War in Heaven

Chapter 1031: Bloody storm


While Lin Chi sent a signal in consciousness, the "girl" around him had already perceived what he thought in his mind. At the moment when Lin Chi started to release the soul, his wrist had already sent a hot pain.


The invisible "space shield" rising from the front surrounded the four people on the side of Lin Chi. At the moment the shield was raised, everything in the vicinity was cut off, including the right hand of Lin Qiao holding the soul cage.

The soldiers haven't reacted to what happened. Lin Chi, who is only bleeding in the right hand, has already lit up the burning red eyes.

What followed was absolute silence.


The horrified expression of the wolf was dead on his face, and Jane was surprised and widened his eyes, standing in the barrier of absolute defense, and witnessing the amazing picture. Lin Chi even ignored the broken arm that was still bleeding, and stayed Look at the situation in front of you

The red clouds rushed out of the soul cage, twisted into countless face shapes, impacting the barriers around the crowd from all sides, the torn demonic soul did not make any sound when it broke, but the amazing The impact of the picture, but the people present are scared.

At this time, their feelings are like falling into the intestines of the monsters. The blood and flesh that keeps squirming around, the horrible death scent carries the super impact, and the bombardment of Jane creates the barrier. The late sights began to blur.

The twisted face is stuck to the outside of the transparent barrier, with a big mouth without teeth, and the twisted mouth is like shouting something. I thought these souls belonged to the imprisoned demons, but when they saw the desperate mourning of those guys, Lin Chi suddenly realized that these souls were not from the imprisoned demons, but—

"This is... the soul of the soldiers..."

Jane’s lips twitched slightly, with a little fear in her voice. “This is terrible. I have never seen this...”

It’s hard to get back from the very impactful picture. Lin Chi looked at his right arm that was still bleeding, and asked, “Can you stop bleeding?”

"Okay." Jane reacted at this time, using super power to carry out a simple hemostasis treatment for Lin's wound. After the wound no longer bleeds, Lin Chi wrapped up several bandages.

As he wounded, the desperate soul that enveloped the barrier finally began to dissipate.

The redness of the fog turned into dark red and began to infiltrate into the underground of the hall. The visibility that was close to zero suddenly increased a lot. In addition to the unconscious Zonia, the other three of them quickly saw the situation in the hall, and then...

"Man, you are so abnormal." Even the wolf couldn't help but close his eyes.

The soldiers who just came up and wanted to search for them, have been "burned" into dead bones, and the remaining flesh and blood and internal organs have emerged from the bottom of the bones. The most terrifying thing is the heart of several "corpses". Still beating vigorously under the gaze of Lin Chi and others...

If you are tossing a demon's soul and throwing it out in the city of Sodom or the frozen Savia Valley, there may be people who can defend it. But for the soldiers of the City of Chaos, this kind of attack is not only beyond their tolerance, but also completely beyond their imagination limit.

In addition to the 30 soldiers in the hall, thousands of people around the headquarters of the Silver Shield have now become burnt bones, a strong wind blew, the flesh on the bones rises to the sky, the cruel picture Lin couldn't help but recall the moment when the "Blood God" was resurrected.

"God, please forgive our sins..." The wolf, who usually does not see any religious beliefs, has begun to pray.

"Okay, remove the barrier." Seeing the dark red mist disappeared, Lin Chi nodded to Jane.

"Ah? Oh! Right!" The youngster who had lost his mind finally reacted, and he was relieved of the absolute defense shield around the crowd. His face was still full of horror.

Even for the soldiers of the Soviet superpowers, this picture is a rare "exquisite scene." Looking at the fallen corpses, the armored vehicles and tanks that were parked in place, and the helicopters that crashed. I don't know what Lin Chi did, and even wondered if his master had summoned the **** of death.

All the living creatures except the four of them in this area were killed by the previous blow. It was completely destroyed and there was no living!

However, Lin Chi, who had seen the "big scene" in the city of Sodom, was not surprised. He used his left hand to pick up the soul cage that was not far away and stuffed the stuff back into the backpack.

- This kind of horrible combination technique can only be used together with Zhen. Seeing the violent power of "freeing the soul", Lin Chi also decisively threw the equipment into the deepest part of the backpack, ready to completely seal the gadget.

Lin Chi is very clear. If there is no cover for Jane, the first one to die is definitely himself. He does not have the hobby of self-destruction. He is also a decisive choice for this kind of suicide.

"Leave here, leave the rest to us." Lin Chi stunned the wolf who was still in a state of paralysis.

After a kick in the back, the wolf, who was still sitting on the ground, finally came back and nodded. "Good guy, then I will go first. You continue, please take your own way!"

After witnessing the picture just now, the three views that the wolf had already stabilized were almost completely destroyed. Under the circumstance of the wise value, he can still maintain normal at this time. It is already very difficult...

The gangster struggled to drag his comatose wife to the outside of the Silver Shield headquarters. Lin Chi looked at the teenager around him and strode to the only elevator in the building that was still in operation.

- The demon who just took it is to take the elevator from the ground floor to the second floor. After the bombardment of the demon soul, the part of the ground of the Silver Shield headquarters should be no living, and the surviving survivors should have been hiding underground.

"Follow me, let's find the '21'." Lin Chi said standing in front of the elevator door and pressing the down button.

The elevator quickly arrived on the first floor. The two entered the elevator and pressed the "b4" button. The elevator made a dull squeak and moved toward the secret area hidden in the underground.

The underground structure of the building is no different from the parts on the ground. After leaving the elevator, the two immediately entered a long corridor.

