful than Miss Chu."

"But the Chu family has great prestige in the temple."

Dusk no longer speak, these people really don't like the soldiers brought out by Bai Li Fen Jin, but they all know Chu Xinyao's existence. She also found it funny that the people they were looking for were looking for people all over the street with their own portraits. See the expression of dusk.

The bamboo cultivates a way: "West wood, come out to search, you still take a fan, still shake so happy, don't know of think you come to play." In the evening, she wore the unique black strong clothes of the burning palace. Her hair was tied up high and tied up with a black crown. There was a wisp left in front of her forehead, which was hard to distinguish between male and female.

It has both the heroism of a man and the grace of a daughter. Today's dress is more feminine. After all, they are not led by the fields. At dusk, he opened the bamboo fan and shook it slowly. He raised his eyebrows and said, "are you handsome or not? Handsome or not! I just want to hear a one word answer. "

There was a hiss from all the people in the burning silence palace. It's true that Dushi is handsome, but I can't admit it. Otherwise, his tail will go up to heaven. The dusk evening looks at their such facial expression, the fighting spirit immediately ignited. The scene is as follows:

1、 The evening evening politely salutes a girl and says, "girl, you seem to have left something behind." "No," said the girl At dusk, the corner of his lips said, "yes, girl, you left me behind."

2、 "Girl, have you ever seen the stars at night?" Asked dusk. The girl said with a smile: "yes, it's very beautiful." "Your eyes are the most beautiful starry sky I have ever seen," said dusk

3、 The girl stares at the snow tree. With a heartache on her face, she says, "girl doesn't like to see me. Why do you always stare at him? But I don't look good? " The girl's heart softened as soon as her little expression came out.

Snow tree covers his face. I don't know who it is. Dusk night to a group of burning silence palace horse way: "don't you accept? I'll ask you if you're convinced! " This time, they finally learned to be good at it. They tried hard to convince me that this is the typical way to run after getting rid of it. Of course, they didn't find the master's wife.

Bai Li Fen Jin straightens out his idea. Well, the snow tree can turn into a human figure. He leads the way to the snow tree's residence in the snow. He guesses well, but there is still no one in the snow house. Bai Li Fen Jin clenches her hands into a fist. Where are you?

It's just that Bai Li Fen Jin, who cares, is in a mess. If he had been in the past, he would never have thought that this person, ah, finally has a weakness. Xu Yao holding a cup of tea, the mood is extremely happy, seems to recognize that girl, is not an unacceptable thing.

Ten days later, Bai Li Fen Jin had no patience, and her mood became more and more impatient, which made it difficult to control her mood. Since they were together, they have never lost touch for such a long time. Qian Mo is undoubtedly the person most affected. He can feel the frenzy of the Lord.

He felt so oppressed that he couldn't breathe. At dusk, I swaggered all day in the burning palace. I was very comfortable and natural. Anyway, I never stepped into the hall. However, on this day, Qian Mo suddenly summoned all the people in the burning palace, saying that they wanted to ask for a crime.

After all, he can't bear the Lord's anger alone. Twilight night thought it would not, do not give time to prepare, was recognized how to do, let her pretend to be ill, splashing all useless. Qian Mo stares at him closely. This person is very familiar from the beginning. Maybe the Lord knows him?

It's a good choice to keep him among the people in the burning silence palace. The people in the burning silence palace comforted Mu Xi and said, "it's OK. The brothers will be punished together." Dusk night really can't laugh out, she can only mix in the middle of the team, try to lower the body.

The snow tree stares at Dushi bitterly: the boat capsized in the sewer. But he followed the evening into the hall of the burning palace. As soon as they go in, they feel a breath of oppression, which makes people want to kneel down involuntarily. Dushi is very uneasy, and he doesn't dare to look at the hundred Li burning Jin on the seat with his head down.

As for him, he saw the twilight in the crowd almost at a glance. He suppressed his inner feelings, but the corners of his mouth rose unconsciously, and the atmosphere of oppression disappeared instantly. See dusk evening he is not anxious, have him in the side, this time she can run away?

His eyes locked the dusk, and he said in a deep voice, "who are you?" Dusk Xi pretends not to hear, bamboo repair bumped into the arm of dusk Xi, a hundred miles burn Jin eyes color sink, they have so familiar? "My name is Ximu," she said naturally

The man on the seat said with a light smile: "Ximu? Twilight? I can't even change my name, can I? Where did you hide my wife? " Dusk night rolled a white eye to think a little true back, so soon was found. She is ready to admit it, a group of burning silence palace man Ma pleaded: "Lord calm down, we know the character of Ximu, he will never hide his wife."

Bai Li Fen Jin said indifferently: "madam, I can't see it in front of you. I've hidden it for such a long time. I'll give you a chance to get the punishment myself." Dusk night doesn't care to walk to him and say: "to punish you to punish me, they are right."

The people in the burning silence palace stare at dusk. This is their wife?! Impossible?! But seeing their master's expression, it seems that's true. Bai Li Fen Jin hums coldly: "do you have such a good relationship with them? That's even more

Dushi said angrily, "don't be angry with other people about the problems between us." He said coldly, "are you angry with me because of them?" Dushi tried to control his emotions and said gently, "no, I think we should talk. Can you promise me not to anger them? "

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