War in Heaven

Chapter 1032: Devil's invitation


The woman who had been in a coma opened her mouth and made a vague voice. Zinnia slowly opened her eyes and saw that she was lying on the dilapidated sofa. The black tights on her body were not taken off when they changed. It became a men's shirt and shorts.

"What to do..." she was shocked.

Zenya knows very well that his super-strong combat power is actually given by the latest US military combat system in his tights. It is a nano-robot developed by the military research institute to make the user's movements more sensitive. .

Without the suit, his combat power has dropped directly to several levels, returning to the level of ordinary soldiers. Even more deadly is that I am still hurt myself.

Realizing that he might be captured, and still haven't figured out what happened, Zenia has sat up, but suddenly she has a pain in her chest and her body squats on the sofa again.

At this time, her location is a poorly lit living room, heavy curtains are tight, and in the ashtray on the coffee table, several cigarettes are still emitting white smoke.

Zenia tried to reach out and grab the ashtray as a self-defense weapon, only to find that her body was completely out of power. At this time, behind her, there was a familiar male voice:

"you're awake?"

"Miscellaneous..." Zenia whispered.

"Don't be angry, I am forced to do so." The wolf walked over and stalked. Just looking at his hunchback, he knew that he had definitely not hurt.

"If it wasn't for me that saved you, you are already there." There was a faint smile on the face of the wolf.

"I would rather die," Zenia whispered.

In front of her, the wolf finally unloaded the mask and revealed his true feelings. For a middle-aged man in his forties, his face is older than the real age, and the two white spots are wrinkled and vicissitudes. It seems that at least sixty years old.

"I know that you hate me, and I hate that I made the wrong choice at the time. But... give me a chance, I am already atonement."

The wolf said to put the basin on the coffee table and take out the wet towel inside and hand it to his ex-wife: "I don't want anything, we will part ways in the future, don't bother each other, how?"

"You thought it would be clear, I didn't let you save me." Zenia reached out and touched the knife on her face. Even so, her expression was slightly softer.

- The deceased is unable to resurrect, even if she regrets again, her daughter can no longer come back.

Over the years, I have always wanted to retaliate against the husband who made a big mistake, but when I saw that the guy was still taking care of himself, even if he was injured, Zenia felt a strange feeling in his heart.

Then, the words of the wolf made her more panicked:

"At that time... didn't make the best effort."

"I just want to kill you." Zenia retorted.

"No, if you really want to kill me, I should have died there." The wolf sat on the wooden chair opposite Zenia and looked at the woman who once loved her, but now she turned her head: "You It’s definitely a matter of mercy.”

Zenia is silent.

Even if she didn't want to admit it, she knew very well that she did not choose to kill the man when she was fighting the man in the hall of the Silver Shield headquarters. In that battle, he hesitated more than once.

"Whatever you say, I want to leave here..."

Zenia struggled to stand up, and the wounded body still couldn’t make any effort. Watching her wriggle with stupid movements, the wolf couldn’t help but laugh again:

"Don't force it anymore, maybe it will break."

"You are going to die..." Zenia groaned, still giving up the plan to get up, unable to lay back on the sofa.

"Don't think I will thank you," she said.

"I didn't think so much." The wolf smiled and said: "You leave me a life, I will take you away, we are even."

--Is that right?

Zenya closed her eyes, and there seemed to be a picture of a few decades ago. In the resident of the Marine Corps, the first time I met this man, it was still vivid.

"Well, after the incident, we will be clear, I will leave the city." Zenia said weakly: "But I want to remind you, don't rob the bank again, or I will come back and take you The head was cut and thrown into the Pacific Ocean."

"Hah, have you figured it out?" The wolf showed a surprise expression. He asked in a sentence: "Can you still be friends in the future?"

"Impossible, I hate you for this idiot." Zenia shook her head immediately.

"Okay..." The wolf sighed.

Seeing his ex-wife is not a big problem, this relieved old man returns to the bedroom in the hiding place and opens the radio to contact his partner before acting with him.

"What's wrong?" There was a voice of a man who was "lazy".

"Hey, I just want to say thank you to you, man." The wolf said seriously: "You made me get a second life..."

"Don't say so numb." Lin Chi laughed at the other end of the radio, then suddenly turned around and asked: "Is interested in joining us?"

"Ah?" The wolf did not respond for a while.

"I have formed a mercenary organization, and there are not many members at present. My two partners are members of the organization, and you have already seen them."

Lin Chi throws an olive branch to the robber who is marked as "unrecognizable" by the system: "Would you like to join us? You usually do what you want to do. It doesn't matter if you leave the station. Just be me when I need you to take the handle. The partner is just fine."

When the words came out, the wolf did not know how to answer it.

After seeing the man’s horrible killing method, the wolf had already had some fear of the man. The pictures that countless souls have hit, and now I still feel scared when I think about it.

However, the other party did indeed make himself redeemed, and his ex-wife, who had turned his back against himself, is now temporarily reconciled.

The wolf knows that if there is no man and his men, he will die in the hands of the soldiers of Silver Shield even if he does not die in the hands of Zenia.

He thought for a while, and gave a reply slowly: "I haven't thought about it yet... Give me a day, I will definitely reply to you tomorrow, man."

"Then I am waiting for your reply, there is still something here, first hang up." Lin Chi's voice quickly disappeared, leaving only the murmur of the channel in Shasha.

Putting down the walkie-talkie, the wolf looked up at the mirror hanging on the wall. Since the face was not used for a long time, the vicissitudes of the mirror looked strange.

- Want to join the man's mercenary organization? It seems very interesting. Since I can't continue to rob myself in the future, it seems that participating in the mercenary group is also a good choice...

The wolf frowned and leaned against the door and began to think.

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