Hundred Li burn Jin helplessly nodded, he to such dusk Xi have no power of parry. Except for the snow tree, everyone else left wisely. Bai Li Fen Jin glanced at him, and the snow tree suddenly said, "don't think I'm afraid of you. You haven't settled with you for bullying our little master."

"It's OK, he won't do anything to me. You go out first Snow tree stubborn way: "no, in case he bullies you." Bai Li Fen Jin couldn't bear it. He slapped him in the air. It happened that he could join Xu Yao, just because the means were cruel

Dusk Xi speechless looking at hundred Li burning Jin, is really simple and rude, hundred Li burning Jin motionless staring at dusk Xi, for fear that she ran like. Dusk night was staring at the hair, opening the first sentence is very make things, she said: "let's break up."

Hundred Li burn Jin suddenly body a tight, the body can't control the release of a trace of cold, seems to be able to swallow the air, his whole body black breath is very seeping. He stares at dusk, and doesn't know what he's thinking. Suddenly, dusk feels the change of his surroundings.

As if in a very dark place, she frowned and asked, "where is this? What are you bringing me here for? " Twilight night some fear, she has never seen such a hundred miles burn Jin, even if he is into the devil. He walked slowly towards dusk evening, stroked her face gently and said softly, "Xi'er, if you are not good, I will punish you. You'll stay here forever, and we'll never part

Dushi moved away his hand and said coldly, "do you still want to be charming in the golden house? Why do you provoke me when you have a fiancee, a childhood sweetheart and no guess? " "What fiancee? You're the only fiancee I have. "

"The people in the devil's land use the first beauty of the temple as a lure, while the infatuated first person of the temple takes risks and falls into the endless darkness alone. It's a man's story. " Bai Li Fen Jin suddenly embraces Mu Xi in her arms, buries her head in her shoulder and neck and says with a smile: "Xi'er is jealous. I thought you didn't want me. "

It's like a child who has been wronged. "Don't touch me, I'm not your third party or substitute," said twilight as she pushed him away He encircled dusk and said, "I don't want to. I don't just move. I'll move everywhere."

At dusk, the resistance failed, and he became more and more fierce. Seeing the appearance of dusk, he said, "I can't even remember her name. How can I have anything to do with her. At that time, because she had the treasure of the temple in her hand, and I was young and frivolous, I was imprisoned in the endless darkness. After coming out from there, I feel half of my foot has stepped into the evil way. "

He never told anyone about it. "It's strange that you people who burned the palace all know her. It can't come from nothing. " He must have had a bad time there.

Bai Li Fen Jin frowned and said, "it's all my fault. I only remember that she loved me since she was a child. At that time, I was very annoyed with her. But at that time, I worried too much. She was the princess of the temple. I had no choice but to let her. Then there was a rumor that I fell in love with her. I didn't explain it, so I took it as my default. Xi'er, can I go back to the temple and explain it clearly now? Xier, you can't do without me. "

What really annoys Mu Xi is that he has never talked about himself before, because he doesn't say anything. She really doesn't know him at all. Now Mu Xi has a sense of successful conspiracy. "Then tell me something about you in the temple," she said

He is not a good speaker. There is no time for him to talk about a cup of tea since he can remember, but Dushi is very satisfied. She put her arms around him and said, "no matter what happened before, I will be in your story in the future." Twilight can easily touch his heart.

He said slowly, "I've been in this world for 500000 years. I'll meet you for half a year, but I feel like I've lived in vain before. And now you are only 15 years old. When I think that you have been with me for thousands of years, I feel that I have made money. "

Twilight's age for him is not even a small change, really since childhood with him. Dusk and carefully way: "you in the endless darkness is not a lot of suffering?" He hugged dusk more tightly and said softly, "it's all over. It's not as bad as what you suffered when you left. "

After a moment's silence, he said, "shall we go out now?" Bai Li Fen Jin didn't answer, and the evening stabbed him on the shoulder. He just opened his mouth and said, "stay here with me for a few days." This is the space for Bai Li to burn Jin. At his level of cultivation, he can accommodate living creatures.

There are only one or two people in the world, but his space is much smaller than that of dusk. However, the space is very dark. Although it can accommodate living creatures, there is no life here, except for the two of them.

The dusk Xi dislikes to hundred Li burn Jin way: "here how nothing.". But it's just the right size. How about making a small home? " Bai Li Fen Jin likes the home that evening evening says very much, he smiles to evening evening evening way: "how do I want to do?"

"What style do you like?" she said Hundred Li burn Jin soft voice way: "you like good, you decide." Twilight night frowned and said, "no, this is the place where we will live together." He looks embarrassed.

He had never loved anything but twilight, and he thought that Twilight alone might fill all his life. Dusk night see him is really can't think of a reason, to his hand way: "forget it, I'll design you to operate it."

Evening quietly painting design draft, hundred Li burning Jin feel very satisfied. Xi'er is working for their little family. He can't help but kiss her secretly. Even Mu Xi doesn't care about him. Just don't get in the way of his work. So in the end, Mu Xi is held in his arms and finished the design draft.

Evening completely adopts the modern decoration method, a two-story small western style building, the top floor is mainly the bedroom, the bottom floor is mainly the hall, she thinks that with the strength of Bai Li Fen Jin, anything can be done. Next, Bai Li Fen Jin almost used all the power of the five elements.

Twilight has been in the next refueling fan rub shoulder, hundred Li burn Jin is not to miss the chance of twilight so obedient, always embrace Twilight meal. She asked weakly: "you always kiss and hold, how did you not respond? Is it really not possible? "

Hundred Li burn Jin again a burst of speechless way: "Xi son, this is the second time to ask.". It's the reaction that keeps pestering you. "

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