War in Heaven

Chapter 1090: Radiant life

The hot wind whistling through the streets, filled with the radiance of various "monsters", exuding inexplicable joy.

I don't know if the brain was burnt down by radiation, and the residents here look very happy. Unlike the ghostly place of the “Hell Capital”, the smiles of the residents of the Land of Light are obviously from the heart.

Even though many sentinels have just died in the city, the faces of the radiation people are still full of smiles. Even the hawkers who sell goods on the roadside are very happy, and they are enthusiastic about the passing of Lin:

"Young man, do you want to buy some radiation dust? The price is very cheap!"

"I didn't bring any money." Lin Chi shook his head.

"That's a pity, welcome to the next visit!" The hawker with four eyes on his face said with a smile.

Next to the hawker's simple stall, Lin Chi focused his eyes on a tin can next to the other's booth. Several "gems" in the jar sparkled in the dim daylight.

In retrospect, I saw someone holding this kind of thing to trade, and Lin Chi’s heart is probably counting: It seems that the common currency of the land of light should be such a suspected gem.

Unfortunately, there isn’t even a dime in my pocket...

I looked at the smiling hawker and noticed the "shark fin" evolved on the other's arm. In order to avoid being beaten to death by the other party, Lin Chi gave up the idea of ​​directly robbing this person and continued in this strange city. Sightseeing.

In the principle of leisure and entertainment, his gameplay is also extraordinarily relaxed and leisurely. Even if the sentinels are headed for the direction of the battle, Lin Chi has no intention of killing other players in the past, but instead avoids the battle zone. After strolling around the city, there is quite a feeling of "big hidden in the city."

The city is made of discarded steel, twisted and twisted without any symmetry and balance, but with a strange and strange beauty.

Several pieces of artillery shells that looked like depleted uranium armor-piercing bullets were inserted on the street with plastic chairs mounted on them. The tired pedestrians rested on the chairs, and the rough and hard facial skin was full of wrinkles and opened their mouths. Expose your own fluorescent teeth.

Everything in the land of light is almost always with a very high radiation value. From the figures observed by Lin Chi on the Geiger counter, ordinary people don’t say that they are entering the city. When they receive the physical examination of the sentinel, The body will be overwhelmed and directly smashed.

The deadly radiation to ordinary people has become the source of life for the residents of the land of light. Lin slowly walked through a metal wall and looked at the graffiti and slogans on the wall sideways. He couldn’t help but laugh:

What appears in the line of sight are some children sitting on a "black and hard" nuclear bomb-shaped object, and the children who are holding books are studying hard. In the background behind them, a cluster of nuclear explosion mushroom clouds is rising. Two lines of large characters are written at the top of the picture, indicating the creator's attitude:

"Children are the hope of the future and should thrive in radiation."

"Caring for children, giving children more radiation, let them grow up healthily!"

This slogan is true and reasonable, and it makes sense that Lin Chi will not know how to refute it. After this graffiti, he saw several children jumping out of the corner of the street, carrying a bag with a circular arc-shaped radiation icon, chatting happily:

"I watched TV last night? Mr. Roentgen is so handsome! Male god!"

"I still prefer Madame Curie. Without her, we can't eat radium, and her portrait is very beautiful..."

"Get it, you only know how to look at women, it's really boring."

Listening to the "innocent" chats of these children, the subtle egg pains are born, and the children living here seem to have changed since childhood.

A little boy has three hands, and one girl next to it has three legs. The two stand together and are inexplicably matched, revealing a sense of harmony.

Unlike the adults in the city, these children's skin is very smooth, close to the level of normal people, and is similar to Lin Qi's wanderers.

When I saw Lin Chi, the little boy snorted and went to him curiously and asked: "You are also a student?"

"Hey..." The girl with three legs under the skirt next to her, the boy holding the three hands dragged him away, and whispered in her mouth: "Mom said that the older 'slippery' is a tramp, very dangerous. ,move!"

- If you want to get mixed in this city, is it necessary to make the skin rough?

Thinking of this, Lin Chi sighed and turned to leave the school gate of the "Nuclear Spring Primary School" and walked to the depths of the land of light.

Before coming, he thought that the map before entering the game would be as nonsense as peacetime. Now it seems that the content of the map is indeed the truth: for the radiation people, the "land of light" is really a paradise.

However, even in this paradise on earth, there will be discordant things:

"Don't run! Sentinel, it's him!"

Lin Chi was wandering on the street, and suddenly an angry female voice was heard. He thought that the other person was yelling at himself, and he was subconsciously trying to pull out the weapon, but he saw a person wearing a heavy "space suit" by his side, suddenly began. Strode to run.

"Discover the original man and kill him!"

With the screams of the sentinels, the grenade had already been hit, Lin Chi, who was walking on the street, rushed to the side of the road with other passers-by, avoiding the escape route of the "primitive man."

- This is the "primitive man" in the legend that cannot withstand radiation?

Since entering this game, Lin Chi, who encountered the "normal person" for the first time, seems to have encountered rare animals and curiously watched the person escaping quickly on the street.

His speed can be said to be very fast, but unfortunately it is still less than a grenade. After a few grenades, the original human body was blown apart, and the blackened remains were still smoking, as if they were burnt barbecue.

"Beyond the distance, the primitive man is coming to destroy. He may carry dangerous goods on his body!" The sentinels waved to passers-by to stay close, and several people walked up alertly, encircling the primitive human body.

They examined the primitive human body and found nothing unusual. Then they took out the black bag, threw the original broken body and picked up the bag and left the street.

"Is it pitiful, is the primitive man here looking for death?" A young man with a head in the street and a v-shaped sarcasm said: "It’s not good to hide in your own cave? These poor worms."

After witnessing the short-lived battle, Lin Chi did not say anything. He quickly left the street that was still smoking, and the black spots left on the ground were quickly disposed of by the cleaners.

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