Lin Chi put on the night vision device and saw that all the doors in the office area were open, but there was no one inside. The silver shield staff who used to handle the official duties here should have run out.

There was no time to check what was hidden in these offices. Lin Chi and Jane quickly entered the central area on the fourth floor of the underground. In the square area that looked like a warehouse, they found a large amount of goods piled up in the corner and could not be moved.

"The organization responsible for security work in the city turned out to be drug trafficking. It is really a worldly trend." Lin Chi said with emotion.

Looking at the white "bricks" that piled up into mountains, you don't have to say much about what those things are. It seems that my previous inference is correct, and collusion with the 21st, monopolizing the city's drug trade, is the city's largest pc institution - Silver Shield Security Company!

These seemingly ugly criminals from the Silver Shield are actually the most ugly criminals in the city. The goods they protect and sell can be said to be the most evil "devil creatures" in the world. The family is fragmented, and the successful young and promising person becomes a drug addict who is starving the streets.

"Destroy these things." Lin Chi gave Jane a simple order.

The teenager nodded, and several piles of goods in the warehouse collapsed. The white powder inside began to "evaporate", as if it had been dissolved, it disappeared completely.

Lin entered the warehouse that was cleaned up and saw that the ground of the warehouse was covered with messy tire tracks, and several new tire prints were extended to a tunnel in the west of the warehouse.

- It seems that the 21st should be running from the underground passage when the battle is on the ground. In this underground base, there must be a secret escape route. Even if it is chasing now, I am afraid it is too late.

However, in such a hasty situation, the drug lord will surely drop some information or something, as long as they can find their previous delivery records, their goals will be completed.

“Is this guy really selling ‘illusory agents’?”

Lin Chi searched from the nearby office and found out a dozen CDs that didn't know what to store, as well as a lot of u disks and a few mobile hard drives, stuffing those things into their backpacks. Until it is determined that there are no other things that may provide clues, take the elevator back to the upper three floors.

Following the "Three Lights Principle" to search the entire underground area of ​​the Silver Shield headquarters, Lin Chi took all the portable storage devices that he could take away, and even found an epic long knife in an office. After a meticulous search, almost the entire building has been turned over, and this is a satisfying one.

"Okay, let's go." He smiled at Jane.

I have already got something that might provide clues, and now I don't have to stay here anymore.

When the two returned to the lobby of the first floor of the Silver Shield headquarters, the time was already two o'clock in the afternoon, and there was still no one to deal with the blood around the headquarters.

——The soldiers at the headquarters of the Silver Shield have been killed and killed. The army that came to support all died under the “release of the soul”. Even if there are other people, after seeing the terrible picture here, they should not dare to come over. .

As the Silver Shield Security Company was destroyed, the “overnight mechanism” in the chaotic city seemed to have completely failed. After all, according to the original wanted rules, Lin will soon enter the highest wanted to trigger the reward task, but now he has not even triggered a star, still in a state of "sit and walk."

"Let's go, it's too disgusting..." Jane looked at the eyes of those bodies, with undisguised disgust.

"Well, it’s really amazing." Lin Chi said that he quickly entered the square, bypassed several armored vehicles parked in front of the square, found a green jeep that had not been turned off, and dragged the soldiers’ bones down. Sit in the **** driver's seat.

"Trouble you to clean it," he said.

Jane immediately disposed of the blood in the car, making this jeep that had been covered with blood become as clean as new. Lin Chi stepped on the gas pedal and quickly left the Silver Shield headquarters with one hand and drove to the chaotic city. street.

- The scene in the city is as "peaceful" as in peacetime.

The citizens did not notice that the silver shield guards on the street disappeared. They are still moving in the usual pace. Several couples on the street are kissing in front of the flower beds. Some office workers who have just come out of the subway station are rushing. Go to the destination.

Today's city of chaos is as peaceful as ever. After getting used to obeying the order, even if those who maintain order are gone, the citizens are still in peace, no difference.

However, the Lions who are in conflict with the Silver Shield may soon break the order of the city.

In fact, Lin Chi is more concerned about the "rules" of this game.

With the silver shield being destroyed, in the next game, the full-band scanning event should not happen again. The large-scale plot event that encourages the player to kill each other will definitely become something else.

- That is to say, your own actions have forcibly changed the story in this game, and even the rules have changed!

Switching to other players to complete this "feat", maybe you can blow for a year, but Lin Chi is too lazy to show off this kind of thing, just drive back all the way back to the safe house, and Jane enters the living room, Mason who has retreated before, already in Waiting in the house.

"Well, everyone, there is something busy next." Lin Chi said to take out two laptops from the backpack and plundered from the Silver Shield headquarters and put them on the coffee table in the living room.

Even with Jane's super powers, it is impossible to directly analyze the contents of various storage devices that he has obtained. In order to find the information on the 21st, what Lin has to do now is to view the information in these storage devices.

Since Dalien is not here, he can't crack the devices with passwords at the moment, but it is also a good choice to filter them first and read all the devices without passwords.

"I don't know how to use a computer..." Jane shook his head.

"Then we have two to look at first?" Lin Chi turned his eyes to Mason sitting on the sofa.

Mason turned on the laptop, took a dvd from Lin Chi and put it in the CD-ROM drive. The eyes staring at the screen bent slightly.

"There are two video files, the title is ‘gay-porn-video’, do you want to see it?”

"Forget it, keep checking other."

Lin Chi smiled a little, opened another laptop, plugged in a gray shell u disk, and began to view the contents stored inside.


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