War in Heaven

Chapter 1091: Recruiting wasteland explorers

- It's time to get some money.

Touching his dry pockets, Lin Chi looked around and began to look for signs of recruitment on the street.

Just after encountering an RP player, Lin Chi, who was planning to fish in this game, also started a "play" and entered the role-playing state.

Although playing RP has a lot to play, it may lead to schizophrenia. It is also interesting to come to an occasion. At this time, Lin Chi began to think about what he should do next with the perspective of a real wasteland wanderer. Then decisively chose to find a place to work.

As a newly arrived “slippery skin” in the city, you want to get a currency that can buy radiation dust, and working is undoubtedly the most practical choice.

Lin Chi looked for it and found a notice on the wall next to the street labeled "Recruitment". He walked over and began reading the above text:

“Wasteland Explorer” recruits new people and can apply for work experience. As long as the body is healthy enough, you can join us and get rich rewards.

Turn left two hundred meters to see our signboard. Come on, join the waste explorer and experience the thrilling adventure while making money.

"This seems to be a good look..." Lin Chi stared at the notice.

He was about to turn and leave to find the so-called "waste explorer", and an old man passing by suddenly spoke:

"Skin, are you new here?"

"Yes." Lin Chi, who had already answered this question, reached out and touched his dusty cheek and asked, "What happened?"

"The 'waste explorer' is a lie, and none of the people they recruited came back alive." The old man picked up his own eyes with three scorpions and looked at Lin Qiao’s face: "Look at you as a newcomer, I am I will remind you. You are still young, if you die, it will be bad..."

"Thank you, but I am still going to see it." Lin Chi smiled.

After the old man reminded him, Lin Chi had a stronger interest in the “disaster explorer”. If this organization really is doing a thrilling adventure like what is said in the recruitment notice, it is definitely better for itself.

"You are going to die?" the old man sighed.

"I like this adventure." Lin Chi has already entered the role of the wanderer: "I have traveled from afar to this place, and I have experienced many along the way..."

"I have done it, I can't bother to listen to your 'glorious history', little boy, I have eaten more uranium ore than you have ever seen." The old man shook his head and turned and left: "You go to die, anyway It’s not my business.”

Saying goodbye to the good-hearted people on the street, Lin Chi turned left at the intersection in front of the text on the notice, and saw the red big sign with the words “Disposal Explorer”.

The building, which was converted from several scrapped infantry fighting vehicles, stands directly below the signboard, and has its own protective armored wall. The name of the “Wasteland Explorer” is painted with red paint, and a wing is also painted next to it. The soaring eagle looks very heroic.

Lin Chi stood in front of the iron gate of the waste-explorer building and reached out and knocked on the door of the "infantry chariot" and said, "Is there anyone? I came to apply."

"Come in." There was a lazy female voice in the armored car, and the metal door in front of Lin Chi began to open slowly.

Lin Chi bent down and drilled the progressive chariot, walked down several metal steps and found that the space inside the house was much more spacious than he had imagined.

The waste nest explorer's nest is only borrowed from the outer shell of the infantry fighting vehicle. The main building is actually a basement.

The mad industrial metal continually reverberates in the room, swaying Lin Chi's eardrum, and several fluorescent lamps installed inside the infantry fighting vehicle's outer casing, which brightens the basement.

On the wall of the basement, there are several shelves with some seemingly useless things. A rectangular table is displayed in the middle of the room with a map on it.

The woman who was talking to Lin Chi just sat on an iron chair at the table and closed her eyes. She kept dark red hair and covered her face with a dark mask, wearing a denim jacket and black. The short skirt, the heel of the long leather boots are even fitted with metal gears, and they are dressed in a punk style.

"Hello, rookie." The woman opened her eyesless brown eyes and raised her exceptionally smooth hand and waved at Lin.

Lin Chi looked at the other person's clean and white skin, and the skin of the person who was different from the radiation, asked: "You are also 'slippery'?"

"Ha..." The woman whispered softly and stretched out the mask on her face, revealing the half face that had just been blocked: "What are you talking about?"

"Nothing, I admit it wrong." Lin Chi smiled.

The skin in this other part of the woman was normal, but the skin from both sides of the bridge of the nose to the chin disappeared, revealing a gray skull and dry muscles attached to the bones.

"Sliding skin, I guess you are very short of money now, will come to me to apply."

Speaking of this, half of the face is a sly woman, licking sharp teeth, bending her eyebrows and showing a sly smile: "But beforehand, my work here is very dangerous, I think you should have heard some bad rumors. ""

"I am used to danger." Lin Chi smiled.

"The same person who came here said the same thing. Now his body should still be on the wasteland, and it is almost like a vulture." The short-haired woman said seriously: "Think first, as long as you sign the contract, you can't look back. Leather bird."

"Give me the contract." Lin Chi said without hesitation.

Seeing his firm appearance, the woman laughed again and spewed a black blood in her mouth: "You are no different from those who are crazy. Welcome to join the waste explorer. I am the leader of this organization. ”

With her voice, the NPC has a red 骷髅 icon and a line of text:

"Wasteland Explorer"? ? ? , heroic NPC, can be recruited (to complete the task).

"Hah, it’s really right..." Lin couldn’t help but laugh.

Although the shape of this woman is very curious, Lin Chi will not miss the heroic NPC that can be recruited. Even if I didn't successfully recruit this entourage, as long as I was familiar with her, I would definitely get a lot of information about the land of light.

As for the "danger" that she said in her mouth, there is nothing to worry about for Lin Chi, who has experienced many abnormal "thrilling" situations in the war paradise.

I took a blank sheet of paper from the woman and randomly signed the pseudonym of "Wolf" below. Lin Chi returned the paper to the woman and asked: "When does the work begin?"

"I’m leaving right away.” The woman’s self-cooked appearance took a shot of Lin Chi’s shoulder:

"Sliding rookie, let me see how long you can."

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